1851 Guelph Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Waterloo, Canada West, is situated in the Township of the same name. on the River Speed Guelph is distant from Toronto, 87 miles, from London, 129 miles, from Goderich, 100 miles, from Hamilton, 40 miles usual stage fare; 7s 6d. Population about 1800.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, Etc.
Bank of Montreal, Frederick Marcon, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, John Caulfield, agent.
Gore Bank, Thomas Sandilands, agent.
National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, George J. Grange, agent.

Public Officers
Baker, A. A., clerk of the division court.
Brock, P. R, registrar of surrogate court.
Corbet, Robert, postmaster.
Fergusson, Adam J., M. P. P. for Waterloo.
Ferrier, A. D., clerk of county council.
Geddes, Andrew, crown lands agent.
Grange, George J., sheriff.
Hewett, William, county treasurer.
Hodgert, James, revenue inspector.
Peterson, W. H., county registrar.
Powell, William D., judge of the county and surrogate courts
Saunders, Thomas, clerk of the peace.
Smith, John, clerk of the county court, and deputy clerk of crown
Thurtell, Benjamin, warden of the county.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BEAVIS, JOHN, jun., carpenter and builder, Northumberland St.
BENEDICT, D., dry goods and groceries, corner of Gordon and. Dundas Sts., cash paid for all descriptions of produce.
Cook, ROBERT, farmer and general trader, Puslinch visits Guelph every week for the purpose of trade, and is usually to be found at the farmers’ arms, Wyndham st. CORBET, ROBERT, postmaster, Wyndham st.
CROFT, NATHANIEL, merchant tailor, Cork st. is now prepared to execute orders in his line of business, in a style not to be surpassed in Canada west, and with the greatest punctuality and despatch.
ELLIOT, GEORGE, importer of dry goods, groceries, hardware, wines and liquors post office building, Wyndham st.
EMSLIE, ALEXANDER, tailor and clothier, Market St. is always prepared to execute orders in every department of his business, in the latest and most approved style, upon moderate terms, and with accuracy and despatch.
FERGUSSON & HURD, barristers and attorneys at law, Market st.
GALBRAITH, FRANCIS WILLIAM, saddler and harness maker, Market square keeps on hand a good assortment of every article in his line, made up under his own superintendence, and warranted of the best materials and workmanship.
Gow & ORME, boot and shoemakers, Wyndham St. manufacture boots and shoes of every description in the best style of workmanship, and of superior materials, at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may favor them with their support.
HACKING, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods and groceries, Gordon St. keeps on hand a well selected stock of the above goods at moderate prices, manufactures potash, and purchases good dry ashes in any quantity, at 5d. per bushel,
HAYWOOD, WILLIAM, chemist and druggist, Market square. imports perfumery and toilet requisites of the finest description, and every article of drugs and chemicals.
HIGINBOTHAM, A. & N., chemists and druggists, Market square a good stock of paints, oils, dye stuffs, school books and stationery constantly on hand at moderate prices.
Hood, WILLIAM, Wellington hotel, Wyndham St. stages for Goderich, Elora, and Fergus, Galt and Hamilton, leave daily, travellers will find comfortable accommodation in this house.
HOWARD & NORRIS, boot and shoemakers, Market square keep on hand or make to order, every description of boots and shoes, warranted of the bet materials and workmanship, and at low prices.
JARSVIS, WILLIAM D. P., barrister and attorney at law, Market square.
JUDGE, MICHAEL, gunsmith and engraver, Market square artizan in gold and silver and general mechanic, engraving of every kind executed to order, upon reasonable terms.
KEELING, G. M., printer and publisher, Market square.
LYND, JAMES, importer of and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china and glass,
wines and spirits, Market square cash paid for all sorts of produce.
MACKENZIE, JAMES, general dIy goods merchant, Market square.
MARTIN, ROBERT, merchant tailor, Market square executes all orders in his line of business with punctuality, in the latest style of fashion, of the best materials and workmanship, and upon moderate terms.
MURPHY, JAMES, dealer in groceries, china and glass, &c., Market square a good
stock always on hand at moderate prices, country produce taken in exchange at market prices.
