Biography of Judge John Q. Adams

JUDGE JOHN Q. ADAMS. This gentleman is the worthy son of a worthy father Lynn Adams, an old pioneer of this section whose sketch appears in this work. Judge Adams was born on December 22, 1858, on the old Adams homestead in this county, and here arrived at man’s estate, having acquired a good education in the district schools and the school of Marshall, as well as that of Rally Hill, Boone County. In 1879 he started out to fight life’s battles for himself and at first was engaged in teaching the “young idea,” and connection with tilling the soil, … Read more

Biography of Robert F. King

The town of Hulbert, Oklahoma, is a monument to the business ability and enterprise of such men as Robert F. King, who came to this community when its proportions were those of a village. He recognized, however, the possibilities for growth and development here and became a prominent factor in business circles and active in the management of affairs which have constituted important elements in public progress. When he came here the Frisco railroad was just being built through this section of the country. He erected a store and residence one-half mile east of the present location of the town … Read more

Biography of Dempsey S. Harrell

DEMPSEY S. HARRELL. The name of this gentleman is a familiar one throughout Searcy County, Arkansas, and is synonymous with the farming interests of his section. There is no one who illustrates more fully in his career the unbounded energy and activity of the agriculturist than does he, and the magnificent farm of 700 acres, of which he is the owner, is one of the finest lying pieces of ground in this section of the country. He has resided on and been the owner of this land since 1887, and has 247 acres under cultivation. He first saw the light … Read more