Ministers Born And Brought Up In Saltsprings District

Hugh J. Fraser, B.D., Saltsprings; Summerside, P. E. I.

Norman T. McKay, Saltsprings; Ready, Ont.

J. Frank Mcleod, Saltsprings; Harbor Creek, Pa.

Alex. Rettie, M.A., Saltsprings; Millerton, N. B.

Daniel McGillivray, Brookland; Deceased. He received his early education in Pictou Academy, and took his theological course in Queen’s University, Kingston. His first charge was Brockville, Ont., where he ministered for 14 years, after which he settled at London, Out., where he remained 8 years. He was then called to Lunenburg, N. S., and remained 13 years in this charge, when his health broke down, and he went to British Columbia. He was forty years in the ministry. Mr. McGillivray was a man of genial disposition and his memory is cherished in all the congregations where he ministered.

Andrew Gray, Brookland; Murray Harbor West, P. E. I.

Archibald Gunn, Six Mile Brook. Studied at Dalhousie University and graduated from the Presbyterian College, Halifax, in 1878. His first charge was at Little Bay, Nfd. From there he was called to Windsor, N. S. He was for seven years minister at St. Andrew’s, N. B. and another seven years at Bloomfield, P. E. I. Failing health compelled him to retire from the ministry. He removed to Westville where he made his home for eight years. He died on the evening of Easter, 1912.

George Gordon Matheson, Six Mile Brook. Died 1897. He attended Pictou Academy in 1887 and studied at Springfield School for Christian Workers. He was ordained to the ministry at Fergus Falls, Minn., 1893. For several years he was Sunday School Missionary in the Red River Presbytery Minn., holding evangelistic services, founding and aiding churches and Sunday Schools. He was an earnest Christian worker.

Arthur Ross, M. A., Black River; Dawson, Y. T.

John S. Ross, Black River; Vancouver, B. C.

John Livingston, West River Station; Deceased. He was pastor of Dundee, Out., for nine months, when he died. The congregation erected a monument to his memory with the inscription, “In memory of John Livingston, born at West River Station, Apr. 6, 1821, died in Dundee, Aug. 15, 1860, aged 29 years. He was ordained to the pastoral charge in Dundee Nov. 30, 1859. He was a burning and a shining light.”

W. A. MacKay, B.D., West Branch River John; Blackwater, Ont. Earltown, adjoining Pictou County on the Colchester side has produced a splendid lot of men in almost every profession and line of calling. Among the clergymen are: Neil McKay, Adam McKay, Robt. Murray, editor of Presbyterian Witness, William Murray, Alexander Ross, Donald Sutherland, A. L. McKay, Angus McDonald, John D. McKay, missionary to South America, James Ross, Geo. A. Sutherland, J. H. Stewart, D. W. McDonald, R. J. Douglass and Melville Grant.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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