Biography of Frederick C. Liekefett

Born in Germany and brought to America by his parents at a tender age, the subject of this sketch is one of the many German-Americans who has made his mark in Rock Island County. His birth and early training started him aright and he has hewed to the line and become one of the most prosperous and substantial citizens of the community. Mr. Liekefett’s native province was Hanover, where he first saw the light November 28, 1848. The parents from whom he descended were Franz and Christina (Giltmacher) Liekefett, who came to the United States in 1855, first settling at St. Louis, Missouri. Here they remained but a short time, removing to near East St. Louis and taking up farming. After two years they came to Rock Island and the husband and father, being a tailor by trade, followed that occupation for two years. At the end of that period, satisfied that there were greater opportunities on the farm than in the shop, Mr. Liekefett purchased land in Bowling Township and settled thereon. Some years later this property was disposed of and the farm in Black Hawk that the couple occupied till death and on which the subject of this review now resides, secured.

Frederick C. Liekefett was married in Rock Island County December 19, 1876, his wife’s maiden name being Maria Simser. She was born in this County November 7, 1858, the daughter of Henry and Mary (Bruner) Simser, early settlers. Mr. and Mrs. Liekefett have been blessed with the following children: Mary C., born August 12, 1880, now the wife of Carl Belshouse of this County; Clarence F., born March 28, 1883; Elizabeth E., born March 28, 1886; Sadie E., born November 21, 1889, and Herman L., born October 12, 1892.

Mr. Liekefett after his marriage settled on the home farm and still resides there. He owns four hundred acres of fine and well improved land and is accounted one of the progressive and influential citizens of the County. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church.



Biographical Publishing Company. Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County. Illinois; Chicago: Biographical Pub. Co.

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