1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Ginger Beer to Hardware Merchants

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Ginger Beer Maker
Sproat, Henry, 60 King st. west

Smith, Henry 150 Yonge st

Glue Maker
Cave, Samuel, Church st.

ASHFIELD, James, gun and rifle manufacturer, 21 King st west, guns neatly percussioned, gunpowder and shooting materials of every description
Green, S. F., Yonge st
Greene, John, 5 Martime place

General Merchants
BRETT, R. H., general merchant, 161 King st. east.
BROWN, A. V., & Co., wholesale dealers in groceries, teas, wines, liquors, &c., also shelf and heavy hardware and crockery by the crate, Yonge st.
BRUNSKILL, THOMAS, general merchant, wholesale and retail dealer and importer of wines, brandies, teas, tobaccos, sugars, coffees, rice, oils, paints, putty, glass, &c., Church st.
CHANCE, SON & Co., general and Birmingham merchants, 53 King st. east.
CLARKSON, THOMAS, wholesale general merchant, Front st.
DARLING, BROTHERS, wholesale importers and hardware merchants, Church st. opposite Beard’s hotel.
HAYES, BROTHERS, importers of groceries and hardware, 6 and 7 St. James buildings, King st., east, nearly opposite the market.
HOWLAND & FITCH, general merchants and importers of wines, spirits, teas and groceries, 38 Front st.
MACKAY, JOHN M., general dry goods, groceries and liquor dealer, Yonge st., opposite Shutter st. taverns supplied with wines and liquors at the lowest wholesale prices.
MITCHELL, JOHN, & Co., general commission merchants, 14 Yonge st., in connection with J. & J. Mitchell of Montreal.
MOFFATTS, MURRAY & CO., general merchants, wholesale dealers in dry goods; groceries, hardware, &c., 7 Yonge st.
MATHEWS & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in teas, sugars, tobaccos, spices, and general groceries, also, domestic dry goods and hardware, 77 Yonge st.
MUNRO, GEORGE, general wholesale merchant, Front st.
PERKINS, F. & G., wholesale merchants, Front st., head of Brown’s wharf.
PYPER, GEORGE A., importer of groceries, hardware, paints, oils, &c., Yonge st.
SARGANT, ROBERT, & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, clothing, groceries,
boots and shoes, crockery, and hardware, 2 St. Lawrence buildings, King st.
SUTHERLAND, K. M., & Co., importers of groceries, wines and liquors, wholesale and retail, 10 Yonge st.
THOMPSON & PEARSON, dealers in and manufacturers of clothing, boots and shoes, Mammoth house, King st., opposite the St. Lawrence hall.
TORRANCE, B., & Co., importers and general merchants, Church st.
WHITTEMORE, RUTHERFORD & Co., wholesale merchants and general dealers in dry goods, groceries and hardware, King st., east.
Briggs, J., 83 Yonge st Leaske, James, 125 Yonge st.
Henderson, Alexander, 128 Yonge st. Moffatt, James, Queen st. west.

Grocers, Wine And Spirit Merchants
BESWICK, JAMES, (successor to Alexander Badenach,) importer of and dealer in groceries, teas, wines and liquors, 64 King st., east.
CARY & BROWN, grocers and general provision merchants, 117 King st., east.
CRAWFORD, D., & Co.. general grocers and provision merchants, 134 King st., east.
EWART, GEORGE, & Co., importers of groceries, wines, liquors, &c., corner of King st.,east, and St. Lawrence hall.
GRIFFITH, JOHN C., general grocer, wine and spirit merchant, dealer in all kinds of farm produce and provisions, 156 Yonge st.
MACPHERSON, ALEXANDER, wholesale and retail grocer and provision dealer, Liddell’s buildings, corner of Church and Front sts.
OGILVIE, ALEXANDER, & C O., wholesale and retail grocers and general importers of teas, coffees, spices, wines and liquors, 6 King st., east.
PEOPLES, G. H., jun., dealer in genuine teas, groceries and provisions, wines, liquors, and bottled ales, cheap for cash, 153 Yonge st.
ROBERTSON, CHARLES, grocer, provision and seed merchant, opposite St. Lawrence hall, King st., east.
SABINE & HUGGINS, importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, provisions, wines, liquors, rectified whisky, paints, oil, glass, dye stuffs, &c., King st., east, opposite St. Lawrence hall.
SIMPSON, RoBERT, dealer in groceries, teas, sugars, snuffs, tobacco, wines, brandies, whiskys, flour, pork, cheese, crockery and glassware, Yonge st., nearly opposite Shuter st.
YATES, R., tea, coffee and spice merchant, East India house, 50 King st., east.
Non Members
Abraham, Joseph, 8 Queen st., east.
Brown, Samuel, King st., east.
Bagley, George, King st., east.
Bertenshaw, Thomas. Nelson st.
Bettridge, J. C., 110 Yonge st.
Charles & Co., 108 Yonge st.
Conner, Thomas, 146 King st.
Cuff, H. W., Market square.
Davis, R., 44 King st., west.
Davis, F., Yonge st.
Davis, J., 2 to 8 Yonge st.
Dexter, T., 143 and 5 Yonge st.
Dunn, J. F.. 45 Queen st., west.
Egan, James, 135 Queen st., west.
Evans. J. J.. 122 Yonge st.
Foy & Austin, 115 King st., east.
Gilding. J., 90 Yonge st.
Gray & Wilson, 184 King st., west.
Henderson, W., & Co., 114 King st., east.
Hopkins, Benjamin, 37 Queen st.
Hurley, John. King st., east.
Hurley, G., Queen st., west.
Jardine. A., 69 Queen st.
Kent, Joseph, 108 King st., west.
Keogh. K., New Market buildings.
Lafferty, William, 82 Yonge st.
Lawson, Edward, 91 Yonge st.
Lawrie, J., 26 Church st.
Leak. J.. 112 Yonge st.
Liddell, James, St. Lawrence market.
McCarty, Alexander, 47 Queen st.
McFarren. A., 142 King st., east.
McMoran, George, 154 Yonge st.
McPherson, Alexander, Front st.
Malcolm, Alexander, 76 Yonge st.
Metcalf, Wilson & Forbes, St. Lawrence market.
Miller, John. 146 Yonge st.
Moffatt, James, 143, Queen st., west.
Monachan, William, 54 Yonge st.
Mould, V., 130 Yonge st.
Myers, J., 32 King st., west.
Norris, William, Church st.
O’Carrol. J. R., Yonge st.
Pfaff, A., 102 Yonge st.
Polley. James, 65 Queen st., west,
Price, George, 171 Queen st.
Reading, John. 105 Queen st., west.
Richardson, H.. 201 Queen st., west.
Robertson, Charles, 113 King st.
Ross, David, 44 Queen st., west.
Shannon, J., 40 Nelson st.
Simpson, George, New Market buildings.
Skerry. Timothy, 177 Queen st.
Smith, A. M,. 104 Yonge St.
Smith, J., 94 Yonge st.
Stock, James, Palace st.
Strachan & Reford, West Market square.
Taylor & Skinner, 147 Yonge st.
Wilkinson. C., Yonge st.

