Biographical Sketch of Lewis Deck

Lewis Deck, of Redlands, is a native of the “Keystone” State. His father, Henry Deck, was one of the pioneers of Waukeha County, Wisconsin, and had a family of nine children, of whom our subject is the oldest. He left home at the age of fifteen, and went to New York, and from there by the Panama route to California, in 1857. He had the measles while on board the vessel, and when he got on land had not money enough to buy his dinner. He first worked in the vegetable gardens at Marysville, for $20 a month. After this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. K. Henderson

E. K. Henderson, a young and enterprising horticulturist on Base Line, five miles east of San Bernardino, was born in Benton County, Iowa, August 18, 1858. His father, Robert H. Henderson, of Indiana, was for fourteen years successfully engaged in farming in Iowa. In 1875 he came to California and first bought ten acres of land in Riverside and put it out in fruit. It cost him $100 per acre, and after eight years be sold it for $9,600. He had one of the best vineyards in the State, which at three years from planting netted him $341 per acre. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Waite

E. J. Waite is a native of Walworth County, Wisconsin, and came to California in 1876, locating at Riverside, where he remained until 1879. In March 1882, he came to Redlands and worked as foreman for Judson S. Brown. It was he who planted the first orange trees in Redlands, and he has planted and raised more orange trees than any other man in the place. He owns several lots in the city and the finest nursery stock in the whole valley. His property has all been secured by planting and caring for trees for other parties, and taking lots … Read more

Biography of Milton Canterbury, M. D.

Milton Canterbury, M. D., of Redlands, was born in Greenup County, Kentucky. His father, Reuben Canterbury, a farmer, was born in North Carolina. The name originated in Kent County, England, from the estate of a man by that name, and for whom the city of Canterbury was named. Reuben Canterbury married Miss Elizabeth Lycaas, a native of Kentucky. The union was blessed with thirteen children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the eighth. He first attended the common schools of his native county and afterward attended a short time the college at Marietta, Ohio. From there he went … Read more

Biography of R. J. Waters

R. J. Waters, Redlands. A more important name cannot be mentioned in connection with the history of Redlands than that of Mr. R. J. Waters. Indeed, he is recognized as the father of the city. He built the first brick business block in the place, and has built and caused to be built by far the greater number of business houses in the place at this time. His first block was erected on the corner of State and Orange streets, in March 1887. Mr. Waters came to California in 1886, an invalid, and located the Chicago Colony, of which he … Read more

Biography of Frank T. Nelson

Among the enterprising and progressive citizens, and successful horticulturists that are doing so much toward building up and placing before the world the horticultural interests and industries of Riverside and San Bernardino County, mention should be made of the above named gentleman. Mr. Nelson came to San Bernardino County in 1863, and located at Redlands. There he purchased a twenty-acre tract of uncultivated land and commenced its improvement. He planted the tract with orange trees, and made one of the representative groves of that section. He sold the tract at a good price in 1887, and in the same year … Read more

Biography of Isaac Newton Hoag

Isaac Newton Hoag, a prominent citizen of Redlands, was born in Macedon, Wayne County, New York, March 3, 1822. His paternal ancestors belonged to the Society of Friends for generations back, and had uniformly been farmers. He lived and worked on a farm until he was eighteen years of age and had the advantages of a very primitive common school education. His father died when he was eighteen years of age, and one year later the Macedon Academy was organized, and Isaac was one of the first students at this institution. From this time until 1849 he taught school winters … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Hewitt

Harvey Hewitt, residing three miles northwest of Redlands, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1859. His father, Isaac L. Hewitt, was a native of New York, and for fifteen years was senior member of the firm of Hewitt & Schofield, petroleum commission. At one time he owned a line of steamers on Lake Erie. He is now retired from active life. He had five children, the subject of our sketch being the fourth. He was educated at the Polytechnic Institute at Brooklyn, New York. He was connected with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, on the engineer corps, for … Read more

Biography of Prof. Charles Russell Paine

Prof. Charles Russell Paine, of Redlands, is a native of Massachusetts, born in Barnstable September 9, 1839, a son of John and Lucy (Crowell) Paine. He is one of a family of six children. He was graduated at Amherst College, and has taught in Maine, Rhode Island, Ohio, Indiana and California. He came to this latter State in 1870 and taught school in Riverside. He also taught the first school in Colton. In 1873 he established a private school in San Bernardino and in 1876 was elected County Superintendent of Schools. He subsequently served as principal of the city schools … Read more

Biography of Colonel William R. Tolles

Colonel William R. Tolles, President of the San Bernardino Board of Trade and one of the most enterprising and public-spirited citizens of the county, was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, in 1823. His father was one of the original settlers of the famous “Western Reserve” in northern Ohio, having moved there and settled in Geauga County in 1837; there William passed his youth, excepting five or six winters which he spent in the South for the benefit of his health. He was in Arkansas when the Legislature of that State declared its secession from the Union, and he was a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury

Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury, of Redlands, was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1839, the third of a family of five children. His father, Isaac Kingsbury, was a market gardener for a period of fifty years. The subject of this sketch was educated at Williams College, and also graduated at the Union Theological Seminary, in New York City, in 1867. After his graduation he filled two pastorates in the Congregational Church. In 1875 he married Miss Mary Augusta Donaldson, a native of New York City. They have one son: Homer Penfield Donaldson Kingsbury. Mr. Kingsbury came to California in 1889 on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain William A. Rogers

Captain William A. Rogers, of Redlands, is a native of Lincoln County, Maine. Since leaving the sea Captain Rogers has given his attention to the cultivation of his oranges and vineyards and the improvement of his home in Redlands, on Colton avenue.

Biographical Sketch of C. E. Owen

C. E. Owen, a pioneer of 1849, residing on the corner of Olive and Eureka streets, Redlands, was born in Sheffield, Ohio. March 16, 1840, he left Ohio for California, shipping his horses and wagons to Chicago. At St. Joe, Missouri, he traded his horses for oxen. He left Iowa Point, May 10, 1849, with a company consisting of 100 wagons, and September 10 of the same year they arrived in the Sacramento valley with eighty-three wagons, under Captain Dorland. Mr. Owen can tell some interesting incidents of the journey across the plains, and of his experiences as a miner … Read more

Biography of Samuel J. Hayes

Samuel J. Hayes, residing in Redlands, on Cypress Avenue, was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, June 20, 1826. His father, Gaylord Hayes, was a second cousin to ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes. When Samuel was a lad of seven his father removed to La Salle County, Illinois, where he engaged in stock-raising until his death, which occurred in 1838, when Samuel was but twelve. His mother died in 1842, and he had to provide and care for his three younger brothers and sister. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, where he mined for six months and then returned to … Read more

Ancestry of Herbert Isam Mitchell of Brockton, MA

Herbert I Mitchell

The family bearing the name of Mitchell is one of the oldest in the New World, its progenitor being Experience Mitchell, who came over in 1623 in the “Ann,” and from that time to the present the records of various towns of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, chiefly Plymouth, Duxbury and the Bridgewaters, bear mute testimony of the prominence in peace and war of the members of the family in the different generations, and the present head of the family in Brockton, Isam Mitchell, president of Isam Mitchell & Co., lumber dealers and contractors, and his son, the late Herbert Isam Mitchell, active in business with his father and prominent in fraternal circles, have proved themselves firm in purpose and able in business.

Biographical Sketch of R. B. F. Watrons

R. B. F. Watrons. – No man in Redlands is more worthy of mention in a work of this kind than is B. F. Watrons, M. D. He came to Redlands with $350, with which he bought a team and went to work. He had previously contracted for ten acres of land for $1,000, and had paid $250 down. He began improving it the second year and put up a $400 house. He afterward bought ten acres more for $1,500 and borrowed money for the first payment. In five years he had bought and paid for thirty-one acres in Redlands … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. H. Sinclair

H. H. Sinclair, Redlands, was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1858. He attended the public schools of that city, and afterward went to Cornell University, and was a member of the class of 1880. Subsequent to this he practiced law in New York City for two years. Then he engaged in the shipping business for a while. His health failing he came to California, and has since given his attention to his fine orange orchard in Lugonia. He is a member of the city council of Redlands, and was a member of the first board. He is also a … Read more

Biography of S. Taylor

S. Taylor. Among those who have contributed largely to the success and advancement of Redlands, none should receive more credit for untiring energy in the past than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was a native of Canada, born at London, Ontario, October 8, 1854, his parents being John and Jane (Barter) Taylor, both of whom were born in England, the father being a contractor and builder. Our subject was reared and educated at his native place, and on arriving at a suitable age, commenced, as his first employment, clerking in a dry-goods store. After that he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hosking

John Hosking, the son of James and Jane Hosking, is a native of Cornwall, England, born February 22, 1839, and there reared a miner. He immigrated to California in August 1867, coming by the way of the Isthmus of Panama. He first worked in the mines in Tuolumne County, then in Amador County mines. In 1870 he was appointed foreman of the original Amador mines. In 1873 the Sierra Buttes Gold Mining Company appointed him foreman of the Plumas Eureka Mines. In 1883 he was appointed superintendent of the said mines, which position he now holds. He was married to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. E. Brown

Mr. F. E. Brown was born in New Haven, Connecticut, graduated at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College, and came to California in 1877. He was the engineer of the Redlands Water System and the discoverer of Bear valley as a reservoir; and more to him than any one else is California indebted for that great reservoir. The Bear valley dam was built by him. He has been one of the foremost citizens of Redlands, and in connection with Mr. E. G. Judson he has projected and built up that lively colony.