1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Daguerreotype to Furniture Brokers

Daguerreotype Artists
Blakeley, Alex., City buildings, King st., east.
Palmer, E. J., 74 City buildings, King st., east.

KAHN, CHARLES, surgical and mechanical dentist, 46 King st., west, 2 doors from Bay st. all operations in dental surgery performed upon the most approved scientific principles, and warranted to prove effective.
Kahn, Charles, Bay st.
Wood, Samuel, 43 King st., west.
Smith, J. F., 5 King, st., east.

Dry Goods Merchants (Wholesale).
BOWES & HALL, wholesale importers of dry goods, Yonge st.
BRYCE, MCMURRICH & Co., wholesale dry goods importers, 5 Yonge st.
EWART, JOHN, jun., & Co., wholesale importers of dry goods, 25 Front st.
FOWLER, HENRY, wholesale importer of dry goods, 41 Yonge st.
GILMOUR & COULSON, importers of British and Foreign manufactures, and general warehousemen, 16 and 18 Yonge st.
HOUGHTON & MAY, importers of staple and fancy dry goods, 4 Yonge st.
MACLAGAN, J. W. D., representative of John Vance & Co., Leeds, woolen manufacturers; and of Rennie, Tetley & Co., stuff merchants, Bradford residence, Yorkville.
MCKEAND, BROTHERS & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in fancy and staple dry goods, 11 Yonge st.
MCMASTER, WILLIAM, wholesale dry goods merchant, next adjoining Bank of Montreal, Yonge st.
MILLER, ROBERT S., importer of staple and fancy dry goods, Yonge st.
O’NEIL, P. J., wholesale importer of British and Foreign fancy and staple dry goods, 29 Yonge st.
PERRIN, W. L., & Co., importers of British and Foreign dry goods, 31 Yonge st.
ROBERTSON, JOHN, wholesale importer of staple and fancy dry goods, 39 Yonge st.
Ross, MITCHELL & Co., wholesale importers of dry goods, 33 Yonge st.
SHAW, TURNBULL & Co., wholesale warehousemen, bank buildings, Wellington st.
TAYLOR & STEVENSON, wholesale dry goods merchants, Yonge st.
TOPPING, HERBERT & Co., importers of British and Foreign dry goods, 10 Wellington st.
WIGHTMAN, ROBERT, & CO., wholesale warehousemen, 12 Yonge st.

Dry Goods Merchants, (Retail.)
BETLEY & KAY, importers of British and Foreign dry goods, No. 2 King st. east new millinery and bonnet establishment.
BURGESS & LEISHMAN, Wellington buildings, 63 and 65 King st. east importers of dry goods, and manufacturers of clothing, wholesale and retail.
CARMICHAEL, J., importer of dry goods, wholesale and retail, 68 King st. east.
Dow, W. H., 2 King st., corner of Yonge st.-importer of staple and. fancy dry goods and haberdasheries.
EASTWOOD, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, bonnets, cloaks, millinery,
&c., 3 St. James buildings, King st., next door to T. D. Harris’s fire proof store.
HALL, JAMES, importer of British, French, and American dry goods, wholesale and retail, 72 King st. east-the newest styles and most durable fabrics constantly on hand.
HEAKES, S., hosier, haberdasher and glover, importer of fancy dry goods, and manufacturer of ribbon-velvet, 12 King st. east.
HENDERSON, J., importer of fancy and staple dry goods, bonnets and millinery Glasgow warehouse, 20 King st. east.
JAMIESON, W. M., importer of British and Foreign dry goods, hosiery and haberdashery, wholesale and retail, City buildings, 74 King st. east.
MACFIE, WILLIAM, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, 2 City buildings, two doors west of the market, King st east.
MCDONALD, JOHN, staple and fancy dry goods warehouse, 103 Yonge st. wholesale and retail dealer in prints, brown and white cottons, striped linen, baggings, flannels, blankets, stuffs, plaids, muslin delaines, fancy dress goods, shawls, silks, satins and velvets.
MOUNTJOY, J. It., importer and wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods of all kinds, 6 City buildings, King st. east.
PATERSON, P., importer of British and Foreign dry goods, Albert buildings, 24 King st. east.
RENNIE, A., JUN., importer of British and Foreign dry goods, 28 King st. east new millinery establishment.
RITCHEY, JOHN, JUN., importer of fancy and staple dry goods, 3 St. Lawrence buildings, King st. east.
ROBERTSON, CHARLES, JUN., importer of British and Foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 42 King st. east.
SARGANT, ROBERT, & Co., importers and general dry goods merchants, St. Lawrence buildings, King st. east.
SCOTT & LAIDLAW, successors to Shaw, Turnbull & Co., wholesale and retail dry goods warehousemen, corner King and Church sts.
THOMPSON & PIERSON, importers of dry goods, and manufacturers of clothing, boots and shoes, &c., Mammoth house, opposite St Lawrence hall, King st. east.
TORONTO HOUSE , Victoria row, 60 King st. east millinery, staple and fancy dry goods,
wholesale and retail.
WALKER & HUTCHINSON, general dry goods merchants, clothiers, wholesale and retail, 26 King st. east branch establishments, corner of York and. James sts., Hamilton, and Dundas st., London.
WINSON & NUTHALL, importers of British and Foreign dry goods, linen and woolen drapers, silk mercers, hosiers. haberdashers and lacemen, 40 King st. east millinery and dressmaking showrooms.
WYLLIE, G. B., importer of British and Foreign dry goods, wholesale and retail, 18 King st.east.
Non Members
Atkinson, Thomas, 3 King st. east.
Bilton, George, 105 Yonge st.
Collins, J. C., 35 King st east.
Cooper, Edward, 84 King st. east.
Creighton, W., 22 King st. east.
Hastings, Richard, 3 City buildings, King st east.
Leask, James, 125 Yonge st.
Macfarlane, Walter, 1 City buildings, King st. east.
Paterson, Thomas, City buildings, 80 King st. east.
Percey, Mathew, 7 City buildings, King st. east.
Polley, William, 66 King st. west.