Davis, D., 14 King st., west.
Dissett; A., 25 Yonge st.
Hickman, W., 75 King st., west.
James, T. R., 195 Yonge st.
Keenan, John, 153 King st., east.
Lynn, George, 192 Yonge st.
Lucy, Anne, 23 King st., west.
Lumsden, Margaret, 194 King st., east.
Mutton, W., 36 Nelson st.
O’Dea, James, Church st.
Phair, M.. 23 King st., west.
Powell, R., 109 King st., west.
Preece, W., 69 King st.. west.
Ross, S., 176 King. st., east.
Usher. Jane, 89, King st., west.
Welsh, P., 29 King st., west.
Wigglesworth, A., 218 Yonge st.
Williams, Joseph, 111 King st., west.

Hairdressers And Perfumers
Bailey, William, 48 King st. west.
Bansley, H., 24 King st. west.
Cary, J. & J., 39 Yonge st.
Evan, A. J., 11 Church st.
Edmonds, E., Front st.
Hickman, William, sen., 33 King st.
Lewis, J. C., 63 King st. west.
Randolph, H., Nelson st.
Rice, J., 165 Yonge st.
Smeaton. Henry, 53 Yonge st.
Swan, George, 57 Yonge st.
Smith, Henry, 160 Yonge st.
Wright, C. & W., Front st.

Hardware Merchants
CHRISTIE, ALEXANDER, wholesale and retail dealer in hardware, cut, long and hollow ware, 25 King st. east weavers reeds and shuttles, circular saw shafts, carpenters’ cramps and turning lathes, at manufacturers prices.
DARLING, BROTHERS, general hardware merchants and importers, Church st.
DIXON, ALEXANDER, importer of English and American hardware, saddlers’ ironmongery, carriage trimmings, &c., wholesale and retail, 7 Wellington buildings, King st. east.
HARRINGTON, J., wholesale hardware merchant, King st. east.
HARRIS, T. D., wholesale hardware merchant, 4 St. James buildings, King st. east.
HAYES, BROTHERS, general hardware merchants and grocers, 6 and 7 St. James buildings, King st. east.
HAWORTH, T., importer of British and American hardware, sign of the Circular saw, 44 King st. east cooking and fancy stoves, hollow ware, britannia and plated ware, cutlery, silver spoons, &c.
LEWIS, RICE, importer of British and American hardware, sign of the large padlock,
Wellington buildings, 74 King st. east, corner of Toronto st.
PATERSON & SON, general importers and hardware merchants, 21 King st. east.
RIDOUT, BROTHERS & CO., general hardware merchants and importers of Birmingham.
Sheffield and American ware, corner of King and Yonge sts.
RYAN, JAMES S., importer of hardware, bar iron, &c., from the best markets of Europe and America, 75 Yonge st. country merchants are invited to call.
WORKMAN, BROTHERS, general hardware merchants and importers, 56 King st. east.
Non Members
Chance, Son & Co., Wellington buildings, King st.
Lyne, William, 67 Adelaide st., west.
Marsh, Brothers & Co., Wellington buildings, King st. east.
Mead, John, & Co., 121 King st. east.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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