Biographical Sketch of E. K. Henderson

E. K. Henderson, a young and enterprising horticulturist on Base Line, five miles east of San Bernardino, was born in Benton County, Iowa, August 18, 1858. His father, Robert H. Henderson, of Indiana, was for fourteen years successfully engaged in farming in Iowa. In 1875 he came to California and first bought ten acres of land in Riverside and put it out in fruit. It cost him $100 per acre, and after eight years be sold it for $9,600. He had one of the best vineyards in the State, which at three years from planting netted him $341 per acre. He afterward moved to San Jose, where he died in October 1888. He had a family of ten children, of which the subject of this sketch is the seventh. He had the advantage of a good common-school education, and came with his father to Riverside, California, in April, 1875. He subsequently bought land in Redlands, which he sold after two years. In 1882 he bought the land on which he now lives on Base Line. Mr. Henderson was united in marriage to Miss Lulie Annabel, in 1878, at Riverside. This lady was born in Jackson, Michigan, and is a daughter of Ira Annabel. They have two bright little children, Earle and oClaude. Both he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church.


The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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