PIRRIE, GEORGE, printer and publisher, Market square.
PIPE, JOHN, farmers arms tavern, Wyndham St good yard and stabling on the premises, and every attention paid to the comfort and convenience of the guests who favor him with their custom.
STONE, FREDERICK W., importer of British and American goods, wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, glass and earthenware, Gordon st.
SUNLEY, GEORGE, stove warehouse and tin and coppersmith, Market square every article in the above line constantly on hand at moderate prices.
THORP, JOHN, British hotel, Market square. general stage office for Fergus, Elora and Sydenham, Dundas and Hamilton, by the Brock road, being 10 miles the shortest route.
TRACY, JOHN THOMAS, saddler and harness maker, north west corner of the Market square keeps constantly on hand or makes to order, saddlery and harness of all kinds, of the best materials, and by good workmen under his own superintendence, prices as low as any other establishment in Canada West

Non Subscribers
Allen, George W., cabinet and chair factory, opposite the English Church.
Allen, William, flour mills and distillery, and cloth dressing, at the bridge.
Baker, A. A., clerk of division court.
Braine, Rev. J. J., Congregationalist.
Brown, W. J. & Co., general store, Market square.
Burnet, Robert, shoemaker, Market square.
Clark, Dr. William, physician and surgeon.
Fairweather & Co., boots and shoes, Market square.
Fathom, George P., general store, Cork st.
Fergusson, A.J., M.P.P., barrister at law, Market square.
Ferrier. A. D., clerk of the county council, Scotch Block Road.
G. M. Keeling publisher, Market square.
George Pirrie, publisher, Market square.
Glendenning, Charles, saloon and tavern, Market square.
Godfrey, John, boot and shoemaker, Market square.
Grange, G. J., sheriff Waterloo county, Waterloo Road.
Griffin’ Rev. J., Wesleyan Methodist.
Grigor, Rev. Colin, Church of England.
Guelph Advertiser, weekly,
Guelph Herald, weekly,
Hall, H. J., grocer, Market square.
Harris, J., baker, confectioner and grocer, Market square
Hay ton, J. ;cabinet and chair factory, Wyndham St.
Heffernan, T., general store, corner of Wyndham and Quebec Sts.
Hewitt, William, county treasurer, Wyndham st.
Horning, Charles, boot maker, Cork st.
Jones, John, tavern keeper, Market square.
Liddell, Dr. W. A., physician and surgeon.
Malone, William, watchmaker and jeweller, Market square.
Marcon, Frederick, agent Montreal Bank.
Massmeir, Frederic W., innkeeper, Cork st.
McCarthy, Florence, boot maker, Wyndham st.
McGregor, Rev’ John G’, Free Church.
Mimmack, George, confectioner, Market square.
Moran, Patrick, grocer, Market square.
Newton, Edwin, secretary and treasurer of county of Waterloo Building Society, Market square.
Oliver, H. H., dry goods, &c., Market square.
Orton, Dr. Henry, physician and surgeon.
Palmer, Rev. A, Church of England, Rector.
Powell, W. D., judge of the county court, York Road.
Presence, J., flour mills.
Quinlan, T., & Co., boots and shoes, Wyndham st.
Richardson, William, general store, Market square.
Robinson & Watt, iron founders
Sandilands, T., general store, Market square.
Saunders, Thomas, clerk of the peace, Waterloo Road.
Sauvey, John, North American hotel, Market square.
Savage, D., watchmaker and jeweller, Market square.
Sayers, Thomas W., painter, Market square.
Shyne, T., tavern, Market square.
Smith, John, bookseller and stationer, Market square.
Spencer, Rev. J., Wesleyan Methodist.
Stewart, Rev. E: M., Church of England, Curate.
Thurtell, Benjamin, warden of county, west end.
Todd, George, boots and shoes, Wyndham st.
Torrance, Rev. Robert, United Presbyterian.
White, Robert, general store, Wyndham st.
Wilson, William, boot maker, Cork st.
Worsley, Miss, general store,
Wyndham St. corner Macdonald st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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