Illinois Frontier Forts Prior to 1902

Alton Prison, Illinois – At Alton.
Apple River, Fort, Illinois – At Elizabeth.
Armstrong, Fort, Illinois – At Rock Island; now Rock Island Arsenal.

Cahokia Fort at, Illinois – On the Mississippi River, 4 miles below St. Louis, Missouri.
Carlyle Fort at, Illinois.
Chambers Fort, Illinois – Near Lebanon, in St. Clair County.
Chartres Fort, Illinois – Mississippi River, near Kaskaskia.
Checauqo or Chicafou Fort Illinois – (See Chicago.)
Chicago Fort at Illinois – Fort Dearborn.
Chickasaw Fort, Illinois.
Clark Fort, Illinois – At Peoria.
Crevecceeur Fort, Illinois – On Lake Peoria.

Battelle des Illinois, Camp, Indiana – Called Fort Harrison.
Beggs Fort, Illinois – On Du Page River, at Plainfield.
Black Island Fort on, Illinois – About 1 mile above the mouth of the Ohio River.
Bon Homme Fort, Illinois -On Illinois River.
Butler Camp, Illinois – At Springfield.
Butler Camp National Cemetery, Illinois – At Springfield.

Danville Branch National Home, Illinois – At Danville.
Davis Cantonment, Illinois – On Rock River.
Dearborn Fort, Illinois – At Chicago.
Defiance Camp, Illinois – At junction of Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.
Des Moines, Fort. Illinois – At Buffalo Rock.
Dixon Fort, Illinois.
Douglas Camp, Illinois – At Chicago.

Edwards, Fort, Illinois – At Warsaw.

Gage Fort, Illinois – Randolph County; now town of that name
Goings Fort, Illinois – Kaskaskia River

Hamilton, Fort, Illinois – Near Galena.
Hill Fort, Illinois – In Lake County, on east side of Shoal Creek; now town of that name
Houghtaling Camp, Illinois – Mississippi River, near Cairo.

Johnston, Fort, Illinois – At Warsaw.
Jordan’s Fort, Illinois.
Journey’s Fort, Illinois – At Ariston.

Kahokia Fort, Illinois.
Kaskaskia Fort, Illinois – At Kaskaskia.
Kellog’s Grove Fort near Illinois – During Black Hawk war.
Kinzie Fort, Illinois.

La Mott Fort, Illinois – On La Mott Creek
Lewis Fort, Illinois.
Loins Fort, Illinois – Formerly called Fort Crevecoeur.

Massac Fort, Illinois – On Ohio River, 11 miles below Paducah, Kentucky
Miami Fort, Illinois – On Illinois River.
Middleton Fort, Illinois – Kaskaskia River.
Mound City National Cemetery, Illinois – At Mound City.

McClernand, Camp, Illinois – At Cairo.

Payne Fort, Illinois.
Piggot’s Fort, Illinois – Near Columbia.
Prentiss Fort, Illinois – At Cairo.
Prudhomme Fort, Illinois – One hundred and eighty miles above the mouth of Illinois River.

Rockfort Fort, Illinois – On Illinois River, in Lasalle County.
Rock Island National Cemetery, Illinois – Rock Island.
Rock Island Armory and Arsenal, Illinois – On Rock Island.
Rosecrans Camp, Illinois- Near Quincy.
Russell Fort, Illinois – Near Edwardsville.

St. Joseph, Fort, Illinois – Near head of Illinois River.
St. Louis, Fort, Illinois – At Rockford.
Shelby Fort, Illinois – On present site of Rock Island Arsenal.
Sheridan Fort, Illinois – Near High wood.
Simons General Hospital, Illinois – At Mound City.
Smith Camp, Illinois – Near Cairo.

Tanner Camp, Illinois – At Springfield.
Tyler Camp, Illinois – At Chicago.

Wilburn, Fort, Illinois – On Illinois River, near Peru.

Yates Camp, Illinois – Near Springfield

Forts, History,

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Returns Division. List of Military Posts Etc. Established in the United States from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1902.

2 thoughts on “Illinois Frontier Forts Prior to 1902”

  1. Not that I’m saying its a better list than Accessgenealogy; but it is a superior list to the one I posted. The ones I’ve posted are simply the ones I know about. This page is a great resource, thank you.

  2. There are so many forts not listed; here is a list of the ones I have researched.

    Forts dating to the French and Indian Wars in Illinois.

    Fort deChartres – Southern Illinois 1726
    Mesquakie Fort – East Central Illinois 1730

    Many forts built during the Black Hawk War were never used in times of war or battle, but they did exist, and were stocked and provisioned.

    Henry Thomas Fort – Wyanet 1832
    Fort Horn – LaSalle 1832
    Fort Winnegago – Ottawa 1827
    Cranes Fort – 1832
    Fort Johnson – Ottawa 1832
    Henline Fort – Lawndale Twp McLean Co 1832
    Money Creek Fort – Money Creek Twp McLean Co 1832
    Fort Darnell – Marshall Co 1832

    The Native Americans also had forts and walled encampments.

    Kickapoo Fort – Southeast McLean Co 1830
    Kickapoo Fort – Northeast McLean Co 1830
    Etnataek Walled Encampment – Eastern McLean County 1830

    A much better list is found here


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