Dyers And Scourers
Foggin, L, 93 Yonge st Smith, D., 62 King st. west.
Richardson, W., 162 Yonge st.

Engineer And Machinist
Roberts, David, Peter st.

Engravers And Copperplate Printers
ALLANSON, J., engraver on wood, Yonge st., near Alice st.
ELLIS, J., heraldic, vignette and writing engraver, copperplate and lithographic printer, 8 King st., west visiting cards, maps, plans, &c., done to order.
WHEELER, T., copperplate and official seal engraver, and watchmaker, 10 King st. east arms found and emblazoned.

Exchange And Money Brokers
Codd, Robert, 12 Nelson st.
J Stokes, Samuel P., Bank buildings, Wellington st.

Fancy Stores, &c.
DALLAS, H., importer and manufacturer of woodenware, baskets and fancyware, 20 King st., west.
FULLER, THOMAS J., importer of English, French, American and German fancy goods, combs, brushes, perfumery, toys, window shades, paperhangings, &c., wholesale and retail, 1 St. James buildings, King st., east.
Gardner. R., 186 Yonge st.
Graham, Mrs., 101 Yonge st.
SKELTON, J. W., importer of and wholesale dealer in jewellery, English, French and German fancy goods, and hardware, combs, brushes, toys, paperhangings, fireboard prints, &c., 6 King st., east.
Shewan, M., 1 Arcade.
Woodhall, J., 11 Arcade.
Rodden, W. H., King st., east.

Flour Inspector
Macdonnell, A., Maitland’s wharf.

Flour Merchant
Conlin, Henry, Adelaide st., west.

Forwarding Merchants And Wharfingers.
BROWNE, JAMES, forwarder and wharfinger, Front st. agent for Livingston & Fargo’s express.
MICDONNELL, W. J., & Co., forwarders, commission merchants and produce brokers, 22 Front st.

ARMSTRONG, J. It., & CO., manufacturers of cooking and parlor stoves, fine coal grates,
hollow ware, potash kettles, mill and plough castings, City foundry, 116 Yonge st., sale room, 4 St. James buildings, King st., east.
BECKETT, EDWARD, iron and brass founder, and engineer, Simcoe st.
CHENEY, GEoRGE H., manufacturer of stoves and hollow ware, office and store, 5 St. James buildings, King st., east; Furnace, corner of Victoria and Queen sts.
METCALFE, F. H., iron and brass founder, and machinist, Queen st., foundry near the Don bridge, King st., east.
PARKES, BROTHERS, iron founders and engineers, Adelaide st.
SPENCER, GEORGE B., Phoenix foundry, 58 Yonge st. manufacturer of steam engines, mill castings, cooking, parlor, airtight, and box stoves, platform and counter scales, sugar, bark and paint mills, &c.
Good, James, 134 Yonge st.

J McGuire, W., 5 Arcade.

Furniture Brokers
Leary, Phillip, 156 King st., east
Rogers, John, 218 King st., east.
Strange, Nicholas, 87 King st. west.
Todd, R. M., 26 Nelson st


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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