Biographical Sketch of Timothy Earle Hopkins

The grandparents of Mr. Hopkins were Timothy Hopkins, born in 1751, and Sarah Carver, daughter of Captain Joseph Carver. His father was Carver Hopkins, born October 26th, 1799, who married Abby K. Manchester. Their children, seven in number, were: Israel M., Florinda A., Sarah C., Abby E., Ann E., Timothy E. and Lillian P., of whom all but the eldest son are still living. Timothy Earle Hopkins was born in Burrillville, R. I., December 5th, 1835, of which place he continued a resident until 1682. His education was received in the public schools and at New Hampton, N. H., where a year was spent in study, after which he served an apprenticeship as a spindle maker in his native town. He then engaged for two years in mercantile business, and at the expiration of this time removed to Providence, where three years were spent as a merchant. In 1865 Mr. Hopkins removed to Thompson and embarked in the manufacture of cotton goods, remaining at this point until 1870, when Burrillville again became his home. Here he continued the business of a manufacturer, the product of his mills being woolen fabrics. In 1876 he suffered disaster and loss as a consequence of the severe flood of that year, and soon after removed to Fitchburg, Mass., where until 1880 he continued the manufacture of woolens. Mr. Hopkins then became a: resident of Danielsonville, his present home, where he is still engaged in the production of woolen goods in the town of Killingly. He is also treasurer of the Jesse Eddy Manufacturing Company, of Fall River, Mass., and one of the promoters of the Crystal Water Company, of Danielsonville, of which corporation he is president. He is a director of the First National Bank of Killingly. Mr. Hopkins in politics gives his support to the republican party, and represented the town of Thompson in the Connecticut house of representatives in 1868: He has also, since his residence in Danielsonville, been active in furthering the educational interests of the borough. He is an active Mason, member of Friendship Lodge of that order at Chepachet, of Providence Chapter, and of Calvary Commandery, of Providence. Mr. Hopkins was in May, 1859, married to Marcella S., daughter of James S. Cook, of Burrillville. They have had three children-Elsie M., Earle Carver and Earle Cook; Earle Carver being deceased.


History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889. Additions and corrections © by

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