Biographical Sketch of Walter Horace Cottingham

Cottingham, Walter Horace; president The Sherwin Williams Co.; born, Ounenice, Ont., Canada, Jan. 8, 1866; son of William and Lucy Cottingham; first employed as clerk in hardware store in Peterboro, Ont.; prop. Walter H. Cottingham & Co., paints and varnishes, Montreal; senior partner Cottingham, Robertson & Co., Montreal; in 1896, mgr. Montreal branch, The Sherwin Williams Co.; appt. gen. mgr. Sherwin Williams Co. of Ohio, in 1898; vice pres. and gen. mgr. in 1903; pros. in 1908; is also pres. Sherwin Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd.; Cleveland Box Co. and Ozark Smelting Co.; chairman of board, Lewis Berger & Sons, Ltd., London; director Cleveland Trust Co.; executive member Railway Business Assn, N. Y.; National Civic Ass’n, Efficiency Society, N. Y.; American Academy Political and Social Science; member Union, Country, Mayfield, Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs, Cleveland; St. Maurice Fish and Game Club, Canada; Phylis Court Club, Henley on Thames, Eng.; married May 22, 1888, Montreal, Gertrude E. Bennett, of that city; issue, two sons and two daughters; author of “Business Business Success”; this work was published in America and England and has been sold in every country in the world. Fond of Golf.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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