Ministers In The Scotch Hill, Hardwood Hill And Cariboo District

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

Some of the families belonging to Scotch Hill and Hardwood Hill, attended the Scotsburn Church. Others worshipped in Pictou. Cape John was formerly connected with St. George’s Church, River John. In 1908, Cape John and Cariboo was organized into a separate charge. Rev. G. R. McKean was the only settled minister.

Ministers Born In This District

John Mcmillan, D.D., Scotch Hill; Halifax, N. S. Stated Clerk, Halifax Presbytery.

George McMillan, Scotch Hill; Died 1913. For 16 years he was the faithful minister at Kentville, N. S. Previous to this he ministered to congregations at Malpeque, P. E. I., and Harbor Grace, Nfd. He was a brother of the Rev. John McMillan, Halifax, and a scholarly and impressive preacher.

A. N. McQuarrie, B.A., Scotch Hill, Died 1909. Mr. McQuarrie graduated from Queen’s University in 1865, and went to Quebec, when for a number of years he was a successful professor in Morrin College. From there he went to Washington, D. C., where he taught for several years. For fifteen years he was a minister in Manitoba. He died at Winnipeg Dec. 1, 1909, aged 70 years. He was a diligent student, an acceptable preacher, and was held in high esteem by those to whom he ministered.

John Campbell, Scotch Hill; Died 1873. Born at Scotch Hill, December, 1809. Studied at Pictou Academy, and Theology under Dr. McCulloch, licensed by the Presbytery of Pictou, April, 1837. Ordained at St. Mary’s, 1st November, 1837. Died September 4, 1873. Endowed by nature with strong mental gifts, great powers of physical endurance, animated with the spirit of his Master, he gave himself to his work with energy and zeal, undergoing the most arduous labors, in discharging his duties as a minister over a widely scattered field.

Kenneth J. Grant, D.D., Scotch Hill; Vancouver, B. C.

Wm. L. Campbell, Scotch Hill; Yarmouth, N. S. Collector of Customs.

Alexander Hamilton, Scotch Hill; Old Orchard, Me. Pastor, Methodist Church.

Kenneth McKay, Hardwood Hill; Died March 28, 1914. In 1872 he was ordained at Richmond, N. B., where he remained 16 years. In 1888, he became pastor of a mission Church at Houlton, Me., thus organizing the first Presbyterian Church in the state. He resigned in 1910. Mr. McKay was an able and earnest preacher and one of the most genial and lovable of men. He married. Miss Margaret Grant, a sister of Rev. Dr. K. J. Grant. He is survived by his widow and seven children.

Alexander McKay, Hardwood Hill; Deceased. Mr. McKay was the first Nova Scotian who studied for the Church of Scotland, and returned to labor among his countrymen. In 1852 he commenced his ministry in his native parish, Rogers Hill, and at the end of 2 years went to Belfast, P. E. I. From 1859 to 1867, he labored with great success at Gairloch and Saltsprings, N. S. In 1868 he removed to Ontario. He died in the 63d year of his age, and the 35th of his ministry. He was a devoted minister of the Gospel.

D. O. Mackay, B.A., Hardwood Hill; Kingsville, Ohio.

Hector McQuarrie, Hardwood Hill; Deceased. Settled at Wingham, Ont.

Hector B. McKay, Cariboo; Died 1912. Mr. McKay was for some time a teacher in the Free Church Academy, Halifax. In 1855, he was ordained at Chipman, where he spent the first 7 years of his ministry. In 1861 he was called to Salem Church, River John, where he labored with great success. This pastorate lasted 24 years. In 1885 he went to Wallace where followed 11 years of great usefulness. He retired from the ministry in 1897, and lived thereafter in Halifax, where he died, at the venerable age of 87 years.

Kenneth McKenzie, Cariboo; Died 1904. For a year he was in charge of Baddeck, C. B., before his call and ordination there in 1857. This was his first and only charge. For 35 years he labored here, until his resignation and retirement, in 1891. For 5 years during his ministry he inspected all the schools of Victoria County.

George Roddick, Cariboo; Died 1910. In 1858 Mr. Roddick was inducted into the congregation of West River, Pictou, where he was a faithful pastor for 21 years. Then catching the first strain of the call to the west he removed with his family, and a portion of his congregation, to Brandon Hills, Manitoba. There he engaged in farming and preached as opportunity offered. After an absence of 25 years he returned to his native County and settled in the town of Pictou.

Daniel McKay, Cariboo; Addison, N. Y.

Murdoch, S. Mackay, B. A., Cariboo; Waweig, N. B.

Alexander MaCaulay, Cariboo; Vancouver, B. C.

Archibald Sutherland, Cariboo; Trenton, N. S. Graduate Presbyterian College, Halifax, 1914.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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