Cross, C. W. Private – Obituary

News reached Union Saturday last of the death in France of Private Charles W. Cross, of Union. He was a member of Company K, 308th Infantry, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cross, of Union. The cause of his death was given as pneumonia, though another report states that he was killed in action.
C. W. Cross was born in Milton, Umatilla county, September 29, 1894, and lived in Union for a long time, where he had many friends who have expressed great sorrow at his death.

(later newspaper report follows)

The body of Charles William Cross arrived from overseas Tuesday, May 17, 1921. This was the first soldier’s body to arrive in Union from France.

Deceased was a well known popular young man who had a host of friends who were grieved to hear of his untimely death. He yielded the supreme sacrifice giving his life for his country and “The glory of his story is a glory that shall stay.” Many friends extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

The funeral was held from the residence of his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Cross, Wednesday, May 18, 1921, sermon by Rev. Hughes of the Presbyterian church.

A large crowd was present, Union Post No. 50 American Legion, and Preston Woman’s Relief Corps No. 22, attended in a body. Stores were closed during the services. Taps were sounded at the cemetery and the body laid to rest amid flags and flowers.

Charles William Cross was born at Milton, Oregon, September 29, 1894. At the age of 8 he moved with his parents to Union, Oregon. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Cross. He worked for a number of years for the Eastern Oregon Meat Co. He was drafted into service at the beginning of the war on June 24, 1918, he enlisted at La Grande. He left Camp Lewis for overseas the 28th of August, 1918. He served in the trenches two weeks and went into the Evacuation Hospital No. 9 October 6, 1918. His disease was diagnosed as fever, he died October 10, 1918. He was a member of Company K, 308 Infantry G 66 C 92. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and three sisters. A half-brother, Dellivan McGinnis died July 20, 1920.

Contributed by: Larry Rader



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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