Biography of Henry C. Harring, D. C., PH. C.

Dr. Henry C. Harring, secretary and treasurer of the Missouri Chiropractic College and ‘a distinguished representative of his chosen profession, was born May 13, 1888, in Gasconade county, Missouri. His father, the late Henry W. Harring, was a native of Germany and came to America when a child of but four years o1 age, his parents settling in Gasconade county in 1840. There Henry W. Harring was reared and educated and after reaching adult age successfully engaged in farming and stock raising for many years. At the time of the Civil war he responded to the call of the Union and joined the northern army, serving throughout the entire period of hostilities as a member of a Missouri regiment. He remained an honored and respected resident of Gasconade county for many years and passed away June 7, 1920, at the advanced age of eighty-four. His wife was in her maidenhood Fredericka Westholz, who was born in Gasconade county and was of German descent, her father having been one of the pioneer settlers of that part of the state. Mrs. Harring passed away June 22, 1904, at the age of fifty-seven years. By her marriage she became the mother of eight children, two sons and six daughters.

Dr. Harring, the youngest of the family, was educated in the schools of Franklin county, Missouri, and of St. Louis, completing his studies in the Washington, Missouri and the Central high schools of St. Louis. He had been reared upon the home farm to the age of sixteen years with the usual experiences that come to the farm bred boy. In starting out in the business world he turned to the profession of teaching, which lie followed for two years in Gasconade county. He then removed to Sedalia, Missouri, where he attended Hill’s Business College, and there he pursued a commercial course. On completing his studies he took up his abode in St. Louis and became connected with the St. Louis eastbound freight committee, serving as secretary to the chairman. He continued in railroad work for a period of ten years and in 1916 he entered the St. Louis Chiropractic College, from which he was graduated in 1918 with the D. C. degree. He also attended the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons and was there graduated with the M. D. degree. He engaged in private practice from 1818 until May 24, 1920, specializing in the science of chiropractic, and on the latter date he became associated with the Missouri Chiropractic College, which was established and incorporated under the laws of Missouri with Dr. Harring as professor of anatomy and gynecology. The college was opened with twelve students and has since grown to very satisfactory proportions, having now an enrollment of one hundred and fifty students. There is a thoroughly trained faculty, presenting the most advanced and scientific methods of chiropractic, and the officers of the school are: Dr. Robert E. Colyer, president; O. W. Schulte, vice president and dean; H. C. Harring, secretary and treasurer; and I. L. Jochim, registrar.

In St. Louis, on the 26th of June, 1912, Dr. Harring was married to Miss Hulda Schneider, a native of Gasconade, Missouri, and a daughter of Henry J. and Mary (Schulte) Schneider, both of whom were numbered among the early settlers of Gasconade county. Dr. and Ms. Harring have two children: Vincent, born in St. Louis, October 4, 1913; and Bernice, who was born May 26, 1918, and died January 9, 1921.

During the World war Dr. Harring was active in connection with Red Cross work. Politically he is a republican but not an aspirant for office. He belongs to Ben Franklin Lodge, No. 642, A. F. & A. M., and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He has membership in the St. Louis Automobile Club and he also belongs to the St. Louis Chiropractic Society, of which he served as secretary in 1918, becoming the first incumbent in that position. Without special advantages at the outset of his career, Dr. Harring has made steady progress, his life being one of activity and usefulness, and in the field of healing which he has entered he has done distinctive work, while as one of the founders and promoters of an educational institution he is maintaining the highest professional standards, imbued with the determination to place the science of chiropractic in the position where he believes it deserves to stand. Earnest and purposeful, no one doubts the successful accomplishment of his object, and aside from his labors in the educational field he has done definite and valuable work for mankind through the private practice of his chosen calling.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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