1861 Directory of Rattlesnake California

1861 Directory of Rattlesnake California

Andrews N. miner

Baldwin D. B. butcher
Blake James, miner
Bryant Alexander, saloon keeper
Brown Chas. miner
Brown L. C. miner
Behrman Peter, miner

Carigener C. blacksmith
Carpenter C. E. lawyer
Carter miner
Casidy A. miner
Clemmens Chas.
Cobern John, miner
Collins J. C. miner
Conda Patrick, miner
Cooper D. merchant
Cordes C. miner
Cortez R. miner
Coward John, miner
Cowden John, clerk
Cummings R. P. laborer

Day Dorrence, miner
Dicky J. G. clerk
Droge D. miner
Dugan H. stage driver
Duncan Jack, miner
Duncan Jo. miner
Dyer C. miner

Esterbrooks Sam. blacksmith

Fawcett George,, butcher

Gehagen Wm. miner
Greely G. L. miner
Goodrich A. H. teacher

Hawks William, miner
Henson Andrew, miner
Hill James, miner
Hillman George, miner

Jenkins James, painter

Kelly M. miner
Kelly J. miner
Kerny D. miner

Leach Jno. miner
Lobner L. merchant
Logan Archy, miner
Lovenfeld William, saloon and bakery

Maher P. miner,
Marble Frank, carpenter
Martin H. teamster,
Martin N. S. carpenter
Martin R. miner
Martino T. S. B. miner
Martino T. S. miner
McDonald W. C. miner
McGoldrich Thomas, miner
Mead P. shoe maker
Merrill G. H. saloon keeper,
Miller -. farmer
Miller L. E. farmer
Moffatt W . miner
Moore H. miner
Morgans Francis, miner
Morgans Isaac, miner
Morgans Morgan, miner
Morris S. G. hotel keeper

Nagle M. miner
Nickson _______, ranching

Ogden James, miner

Patterson J. miner
Pebble Alfred, miner
Perkins F. L. farmer
Plank A. saloon keeper
Popper C., butcher

Rackliff Jas. miner
Rean John, miner
Rice D. A., W. F. & Co’s agent
Riche Jas. carpenter
Rodgers P. R. blacksmith
Rogers James II. ditch agent

Sears Jack, miner,
Sexton Wm., Justice of Peace,
Sheppard Nathaniel, shoe-maker,
Silva C. M. merchant,
Smith Adam, miner,
Snyder Peter, miner,
Sosten P. miner,
Spain A. A. miner,
Stancliffe Wm. miner
Stephens Hyram, miner,
Stewart James, miner,
Stiner & Cohn, merchants,
Suinsen Samuel, miner,
Swines J. miner
Sylvester Docter, miner

Tomilson Geo. miner
Toole Jas. H. miner

Vance John, miner
Vice David, saloon keeper

Wardell John T. miner
Welsan W. J. miner
Wickson John, hotel keeper, Franklin House
Williams Augustus, miner, Halfway House
Wilson Chas. miner

Zinwalt Chas. miner


Steele, R. J.; Bull, James P.; Houston, F. I. Placer County Directory of 1861. Placer County, California: Placer County Historical Society. 1861.

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