Sawyer, Leroy Pursel; gen. mgr.; born, Schoolcraft, Mich., Dec. 26, 1878; son of Herbert Brown and Lina Frances Pursel Sawyer; educated, public schools, Lincoln, Neb.; Preparatory School, 1899, degree of B. S.; married, Cleveland, Dee. 4, 1907, Jessamine A. Pike, one son, Joseph Sawyer, born, Sept. 23, 1909; father’s home was in Vermont; went to Michigan in 1878, to Nebraska in 1885; prominent in real estate; died in 1895; was alderman of Lincoln, Nebraska, from Republican party; has been in business in Cleveland since February 1905; formerly in the electrical business in Minneapolis, and Chicago; gen. mgr. The Bukeye Electric Works; vice pres. National Electric Lamp Ass’n; member American Institute Electrical Engineers, and National Electric Light Ass’n; member Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Theta Nu Epsilon fraternities, Sons of Jove (Electrical), Chamber of Commerce, Hermit, and Athletic Clubs.