1851 Whitby Canada Directory

A Village and Harbor on Lake Ontario, is situated in the Township of Whitby, County of York, C. W. distant from Toronto, 28 miles usual steamboat fare, 3s. 9d., usual stage fare, 5s. Population, including Port Whitby, about 1100.

Public Officers
Warren, W., collector of customs.
McPherson, A., postmaster and township treasurer.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies
National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, John H. Perry, agent.
St. Lawrence Inland Marine Assurance Co., John Welsh, agent.
Washington Mutual Assurance Co., William Jeffrey, agent.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BUSH, J. T., dealer in real estate, farms, wild lands, &c.
DOW, THOMAS, (at Whitby and Columbus) dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, paints, oils, plaster, produce, garden and field seeds, &c.
MARTIN, JOHN, & Co., (Port Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay,) dealers in groceries, dry goods, crockery, &c. cash paid for all kinds of produce.
PERRY, It. E., importer and dealer in British and American goods, wholesale and retail.
RAY, N., Whitby coach factory-keeps constantly on hand carriages of all kinds, which he offers on very moderate terms. Orders punctually attended to.
SCHOFIELD, L. IL, & Co., importers of British manufactures and dealers goods, wholesale and retail.
Non Members
Ball, B. F., Barrister At Law.
Bryan, B., Tinsmith.
Burnham. Z., Barrister At Law.
Burr, William, Schoolteacher.
Caldwell, E., Threshing Machinemaker.
Caldwell, W., Chairmaker.
Clark, C., & Co., Brewers.
Clark, Dr. R. W., Physician And Surgeon.
Clark, P. M., Carpenter.
Elsworth, H., Tinsmith.
Gadsby, William, Innkeeper.
Gallagher, T., Carpenter.
Geikie, Rev. John, Congregationalist.
Gerrie, J. H., Druggist.
Griffith, T., Wagonmaker.
Gunn, Dr. R. J., Physician And Surgeon.
Hodgson, T., Schoolteacher.
Houck, G., Fanning Millmaker.
Johnsen, R., Schoolteacher.
Johnson, J., Carpenter.
Kennedy, J., Carpenter.
Laing, W., General Store.
Lawder, R. H., General Store.
Lynde, C., General Store And Tannery.
Marshall, M., Carpenter.
Mcallen, J., Innkeeper.
Mcbrian, J., Innkeeper.
Mcdonnell, H. J., Barrister At Law.
Mckensie, Mrs., Schoolteacher.
Nash, N., Brewery.
O’connor, H. B., General Store.
Pentland, Rev. John, Church Of England.
Sproul, J. S.; Printer And Publisher
Sproul, J. S.; Printer and Publisher In New York Of The “Whitby Reporter,” Weekly Paper.
Pirrie, J., wagonmaker. Pringle, J., carpenter.
Ray, N., innkeeper.
Robertson, Charles, carpenter.
Robertson, W., carpenter.
Scripture, J., innkeeper.
Shaw, W., cabinetmaker.
Sherwood, Mrs., schoolteacher.
Smith, W., carpenter.
Smith, G., innkeeper.
Spencer, Henry, tinsmith.
Sproul, A., carpenter.
Spurrell & Anderson, general store.
Till, William, cabinetmaker.
Trimmerman, H., carpenter.
Vanvlack, J., fanning mill maker.
Wallace, G. & T., general store.
Weeks, G. B., carpenter.
Wilkinson, J., wagonmaker.
Wilkinson, Chas., cabinetmaker.
Wolfenden. J., marblecutter.
Also, 2 coopers, 2 harnessmakers, 5 tailors, shoemakers, 3 painters.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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