Biographical Sketch of Crawford Mayes

Crawford S. Mayes was born in Burkes County, Georgia, in the year 1840. He came into Texas in the year 1866, and married Miss Mary E. Hooser of Red River County in the year 1873, and moved into Hopkins County and settled where he is still living. They are the parents of eight children equally divided as to sex. Mr. Mayes is a successful farmer and an all around businessman. He was a soldier in the time of the war, is a quiet citizen in time of peace, is a devoted husband, a kind and loving father, a good neighbor and a splendid citizen. He was made a prisoner during the Civil war, and spent several months in the walls of a northern prison. No man under the sun ever existed that is more liberal or more generous to those in whom he confides. His home is a home of hospitality, and the citizens have learned this fact; which is evidenced by the large amount of company he has on all public occasions. He is ¢a law-abiding man, a church supporter, and a debt-paying gentleman.


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