1867 Plymouth County Massachusetts Directory, Rivet Manufacturers to Surveyors

Rivet Manufacturers

Cobb Benj. & Co., Kingston
Old Colony Rivet Co., Hall Bros. & Co., Plymouth
Cobb & Drew, Plymouth
Plymouth Tack and Rivet Works, Samuel Loring, propr., Plymouth
Plymouth Mills, J. Farris, Agent, Plymouth

Rolling Mills (See also Iron Manufacturers)

Lazell, Perkins & Co., Bridgewater
Rogers & Sheldon, East Bridgewater
Robinson Iron Co., Plymouth
Wood N. & Co., Plymouth

Sawing and Planing Mills 

Gurney D.B., Abington
Reed B. & T. & S. East Abington
Reed A. S. & Co., North Abington
Packard E. & Co. North Bridgewater
Barnes E. & J. C., Plymouth
Cole & Jenkins, Scituate

Saw Mills (See also Shingle and Box Mills)

Dunbar, Hobart & Whidden, South Abington
Hollingsworth Lyman, Bridgewater
Holmes Jacob, Carver
Savery Wm. (steam) Carver
Ward Benjamin, Carver
Cole H. G. & Co., North Carver
Shurtleff L. & Co., South Carver
Chandler C. H., W. Duxbury
Keen Isaac, Duxbury
Peterson Stephen, Duxbury
Carver E. & Co., Halifax
Brooks John, Hanover
Gardner Thomas J., Hanover
Bourne William, Hanson
Gushing Elijah, Hanson
Hobart & Harding, Hanson
Monroe Ethan, Hanson
Hathaway Alex., Marion
Hiller Barnabas, Marion
Parlow Brothers, Marion
Chandler Simeon B., Marshfield
Dunham H. C., Marshfield
Hatch Samuel, Marshfield
Bolles Solomon E., Mattapoisett
Dexter E. & Son, Mattapoisett
Ellis Jarvis, Mattapoisett
Ellis Thomas, Mattapoisett
Tinkham Abraham, Mattapoisett
Tinkham Clark, Mattapoisett
Tinkham Isaac, Mattapoisett
Town Mills, Mattapoisett
Cox George, Middleboro
Harlow Ivory H, Middleboro
Namasket Man. Co., Middleboro
Benson Stillman, South Middleboro
Howard W. & T., North Bridgewater
Sprague G., North Bridgewater
Bonney J. S., Plympton
Hayward Martin, Plympton
Jenkins Bro. & Co., Plympton
King & Lewis, Rochester
Clapp Thomas, Scituate
Clapp John, South Scituate
Jacobs B. & B., Scituate
Torrey D. Jr., Scituate
Kenney Lewis, South Wareham
Ames O. & Sons, West Bridgewater

Saw Manufacturers

Andrews M. Bridgewater

Scale and Balance Manuf. 

Churchill Benj., Wareham

Seed Sower

Reynolds Messrs, North Bridgewater

Sewing Machines

Donovan C. (also findings) East Abington
Shaw Sumner, East Abington
Wheeler E. A.
Scott Walter, North Bridgewater

Sewing Machine Needles

Howard Charles, North Bridgewater
Packard J. W., North Bridgewater

Shingle Mills (See also Saw Mills)

Guiney D. B., Abington
Chandler Charles H., Duxbury
Keen Isaac, West Duxbury
Phillips & Co., East Bridgewater
Carver E. & Go., Halifax
Barstow Edwin, Hanover
Curtis George, Hanover
Dyer Charles, Hanover
Stetson Thomas, Hanover
Monroe Ethan, Hanson
Hinds Sumner, Lakeville
Westgate C. T., Lakeville
Miller Barnabas, Marion
Hathaway Alexander, Marion
Parlow Bros, (box boards), Marion
Dunham Heney C. Marshfield
Hatch Ichabod, West Marshfield
Bolles S. E., Mattapoisett
Dexter E. & Son, Mattapoisett
Cowen Abner P., Mattapoisett
Ellis Jarvis, Mattapoisett
Tinkham Abraham P., Mattapoisett
Jones Seth L. Pembroke
Barnes E. & J. C., Plymouth
Bonney J. S., Plympton
King & Lewis, Rochester
Rounseville Alden, Jr., Rochester
Alger Warren L., West Bridgewater
Beals & Eddy, Bridgewater

Ship Block Manufacturers 

Brown Nathaniel, Plymouth
Turner David, Plymouth

Ship Builders 

Keen Nath’l P., Duxbury
Keen Wm. P., Duxbury
Paulding William, Duxbury
Holmes Edward, Duxbury
Barstow N. H. & H., Mattapoisett
Cannon Brothers, Mattapoisett
Holmes Josiah jr. & Bro., Mattapoisett
Waterman & Barstow, South Scituate

Ship Carpenters (See also Carpenters also Ship Joiners)

Chandler J. W., Duxbury
Keen N. P., Duxbury
Cudworth John, Hanover
Cox Wm. R., Plymouth
Kendrick Asa, Plymouth

Ship Joiners (See also Skip Carpenters.)

