Biography of Judge J. A. Rambo

JUDGE J. A. RAMBO. The sons of Tennessee are well represented in Searcy County, Arkansas, and they hold conspicuous places in many pursuits which make that county a substantial star in the galaxy of Arkansas’ many interesting counties. Judge Rambo is a substantial resident of the same, and while he is interested in the public welfare and pays strict attention to his private affairs, he shirks no duties as a loyal citizen. His birth occurred in Tennessee December 23, 1841, a son of J. A. and Martha (Moore) Rambo, who were Tennesseans also. The family came to Arkansas in 1847, … Read more

Biography of Dr. John S. Stephenson

DR. JOHN S. STEPHENSON. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character, both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics, and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. When a physician combines these characteristics it is with pleasure that we record his life-work, and such a man do we find in Dr. John S. Stephenson. He owes his nativity to Polk County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1839. His parents were Dr. Andrew R. and … Read more

Long, Ida Hodges Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Ida Long died at St. Elizabeth hospital Tuesday. She was born March 11, 1873 in Marshall, Arkansas and she and her late husband, Charles Long, resided for many years in the Haines district. Mrs. Long was a member of the Baptist church and the Rebekah lodge of Haines. Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. F.A. Bircket of Portland and Mrs. H. K. Perkins of Haines; three sister residing in Kansas and a granddaughter, Mrs. R. H. Lee of Walla Walla. Funeral services were held Thursday with burial in the Haines cemetery. Source: The Record Courier, Baker City, Oregon, Jan. … Read more

Biography of N. J. McBride

N. J. McBRIDE. With the advance of time, civilization, wealth and population, it becomes necessary that a large number of men should turn their attention to the general mercantile business and make the wants of their patrons their constant thought and study. A gentleman who is engaged in this line and whose reputation for intelligence and integrity materially adds to his success, is N. J. McBride, whose principal place of business is in the town of Marshall, although he is also the owner of well-conducted establishments at Springtown and Snow Ball. He was born in Yell County, Arkansas, September 2, … Read more

Biography of W. P. Hodges

W. P. HODGES. Probably there is not a man better known in Searcy and adjoining counties than W. P. Hodges, the efficient sheriff and collector of this county. He is an intelligent man of affairs, keeps abreast of the times and has the reputation of being one of the most enterprising and progressive men, as well as one of the most trustworthy and capable county officials, being especially fitted for the offices of sheriff and collector. He was born in the county in which he now resides July 31, 1857, and therefore it is not to be wondered at that … Read more

Biography of W. J. Cooper

W. J. COOPER. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is well known throughout the section in which he resides as a man of unblemished reputation, whose energy, perseverance and integrity have placed him in an independent financial position and has won for him the respect of his fellow-citizens. The fine farm on which he resides comprises 178 acres of land, but he is also the owner of real estate in other parts of the county which amounts to some 500 acres. He has ever been an enterprising, thorough and practical farmer, and his valuable property is looked after in … Read more

Biography of V. C. Bratton

V. C. BRATTON. This gentleman is the owner of a well-conducted mercantile establishment at Marshall, and is an enterprising and wide-awake man of affairs. He was born at Wiley’s Cove, Searcy County, July 19, 1860, being the eldest of a family of eight children born to James and Dicy A. (Hatchett) Bratton, who arc still residents of Wiley’s Cove, where they are well respected and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The youthful days of V. C. Bratton were passed in learning the details of farming and in attending the common schools of the vicinity, where he secured … Read more

Biography of De Roos Bailey

Of the younger element of our prominent, energetic and influential citizens, none are better known than De Roos Bailey, one of the distinguished attorneys of the northwestern part of Arkansas, whose home is at Harrison. During the years that he has practiced his profession here he has shown that he is endowed with superior ability, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, together with the soundness of his judgment, secured his almost immediate recognition at the bar. Since that time to the present he has so identified himself with the affairs of his section that its history can-not be recorded … Read more

Arkansas Funeral Home Records

Funeral Log Books

This page links to known Arkansas Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Funeral records are an invaluable source of genealogical information that can provide insight into the lives and deaths of our ancestors. They offer a wealth of details on the deceased and their family, including their names, ages, dates of death, causes of death, and other key information.

Biography of William A. Wyatt

WILLIAM A. WYATT. This gentleman is one of the prominent residents of Richland Township, and one whose constancy to the business in hand, and whose thrift has added so greatly to the agricultural regions of Searcy County. He is a native of Warren County, Missouri, born October 2, 1828, and is a son of Lewis L. and Caroline (Tutt) Wyatt, natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively, their marriage in all probability occurring in the latter State. At a very early day they removed to Missouri and first located in Warren County, but in 1843 took up their residence in Searcy … Read more