Biography of Judge John Q. Adams

JUDGE JOHN Q. ADAMS. This gentleman is the worthy son of a worthy father Lynn Adams, an old pioneer of this section whose sketch appears in this work. Judge Adams was born on December 22, 1858, on the old Adams homestead in this county, and here arrived at man’s estate, having acquired a good education in the district schools and the school of Marshall, as well as that of Rally Hill, Boone County. In 1879 he started out to fight life’s battles for himself and at first was engaged in teaching the “young idea,” and connection with tilling the soil, and these occupations he continued to success-fully follow for five or six years. From the time he attained his majority he was always actively interested in politics, and in 1881 was elected on the Democrat ticket to the office of justice of the peace in Hampton Township, an office he filled with marked ability- for eight years, and in 1892 he was elected to the responsible position of county and probate judge, and is now (1894) a candidate for reelection. Since 1881 he has been almost constantly in office, and in every position to which he has been elected he has faithfully discharged his duties and has shown himself to be in every way capable and efficient. He has been a member of various county conventions and was nominated and elected a delegate to the congressional convention the last time it met.

In addition to his official duties he has looked after his farming interests also, and his estate of 180 acres four miles from Yellville is one of the best and neatest in the county, and shows that its owner is a young man of thrift and energy. He was married in 1879 to Miss Nancy E. Keeter, a daughter of Ex-sheriff J. J. Keeter. Mrs. Adams was born in Marion County, on the 31st of August, 1861, and in the neighborhood of where she now lives she was reared and educated. Her union with Judge Adams has resulted in the birth of seven children: Ethel E., Arthur V., Ezra A., Mary S., John W., James L. and Joseph W. Two children are dead, Vilas G. and an infant. Judge Adams has prospered in all his undertakings and has never been defeated in an election, a fact which speaks highly as to his many worthy traits of character and popularity. He has been a dealer in real estate, has bought and sold a large amount of property, and has probably made more money in this line than in any other business. He helped to form the school district where he lives, has ever been a patron of education, and is a stanch supporter of the temperance cause; in fact, he is an upright, worthy and law-abiding citizen.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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