Names Of Ministers Born West River And Green Hill District

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

James Ross, D.D., West River; Died 1886.

Ebenezer Ross, West River; Died 1891. Mr. Ross was inducted at Folly Village, 1849, and remained in this, his only charge until 1877, a ministry of 28 years. He then resigned on account of ill health, and removed to Truro, where he resided until his death. He was possessed of rare vigor and much learning.

Duncan McDonald, West River; Deceased. He was a member of the first class of theological students under Dr. McCulloch.

John McDonald, West River; Deceased. Student for the ministry.

John J. Richards, West River; Died 1889. Mr. Richard’s whole ministry was spent in Brockville Presbytery, Ontario, where he was held in high esteem as a faithful pastor and preacher.

James D. Murray, West River; Died 1914.

Angus McKenzie, West River; Died 1911. He went to Kansas in 1872, and to the Pacific Coast in 1874 where nearly all his ministry was spent. He married Anna McPherson, Nova Scotia, in 1888. He was a faithful minister and did good work in the organization of new churches.

John D. Mclean, West River; Deceased. Missionary to Japan.

D. Stiles Fraser, B.A., Durham; Elderbank, N. S. His son, E. J. O. Fraser, BA., was appointed Missionary to Korea in 1914.

John M. Macleod, West River; Deceased. Mr. Macleod was one of the first who received his education at the West River Seminary. In 1853 he began his ministry at Richmond Bay, P. E. I., where he spent 6 years. His next pastorage was at Newport, N. S. From there he went to Knox Church, New Glasgow, N. S. In 1871 he was called to Zion Church, Charlottetown, where for 18 years he labored with zeal and success. He left the island in 1889 and went to Vancouver, to minister to a new congregation. Mr. Macleod was a vigorous preacher and a faithful pastor, and his memory is cherished in all his congregations. He was the author of “The History of Presbyterianism in Prince Edward Island”.

William Mcc. Thomson, M.A., Durham; Port of Spain, Trinidad. Pastor, Greyfriars Church.

A. W. Thomson, M.A., Durham; Pictou, N. S. Sons of the late Rev. James Thomson.

D. McDonald Clark, B.A., Durham; Middle Stewiacke, N. S.

David Clark, Durham; Died 1882. He was a son of the late David Clark, elder, and had the ministry in view.

Henry MacDonald, Durham; Deceased. He died at Paterson, N. J., in 1899, just after being ordained.

D. G. Cock, M.A., West River; Mhow, Central India.

Forest L. Fraser, Durham; Penn Yam, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist Church.

John Mclean, M.A., Green Hill; Died 1837.

Alex. Blaikie, D.D., Green Hill; Died 1885. Born 1804, educated at Pictou Academy and Halifax, a Missionary in the Western States, 1831-1835. In 1836 he became pastor at York, N. Y. and continued for nine years. In 1846 he came to Boston and established a congregation in connection with the United Presbyterian Church, and continued pastor of it until he retired in 1880. His work in Boston was marked by great labor and patience. He was the author of “Philosophy of Sectarianism”, and “History of Presbyterianism in New England”, and other works. William Blaikie, author, lawyer, athlete, was his son.

John W. McKenzie, D.D., Green Hill; Australia. Retired from Missionary Work.

James A. MacKenzie, B.A., Green Hill; Elmsdale, N. S.

Edward Grant, Green Hill; Died 1894. In 1869 he was inducted at Kempt and Walton, and in 1872 was called to Upper Stewiacke to succeed the late Rev. Prof. Smith, D.D., and from that, in 1891, to Middle Musquodoboit, to succeed the late Rev. Dr. Sedgwick. Mr. Grant was 52 years of age, and for nearly 25 years he was a most faithful minister in the Church.

D. W. Cameron, Green Hill; Died 1903. For many years Mr. Cameron was the pastor of Presbyterian Churches in Canada and the United States, but in later years entered the Church of England at Yonkers, N. Y., where he died.

John G. Cameron, Green Hill; Died 1897. He was educated at Princeton Seminary, and ordained at the early age of twenty-one. The whole of his ministry was spent in Prince Edward Island, where he was greatly beloved as a man and a minister. His charges were in Bonshaw, Souris and Murray Harbor.

George Gordon Mahy, D.D., Green Hill; Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary of the General Assembly’s Committee on Evangelism, Presbyterian Church in U. S. A.

Thomas Mclean, Green Hill; Deceased. Was preparing himself for missionary work when he died.

Norman G. Reid, Green Hill; Halifax, N. S. Theological Student.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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