Biographical Sketch of C. S. Hayes

C. S. Hayes, jeweler and dealer in musical instruments, is a native of Orleans County, Vt. In 1871, he came to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, learned his trade with A. C. Taylor, where he worked four and one-half years. In 1876, he removed to Blairstown, Iowa; there opened a jewelry store, where he remained about five years. July, 1881, he came to Norfolk, where he has since carried on this business in all its branches. He carries the most complete stock of watches and jewelry, silver and plated ware, musical instruments and sewing machines of any house in Northern Nebraska. Mr. H. will take pleasure in having all call and examine his extensive stock before purchasing elsewhere. It should be remembered that all work is warranted.



Cutler, William G. Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska. Chicago, Illinois: Western Historical Publishing Company. 1882-1883.

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