Alabama Revolutionary War Soldiers – A Surnames

ADAMS, BRYANT, a resident of Montgomery County; private, particular service not shown; enrolled on September 26, 1834, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $30; transferred to North Carolina, letter August 29, 1836.-Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

AGNEW, GEORGE, a resident of Lauderdale County; private in cavalry, particular service not shown; enrolled on September 29, 1836, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $25.-Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

ALEXANDER, , aged 98, resided in Mobile county, June 1, 1840; no facts given.-Census of Pensioners, 1841. p. 149.

ALEXANDER, ASA, aged 74, and a resident of Dale County; private Georgia Militia; enrolled on June 17, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $80; sums received up to date of publication of list, $200.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Con., 1st sess., 1833-34.

ALEXANDER, JEREMIAH, aged 113 (evidently an error for 71), and a resident of Morgan County; private Massachusetts Militia State Troops; enrolled on September 17, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $33.33; sums received to date of publication of list, $83.32. Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Walker county, June 1, 1840, aged 76.-Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.

ALLEN, DAVID, a resident of Franklin County; private, particular service not shown; enrolled on March 8, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from September 4, 1833; annual allowance, $60.-Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

ALLEN, EDWARD, aged 75, and a resident of Franklin County; private N. C. Continental Line; enrolled on March 8, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $60; sums received up to date of publication of list, $180.-R evolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

ALLEN, ROBERT, “DEATH-Another Old Soldier of the Revolution gone home. Died on the 29th ult. Robert Allen, of this county. They leave us one by one-yet they live in our memory.”-The Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., November 3, 1826.

ALLEN, ROBERT, aged 66, and a resident of Madison County; Sergeant Virginia Continental Line; , enrolled on January 29, 1824, under act of Congress of March 18, 1818, payment to date from October 26, 1823; annual allowance, $96; sums received to date of publication of list, $213.54.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong. 1st sess., 1833-34.

ALSOBROOK, JESSE, aged 72, and a resident of Greene County; private N. C. Militia; enrolled on March 26, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $50; sums received to date of publication of list, $100.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Sumter County, June 1, 1840, aged 77.-Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 149.

AMINET, JOHN, aged 81, and a resident of Madison County, private Virginia Continental Line; enrolled on January 5, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment received to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $80. -Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

The Democrat, Huntsville, April 11, 1833, contains the following obituary :

“Suddenly at his residence in this County, on the 30th of March, Mr. John Amonit, in the eighty-second year of his age-thus another revolutionary spirit has sunk into its rest Rarely are we called to record the death of a more virtuous man.-He has been a citizen of this county upwards of twenty years. In the domestic circle, he was a kind and tender father, and affectionate companion, a social and obliging neighbor, much beloved by numerous friends, and enemies he had none. In youth, he boldly met the foe and nobly de-fended the cause of liberty-few have ever so well prepared for their last great change-he settled his earthly concerns-ate a hearty supper-called his family around him-addressed the throne of grace-lay down in perfect composure-fell asleep in the arms of his Saviour, and awoke in the Paradise of his God. Thus died Mr. Amonit, without a groan, and left a wife, four children and numerous friends to mourn their loss, which is his infinite gain, and he now reaps the just reward of his labors.”

ARMISTEAD, WILLIAM. The grave of this soldier is described in Ball’s Clark County, Alabama, pp. 475-6. We learn that a Capt. William Armistead of Virginia and three sons, Robert, Westwood and John, became citizens of Clarke. The father was a man of strong peculiarities, a gentleman of the old school, wearing knee buckles and retaining English tastes. He was twice married and had three sons and three daughters. One daughter married John Morriss, in North Carolina, and moved to Alabama; another daughter married Edmund Waddell, in North Carolina; the third married Dr. Neal Smith, a gentleman of prominence in his day.

The grave stands alone, neatly enclosed with rocks and pickets on a hill near Amity church in the family burial ground, on the plantation bequeathed by him to his son-in-law. Dr. Neal Smith, about eight miles from Grove Hill.

The following is a copy from the marble slab :

memory of
a soldier of the
Revolution, a native
of Virginia,
who departed this life
March 1st, 1842,
aged 80 years.

He resided in Clarke County, June 1, 1840.–Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 149.-Mrs. P. H. Mell, in Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, vol. iv, pp. 529-533, has an extended sketch, with genealogical notes, etc.

ARNOLD, THOMAS, aged 71, and a resident of Autauga County; private N. C. Continental Line; enrolled on Jan. 4, 1834, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $30; sums received to date of publication of list, $90.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

Collection: Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama.

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