Biography of R. S. Bradley

R. S. Bradley is well known in business circles of Bartlesville as a successful real estate operator and in the management of his business interests he displays enterprise, determination and marked executive ability. He was born in Pope County, Arkansas; November 23, 1868, and his parents were S. A. and Martha (Torrance) Bradley, the former a native of North Carolina, while the latter was born in South Carolina. The father became a pioneer of Arkansas and died in 1911. The mother is also deceased.

In Pope County, Arkansas, R. S. Bradley acquired his education, and in 1896, when twenty-eight years of age, he came to Oklahoma, locating first at Claremore, where his energies were devoted to the conduct of a store owned by the Williams Hardware Company. From there he went to Wagoner, this state and operated a dry goods store for the firm of Dunpal & Taylor, being thus occupied for a year, at the end of which period he came to Bartlesville, where he has since resided. He became associated in business with H. L. Bryant, building the Bradley & Bryant block, which is one of the most substantial in the city, and they also engaged in general merchandising for ten years. After disposing of that enterprise Mr. Bradley entered the oil field as a producer, and he is now handling real estate, maintaining his offices in the old Empire building. He deals in land in the lower Rio Grande valley which is owned by the Stewart Land Company of Kansas, this being the largest corporation of the kind in the world. The tract is situated near the Gulf of Mexico and is one of the finest pieces of large acreage ever offered to the public. Mr. Bradley has negotiated many important realty transfers and in association with others has erected some of the finest business blocks in Bartlesville. He has made a close study of the real estate business, of which he has gained a comprehensive knowledge, and Ms operations along this line are most successfully conducted.

Mr. Bradley has been married twice. At Russell, Arkansas, he wedded Miss Mattie Ballenfield, who passed away leaving a son, John R, who is now twenty-eight years of age and is a member of the B. & R. Motor Company of Bartlesville. In 1911 Mr. Bradley was again married, his second wife being Anna B. Bird, who was formerly a teacher in the public schools of Bartlesville.

Mr. Bradley is well known in local fraternal circles, being a life member of the Elks Lodge, and in Masonry he has taken the thirty-second degree. His personal qualities are those which make for popularity, and he is an astute, far-sighted business man who has wisely utilized his innate powers and talents, while his labors have ever been of a constructive character, contributing to the development and improvement of his community as well as to individual prosperity.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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