Biography of Darius Wood

Levi Wood, the grandfather of Darius Wood, removed from Swansea, Massachusetts, to Foster, Rhode Island, where for years he followed his trade of stone mason. By his union with a Miss Mason -were born children: Nathan, Levi, Jr., Wheaton, Ira, Olney, Albert, Hiram, Polly, Delight, Huldah, Louisa, and one who died in youth. Levi, Jr., was born in 1795 in Foster, and during the early period of his active life, combined the trade of a mason with the employments of a farmer. On his removal at a later day to Canterbury, he was for years the landlord of the Canterbury Hotel. He married Sarah Randall, whose children were: Darius, Mason, Sarah Ann, wife of Harvey R. Dyer, and Victoria, who died in childhood.

Darius Wood was born February 3d, 1818, in Foster, Rhode Island, where his youth, until the age of sixteen, was spent at school. He then accepted a clerkship in Providence, remained two years thus employed, and at the expiration of that time removed with his father to Canterbury. The two succeeding years were spent on a farm leased by him, after which, on his permanent settlement in Canterbury, he embarked in the business of storekeeping. From thence Mr. Wood removed to Central Village and conducted the Central Company’s store for a period of ten years. In 1864 he made Webster, Massachusetts, his home, and in company with a partner engaged in the dry goods and grocery business. The firm at a later date purchased a flouring mill at Greenfield, Indiana, which for ten years they operated successfully, when Mr. Wood having disposed of his interest in this property, continued in the grocery, flour and grain business in Webster. He fills the office of vice-president of the Webster Five Cent Savings Bank, and is largely identified with the business interests of the place. He has represented the districts of both Plainfield and Canterbury in the state legislature, but declined all municipal offices. He is a supporter of the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Wood is a member.

Mr. Wood was on the 19th of March, 183S, married to Clarinda E., daughter of Samuel Burlingame, of Killingly. Their children are: Irving, who is married to Mary M. Sherwood, of New York; Courtlandt, now a resident of Dakota, and a daughter, Alice Victoria, who died in childhood.



Windham County CT,

History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889. Additions and corrections © by

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