Biographical Sketch of Lewis S. Halsey

Lewis, L. Halsey, of Hyde Park, son of David and Julia (Smith) Lewis, was born in the town of Blooming Grove, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1853. He received his education in the schools of New York City and Michigan, and when his education was completed, learned the printer’s trade at Middletown, N. Y.

August 18, 1878, he settled in Hyde Park and purchased the Lamoille News. Three years after he united that paper with the Vermont Citizen. Since that time he has conducted the combination of the two papers under the title of the “News and Citizen” with offices at Morrisville and Hyde Park. The News and Citizen is unswerving in its advocacy of Republican principles, and under Mr. Lewis’ management its influence is strongly felt throughout the state. Notwithstanding the active part he takes in politics, Mr. Lewis has never found time to hold political office, as his newspaper business monopolizes all his time and personal attention.

Notwithstanding his devotion to journalism, he has however found time to devote to the two great secret societies of Odd Fellows and Free Masons. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. & A. M., Tucker Chapter R. A. M., Burlington Council, and Burlington Commandery. He also belongs to Sterling Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F.

Mr. Lewis was married, Nov. 4, 1880, to Alice D., daughter of Russel S. and M. M. Page.

Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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