Gasset, Carl – Obituary

Funeral services will be held, Monday for Carl Gasset, who died Wednesday, Sept. 11, following a lingering illness, at the age of 90.

A native of Oregon, he resided in Gilroy for many years at 29 1/2 S. Eigleberry St. He was a charter member of the Senior Citizen’s Club.

He is survived by a daughter, Mona Waring of Portland, OR.

Services will be held Monday at 2 P.M. at Habing Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Clayton H. Coon, rector of St. John the Devine Episcopal Church in Morgan Hill officiating. Interment will be at Mt. Hope Cemetery in Morgan Hill.

Just looking at the queries…the Gassett and the Gasset family are all one in the same. Some spelled it with one T and some with two…I think the only one spelling it with one after the 1920’s was Carl Gasset’s family. In almost all of the records it varies

Jacob Morton Gassett and his wife Amanda Susan Keckley Gassett and their children came to Oregon along with Jacob’s sister, her son and her husband; Mary Gassett Talent Chambers, John B. Tallent, and Henry Chambers. Jacob and Mary were born in Virginia, but prior to coming to Oregon they lived in the Cedar County, Missouri area.

Mona Gasset Waring a daughter of Carl, wrote me in about 1986, this is her account of how the name was changed.

My Dad. He was tall, 6’2″, weighed around 200 lbs–had red hair that turned dark auburn as he got older, then finally grayish at 92. He started out farming on Grandpa’s home ranch, after Mother died, owned an ice cream parlor in Cove—then back to farming–then to LaGrande and a black smith for Union Pacific Railroad, then to California and a farmer again.

He married Mother, Bertha Hanna Comstock. They met when she was working at his Dad’s packing apples. She had lived in Cove up on the hillside below Twin Buttes and Mt. Fanny. She was a petite 4’8″ and 98 lbs., long chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. I regret that she didn’t live for I don’t remember her. She died of blood poisoning and Dad always thought that it was from a black widow spider bite.

Dad married again November 11, 1914 to a widow with five children, Mary Arlie (Jones) Her husband had been killed on a threshing machine in the valley…scalded to death. She had three daughters and two sons and they were (are) have one left) like my own…all fun and she was a wonderful mother to me. When she and Dad were married he went to Union to get me from Uncle Will’s and Aunt Dora’s and he went to Murphy’s (Walter and Florence–mother’s sister) to get “Gene.”

They had had Gene from the time mother had died (me for awhile, too–but their youngest daughter Thelma was jealous of me for she was a baby a bit older than me, too–so it didn’t work out for me to stay with them). Anyway, when Dad went to get Gene–Aunt Florence and Uncle Walter said, “Carl, there’s the 4 of them—(they have 2 girls and a boy) take your pick.” Since they didn’t want to give Gene up–Dad decided to wait a bit–of course waiting proved harder as time went by to give him up. However, he did come to stay with us when he was in the third grade and he was so homesick he didn’t do well in school. So back he went until the 8th grade. Same thing all over–only worse.

So Gene and I were separated except for summers when I went to visit them. My cousin Thelma was still jealous of me and when she got older she decided our last name Gasset would look more balanced with two t’s so she was the influence on Gene’s spelling our name with two t’s. After we grew up she apologized but Gene kept spelling with two t’s. (written by Mona Gasset Waring).

Contributed by: Pam Brown



Union County OR,

White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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