Biography of Hammel M. Deroche

Hammel Madden Doroche, a member of the Provincial Parliament for upwards of eight years, dates his birth at Newburgh, county of Addington, August 27th, 1840. His father Pascal Deroche, a French Canadian, was born in Lower Canada; his mother whose maiden name was Elizabeth Jane Madden, is a descendant of a family of United Empire Loyalists, who left the United States about the time of the Revolution. Both parents are still living. He was educated at the Newburgh grammar school and in the art department of the University of Toronto, having graduated in 1868, as prize speaker, and with first-class honors. He taught as second master of the high school at Newburgh four years, and as principal of the Napanee high school two years; read law with D. H. Preston, of Napanee, and James Bethune, Q.C., of Toronto; was called to the Bar at Easter term, in 1874, and since then has been in practice at Napanee. He is well read in his profession, keen in argument, clear and forcible, and in pleading a case, not unfrequently rises to a high degree of eloquence. He has great power with a jury, and is a growing man Mr. Deroche was elected to the Provincial Parliament of Ontario in 1871, and re-elected in 1875, serving eight consecutive sessions in that body. He moved the reply to the speech from the Throne in 1871.

In politics he is a Reformer, a stirring man and quite influential.
Mr. Deroche was a member of the Council of Public Instruction of Ontario from 1873 until the office was abolished, and his fine scholarship, excellent literary taste, and his progressive disposition made him a valuable member of that body.

He is a Free Mason, being a Royal Arch in that Order, and belongs to the Church of England. He is unbending in his christian principles and high purposes.

The wife of Mr. Deroche was Sarah Ann Christian Pile, a native of Barbadoes, and the daughter of Thomas G. Pile, many years a planter on that island, and now a resident of the village of Mill, Point, County of Hastings, Out. They were married on the 5th of December, 1872, and have three children, Eleanor Elizabeth, Sarah Ann Christian Pile, and Hammel Madden.

Mr. Deroche was re-elected for the riding of Addington, at the general election in 1879, for a further term of four years.



Ontario Canada,

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