Biographical Sketch of George H. Moser

George H. Moser, a well known and successful homeopathic physician of Arcola, was born in Auburn, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1859, and is the son of John Moser, a native of the same state. His mother was Alvinia Hellig, who was a descendant of Quaker ancestry. The Moser family are descendants of the Dutch, whose lineage is traced back by some of the members to Daniel Moser, who made his settlement in Pennsylvania in the year 1799.

Doctor Moser came west and early in life turned his attention to the study of medicine. After a thorough preparation he entered the Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, at St. Louis, which is one of the leading medical institutions of the west, and was graduated with distinguished honors in the class of 1889-90. He immediately entered upon the practice of his profession at Belleville, Illinois, where he remained in active practice for two years. Then he removed to Bond County, where he was located until 1895, when, on the 12th of October, in the same year, he came to Arcola. He came here with a fixed purpose of making Arcola and vicinity his field of work, and time has proven that he has made no mistake in his location. He almost immediately got into a paying practice, and within the last year he has all the business that he could possibly attend to.

Dr. Moser is a splendid judge of human nature, a close observer and skilled in the diagnosis of his patients. Affable and approach-able, he has within a very short time made a host of substantial friends. On December 10, 1881, he was united in marriage and has three children: Lola, Viola and Hattie.



Gresham, John M. Historical and Biographical Record of Douglas County, Illinois Logansport, Indiana: Press of Wilson, Humphreys & Co. 1900.

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