1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Clergy and Churches

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Resident Clergy, Churches, And Hours Of Divine Service.
Church Of England.
The RIGHT REV. JOHN STRACHAN, D. D., L. L. D., Bishop of Toronto. Ven. A. N. Bethune, D. D., Archdeacon of York.
Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., examining and domestic chaplain, and secretary to the Bishop.

Parochial Clergy
REV. H. J. Grasett, M. A., rector of St. James, and officiating chaplain to the forces
Rev. Stephen Lett, L. L. D., minister of St. George’s church
Rev Richard Mitchele, B. A., minister of Trinity church
Rev. Henry Scadding, M. A., minister of the church of the Holy Trinity, and chaplain to the Bishop.
Rev. Walter Stennett, M. A., assistant minister of the Church of the Holy Trinity
Rev. E. Baldwin, M. A., assistant minister of St. James’s church.

Cathedral Church Of St. James.
Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., St. John’s College, Cambridge, rector;
Rev. E. Baldwin, M. A., King’s College, assistant minister.

Trinity Church.
Rev. R. Mitchele, B. A., Trinity College, Dublin, minister.
Hours of service on Sundays-eleven, A. M., and half-past six, P. M.

St. George’s Church.
Rev. Stephen Lett, L. L. D., Trinity College, Dublin, minister.
Hours of divine service on Sundays, at eleven, A. M., and seven, P. M.; and on the last Sunday in the month, Communion Service at eight o’clock, A. M.5 and on every Holiday of the Church for which an Epistle and Gospel are provided in the Prayer Book, at eleven, A. N.

Church Of The Holy Trinity.
The seats in this Church are all free and unappropriated. Rev. Henry Scadding, M. A., St. John’s College, Cambridge, minister; Rev. W. Stennett, M. A., King’s College, Toronto, assistant minister. Hours of service on Sundays eleven, A. M., and half past six, p. M.

St. Andrew’s Church
In Connection with the Church of Scotland. Situated in Church st. Rev. John Barclay, A. M., minister. Divine service on Sunday at 11 o’clock, A. M., and at 3 p. M. Sabbath school meets at 9A o’clock, A. M.

St. Michael’s Cathedral (Roman Catholic).
Church street.

The Right Rev. Francois Marie De Charbonnel, D. D., Bishop Of Toronto.
The Very Rev. John Carroll, vicar general; Rev. Mr. Kirwan, Rev. Mr. O’Hara, Rev. Mr. Malony, Rev. Mr. Marivault, assistant priests; Rev. F. Tellier, S. 5., chaplain to the Convent of Loretto-Hours of Divine service: Grand mass, on Sun-days at 11 o’clock, A. M.; Vespers, 4 P. M. Sunday school, 9 A. M., and 2 P. M.

St. Paul’s (Roman Catholic) Church. Power street.
Mass at 9 o’clock on Sunday, with an instruction. Attached to this church are ten acres of ground, used as a Roman Catholic cemetery.

Convent of the Order of Loretto
Corner Of Wellington And Simcoe Streets, A branch of the old established house of Loretto, near Dublin, Ireland. In this establishment there are five professed nuns, three lay sisters, and two novices. There are in the city four Roman Catholic schools two male and two female.

Wesleyan Churches
Adelaide street Church, corner of Adelaide and Toronto sts.
Revds. J. Ryerson and E. B. Harper, clergymen
Richmond street Church, on Richmond st., west
Revds. H. Wilkinson and J. Douse. clergymen
Queen street Church, on Queen st., near Spadina avenue Service

Revds. John Ryerson, Church st.; Anson Green, 57 King st., east;
Egerton Ryerson, D. D., Bay st.; E. Wood, E. B. Harper, A. S. Byrne, John Douse,
Wesleyan Methodist Book Room and Christian Guardian Office, No. 9 Wellington buildings, King st.; Rev. Anson Green, book steward; Rev. J. Spencer, editor.

Presbyterian Church Of Canada.
Knox’s Church, Toronto
Rev. Robert Burns, D. D.
Ministers Without Pastoral Charge
Revds. Michael Willis, D. D., Professor Of Theology, Knox’s College
Henry Esson, A. M., professor of philosophy, Knox’s College
J. Harris, Alexander Sale, principal of Toronto Academy.

United Presbyterian Church. Corner of Richmond and Bay sts.
Rev. John Jennings, minister.

Congregational Church.
Rev. J. Roaf, pastor.
Congregational Institute for Educating Young Men for the Gospel Ministry.
Rev. A. Lillie, theological tutor;
A. Wickson, B. A., classical tutor.

Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Bay street, near King street, west
Rev. George Ryerson, minister.

Methodist (New Connexion) Church. Temperance street.
Rev. W. McClure, minister.

Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Bay street.
Rev. William Lyle and Rev. P. Parsons, ministers.

Baptist Church. Bond street.
Rev. James Pyper, pastor.

African Baptist Church, Corner of Queen and Victoria streets.

Disciples Of Christ.
A congregation of Christians under the above designation meet in the upper room of the building adjoining the fire engine house on Temperance st.
A second congregation of Disciples meet every Sunday at the Disciples’ meeting-house, Shuter st., at the same hours.

National Societies
St. George’s Society.
Frederick Widder, president
J. D. Ridout, 1st vice-president
George Dupont Wells, 2nd vice-president
William Atkinson, 3rd vice-president
Rev. Dr. Beaven, chaplain
Dr. Hodder, physician
Henry Rowsell, treasurer
George Brooke, secretary pro tem.

St. Patrick’s Society
J. G. Bowes, president
John Duggan, Dr. Burnside, John R. Mountjoy, vice-presidents
Samuel T. Green, secretary
Rice Lewis, treasurer
George Herrick, M. D, John King, M. D., physicians
Rev. Stephen. Lett, L. L. D., Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., chaplains.

St. Andrew’s Society.
Thomas G. Ridout, president
Joseph Curran Morrison, M. P. P., 1st vice-president
John McMurrich, 2nd vice-president
John Shaw, Thomas Patterson and Hugh Miller, managers
Rev. John Barclay and Rev. John Jennings, chaplains
Dr. Telfer and Dr. Primrose, physicians
John Shaw, treasurer; Angus Morrison, secretary
Angus McIntosh, assistant secretary.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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