Biographical Sketch of Frank House Baer

Baer, Frank House; railroad business; born, Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1863; son of Anthony and Lucy May House Baer; educated, public schools of Cleveland; married Bryn Mawr, Penn., July 2, 1908; Elizabeth Hunter; one son Chisholm Spencer Baer, born, May 3, 1909; business career, clerk for The Standard Oil Co.; after 5 years business training with that company became a traveling salesman for Franklin McVeagh & Co., Wholesale Grocers of Chicago; in 1899 went to Europe for a year; upon my return entered the employ of the Nickel Plate R. R. as commercial mgt.; still in that capacity; also interested in other commercial enterprises; Democratic; was a candidate for the state senate when Bryan was making free silver a campaign issue; member public Library board three years; one of the fathers of the city grouping plan and was closely associated in the work with the originator of the group plan the late Professor Charles F. Onley; member Chamber of Commerce; Euclid Ave. Baptist Church Union; Rowfant, Euclid and Transportation Clubs; Collector of interesting relics, rare books, old Valentines; have finest collection of old valentines in existence, over 2,000 in number; a fine collection of old prints of Cleveland, have all but one of the early prints of the city in my collection.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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