Biography of Herman Hecht

Herman Hecht is the secretary and treasurer of Korrekt Klothes, Inc., of St. Louis. The company engages in the manufacture of men’s and young men’s clothing at No. 1633 to 1641 Washington avenue. Mr. Hecht was born in Coblentz, Germany, June 7, 1866, a son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht, the father a well known capitalist of Coblentz. The mother, following the death of her husband, came to America in 1875, settling in Louisville, Kentucky, whence she afterward removed to Paducah, that state, her death there occurring in 1881 when she was sixty years of age. She was the mother of four sons and five daughters.

Herman Hecht, the youngest of the family, was educated in the public schools of Coblentz, in the high school at Paducah, Kentucky, and in the Lyons Business College of that city. At the age of sixteen years he was one of the founders of the firm of Hecht Brothers & Company of Paducah, Kentucky, engaged in the wholesale clothing business. He sold his interest in that business in 1893 to accept a position with the Schwab Clothing Company of St. Louis. In 1898, after being with the Schwab Clothing Company for four years he again associated himself with his brothers in the wholesale clothing business in St. Louis, under the firm name of Hecht Brothers Company. In 1910 he organized the Korrekt Pants Manufacturing Company, now the Korrekt Klothes, Inc., which employs in its factory an average of four hundred people, while its business extends to all parts of the United States. The firm utilizes sixty thousand square feet of floor space in its factory. In the conduct of the St. Louis business the house has ever endeavored to live up to the standards indicated in its name, Korrekt Klothes, Inc. As the years have passed Mr. Hecht has constantly developed his powers and ability through the exercise of effort and a thorough study of every branch of the trade and is a most capable, forceful and resourceful man, his labors being most potent in the continuous growth of the business. Politically Mr. Hecht maintains an independent course.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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