Boodry Dennis S., Mattapoisett
Hiller Prince, Mattapoisett

Shipsmiths (See also Blacksmiths)

Faunce Zenas, Duxbury
Barstow Edwin, (anchors) Hanover
Curtis George, Hanover
Barton James, Hanover
Shaw Ichabod, Plymouth

Ships Wheels

Leavitt A. L., Hingham

Soap and Candle Manufacturers

Brown & Lawton, Bridgewater
Pratt Isaac & Son, South Hanson
Hammond Wm. Mattapoisett
Alger Cyrus, West Bridgewater

Soda Water Manufacturers 

Nash Sylvanus, Abington


Folsom H., Abington
Whiting Wm. H., Abington
Burrell A. East Abington
Whiting F. T., East Abington
Shaw Jacob 2d, East Abington
Wood George W., East Abington
Randall H., North Abington
Whitmarsh F. L., North Abington
Hersey Jason, South Abington
Estes Calvin, Bridgewater
Keith Thomas, Bridgewater
King D. Francis, Bridgewater
Dunham John, South Carver
Sampson Eben S., Duxbury
Witherell G. W., Duxbury
Griffin Alfred, East Bridgewater
Waterman John, Bridgewater
Howard Frank, Hanover
White Joseph, Hanson
Bailey Caleb, Hingham
Bassett George, Hingham
Taft Silas W., Hingham
Turner George, Hingham
Hersey W., Hull
Vining A., Hull
Cushman Josiah, Kingston
Foster A. B., Kingston
Hadley Andrew, Marion
Hallett Eben A., Mattapoisett
Cole James jr., Middleboro
Fuller Marcus, Middleboro
Vaughan S. H., Middleboro
Bennett E. E., North Bridgewater
Burke E., North Bridgewater
Cobb Tyler, North Bridgewater
Porter A. S., North Bridgewater
Webber .James, Campello, Bridgewater
Bartlett Stephen, Plymouth
Chandler Albert C., Plymouth
Drew George A., Plymouth
Whiting George A., Plymouth
Torrey W. S., Scituate
Brooks E. F., South Scituate
Nickerson W. T., Wareham
Fuller John S., West Wareham
Thompson David, Wareham
Bates Winslow H. West Bridgewater
Beurke Wm. H., West Bridgewater
Holmes John, Bridgewater
Peckham Alfred, Bridgewater
Peckham N. A., Bridgewater
Pratt S. L., Bridgewater

Stamp and Stencil Cutters (See also Die Sinkers)

Thomas H. O., North Bridgewater

Stationers (See also Books and Stationery)

Clapp B. R., North Bridgewater
Thomas H. O., Bridgewater

Stave Mills

Kenney Lewis, South Wareham

Steam Engine Builders (See also Machinists also Boiler Makers)

Lazell, Perkins & Co., Bridgewater

Stone Cutters and Dealers

Clark Robert, Plymouth
Parlow G. W., Marion

Stove Dealers and Tinsmiths 

Ripley Wm., Abington
Littlefield J. P. East Abington
Cloud H. H. North Abington
Holbrook Loring, South Abington
Fairbanks & Poole, Bridgewater
Fairbanks J. H., Bridgewater
Jewett Charles H., Bridgewater
Clark Willard, Duxbury
Johnson Wm., East Bridgewater
Gill Charles, Hingham
Loring B. &. I. W., Hingham
Myrick Wm. H., Kingston
Kelley H. H., Marion
Atsatt E. S., Mattapoisett
Doane G. H., Middleboro
Harvey L. D., N. Bridgewater
Drew Wm. R., Plymouth
Harlow & Barnes, Plymouth
Whitten & Holmes, Plymouth
Waterman Andrew J., Scituate
Stoddard E., North Scituate
Bent Isaac B. Wareham
Burbank Walter D., Wareham

Stove Manufacturers (See also Iron Founders)

Myrick Wm. H. Kingston
Plymouth Iron Foundry, Plymouth
Forbes D. West Bridgewater


Nye J. B. B., Marion

Straw Goods Manufacturers

Bay State Straw Works, Albert Alden, Middleboro


Kingman P. D. Bridgewater


Plymouth County MA,

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