Biography of Judge J. A. Rambo

JUDGE J. A. RAMBO. The sons of Tennessee are well represented in Searcy County, Arkansas, and they hold conspicuous places in many pursuits which make that county a substantial star in the galaxy of Arkansas’ many interesting counties. Judge Rambo is a substantial resident of the same, and while he is interested in the public welfare and pays strict attention to his private affairs, he shirks no duties as a loyal citizen. His birth occurred in Tennessee December 23, 1841, a son of J. A. and Martha (Moore) Rambo, who were Tennesseans also. The family came to Arkansas in 1847, and located in what is now Boone County, and after several changes they moved to the vicinity of the Red River, where the father died in 1874. He was a stanch Union man during the war, a strong Republican after that struggle, and throughout life followed agricultural pursuits.

The subject of this sketch was the only child born to his parents, for his mother died soon after his birth, but his father married again and by his second wife became the father of one son, J. W. Rambo, and by his third wife became the father of two children: Rachel C. and Newton Z. The father of these children was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, was public spirited, enterprising and industrious, and by his upright and honorable mode of living commanded the utmost respect from all who knew him.

Judge J. A. Rambo spent his boyhood days in this county, in the public schools of which he acquired a practical education, and when the great Civil War came up he enlisted in the Second Arkansas Cavalry and served until the war closed, participating in some of the battles of the Price raid. He was an excellent soldier, faithful to every duty, and immediately after his return home entered upon the duties of civil life with vigor, and in 1866 became the owner of a farm on Red River, eight miles south of Marshall, comprising 164 acres of arable farming land, on which he has made his home ever since. He has been successful in this branch of human endeavor, and the admirable appearance of his place indicates that a man of thrift and energy is at the head of affairs. He has always supported the men and measures of the Republican party, and was elected on that ticket in 1891 to the office of county judge, was reelected in 1893, and is at present discharging the responsible duties of this position in a manner calculated to win him the highest praise. He is a prominent member of the A. F. & A. M. at Marshall, Arkansas, has always manifested much interest in the educational affairs of his section, and he and his wife are worthy members of the Baptist Church. His marriage was celebrated in 1864 with Miss S. C. Ham, a daughter of E. S. Ham, of this county, and has resulted in the birth of the following children: Martha E., wife of William O’Neal; C. D., who is farming on Red River, in this county; Tabitha J., wife of Samuel Beverage, of this county; Randolph, Columbia and Oscar. Alexander and Adolphus are deceased.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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