Van Epps, John Sminck; coal agt.; born, Cleveland, Aug. 13, 1885; son of John Payson and Mary E. Sminck Van Epps; educated, Cleveland High School; married, Cleveland, April 20, 1881, Fanny Noakes; issue, three children, Sally, Leslie J., and Mrs. J. C. Sanderson; Western sales agt. for the distribution of Anthracite, West of Buffalo, produced by the Delaware & Hudson Co., from 1879 to 1902; from 1902 to date, handling same product as Western sales agt. for Millspaugh & Green Co., Utica and Syracuse; sales agt. for The Millspaugh-Green-McMorrich Co., Detroit, Mich.; sec’y and director Trerorton Coaling Co. of Ohio and Pennsylvania; director and chairman of the executive committee, The Ohio Lemon Co., Ohio; trustee Y. M. C. A.; member Masonic order, Halcyon, Rotary, Kokoal; member Union Club, Chamber of Commerce, and Fellow-Craft Club, Detroit, Mich.