Biography of Thomas Henry Acklam

Thomas Henry Acklam, who has been a lifelong resident of Racine County, now makes his home on section 35, Mount Pleasant Township, and since 1S92 has resided upon this place, which comprises one hundred and thirty-five acres. Its improvements are all the work of his hands and its excellent appearance indicates his careful supervision and progressive methods. From early boyhood his attention has been given to the work of the fields. He was born in Racine, August 29, 1852, and is a son of George W. and Harriett (Bean) Acklam. In his youthful days he attended the common schools and when not busy with his textbooks worked upon the home farm with his stepfather until he reached the age of twenty-one. Starting out in life on his own account, he was employed as a farm hand for three years, but ambitious to engage in business for himself, he rented land in Mount Pleasant Township. Fifteen years were passed in the cultivation of land belonging to others and during that period he saved sufficient money to enable him to purchase his present farm of one hundred and thirty-five acres in Mount Pleasant Township. In the intervening period of almost a quarter of a century he has made many excellent improvements upon his place, which is now most attractive in appearance and which responds readily to the care and labor he bestows upon the fields, for he keeps his land in good condition through the rotation of his crops and cultivates the place according to modern methods.

In 1877 Mr. Acklam was united in marriage to Miss Martha E. Roskelley, a daughter of Richard and Jane (Rule) Roskelley. To them have been born nine children, as follows: Edmond, living in Racine, who wedded Miss Maud Osborn and has one child; Alice May, who is the wife of John A. De Moulpied and has two children; Elmer W., who married Miss Annie Davis, by whom he has two children; George W., who wedded Miss Charlotte Dean; Jane Esther, the wife of William Davis, by whom she has one child, and Clarence Stanley, Harriett McKinley, Herbert Lester and Ella Elizabeth, all at home.

In his political views Mr. Acklam is an earnest republican and for twenty years has served as pathmaster, doing much to keep the roads in good condition. For a similar period he has been a member of the school board and the cause of education finds in him a stalwart champion. He likewise attends the Congregational church, which indicates his interest in the moral development and progress of the community. That his has been a well spent life is attested by the fact that his fellow townsmen speak of him in terms of high regard.


Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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