Biographical Sketch of John Stevens

John Stevens, from Newbury, N. H., immigrated to Hyde Park in 1827, and died in Johnson about 1858, aged seventy-five years. Mehitable, his wife, died in Johnson in 1878, aged ninety-five years. Horace, son of John, came to this town in 1857, where he still resides, as a carriage maker.

1840 Census Index, Hyde Park Twp., Lamoille County, Vermont

Name Page Adams, Joshua 14 Adpices, Simeon 16 Allen, Ira 18 Allen, Smith 15 Bader, Joseph 14 Bartlett, Charles L. 13 Bedervill, William 13 Bidwell, John 17 Billing, Luther 17 Bliske, Caleb 14 Boges, Joseph 18 Boges, William L. 18 Bondman, Elisha 13 Boyer, Hugh 18 Bradman, Almond 16 Bran, Solomon 17 Brown, Oliver 14 Brown, Shipard B. 14 Brown, William 14 Bullard, Daniel 18 Bundy, Michael 14 Bundy, Toun 14 Bunker, Benjamin S. 14 Burns, Ebenezer 15 Cable, Simon, Jr. 15 Calkin, William 17 Calkins, Benjamin 16 Camp, Phela G. 19 Campbell, David 17 Campbell, Robert 13 Carpenter, Daniel … Read more

Biography of Carroll Smalley Page

Carroll Smalley Page of Hyde Park, son of Russell S. and Martha Malvina (Smalley) Page, was born in Westfield, Jan. 10, 1843. He was educated at the People’s Academy at Morrisville, the Lamoille county grammar school of Johnson, and the Lamoille Central Academy of Hyde Park. Governor Page is identified with many of the important business enterprises of his county and state, being president of the Lamoille County Savings Bank and Trust Co., of the Lamoille County National Bank, of the Hyde Park Hotel Co., and of the Fife Lumber Co. He is the treasurer of the Hyde Park Lumber … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Josiah Jones

Josiah Jones made the first clearing on the farm now owned by his son, Lorenzo P., on road 4 in Hyde Park. He reared a family of eight children, and died February 14, 1870.

Biography of Horace Waite

Waite, Horace, of Hyde Park, son of Smith H. and Lucinda (Goodenough) Waite, was born in Fairfield, May 16, 1826. His education was obtained in the common schools of Sheldon and at Bakersfield Academy. Left an orphan at the age of five he found a home with Asa Grant with whom he remained till he arrived at man’s estate and for whom he worked seven years after attaining his majority. In 1854 he invested his carefully saved earnings in the purchase of a large farm in Eden, where he resided until 1877 when he removed to Morrisville to secure better … Read more

History of Hyde Park, Lamoille County, Vermont

HYDE PARK, the shire town, and geographical as well as political center of the county, lies in lat. 44° 37′, and long. 4° 26′, bounded northeasterly by Eden, southeasterly by Wolcott, southwesterly by Morristown, and northwesterly by Johnson. It has an area of 23,040 acres, its boundary lines being each about six miles in length, thus forming a square, which is set diagonally, north and south. No changes have been made in the territorial limits of the town since its original survey. It was granted by the State, November 6, 1780, and chartered August 27, 1781, to Jedediah Hyde and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel P. Sawyer

Nathaniel P. Sawyer, from Haverhill, Mass., came to this town in 1790, and located at Hyde Park village, where he built the first frame house, which is still standing, at the east end of Main street, owned by James M. Hill.

Biographical Sketch of Nelson L. Lanphear

Nelson L. Lanphear, residing on road 36, is a son of Lyman Lanphear, one of the early settler of Hyde Park. He was born in that town August 23, 1822. In 1849, he purchased loo acres of wild land in this town upon which he erected a log house, and in 1850, he married Sarah M. Peake, daughter of Thomas Peake, one of the early settlers of the county, and together they began life in the woods of Wolcott, where they have reared a family of four children. Mr. Lanphear’s mother was a daughter of Seth Hubbell, the first pioneer … Read more

Hyde Park, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory

(For explanations, etc., see main page) Allen Franklin M., (North Hyde Park) r i, farmer 110, with L. F. 75. Allen Leonard F., (North Hyde Park) r 23, justice of the peace, and farmer 48, with Frank 95. Allen Mary H., (North Hyde Park) r 4, widow of James. *AMBLER MYRON, (Hyde Park) r 39, dealer in pianos and fancy lumber. [Card on page 418.j *AMERICAN HOUSE, (Hyde Park) Carroll F. Randall, prop., Main. [Card on page 310.1 Andrews Christopher A. A., (North Hyde Park) r 2, painter, and farmer 30. Bachum Albert, (Hyde Park) r 18, mason and builder, … Read more

Biography of Edward Bertrand Sawyer

Edward Bertrand Sawyer of Hyde Park, son of Joshua and Mary (Keeler) Sawyer, was born in Hyde Park, April 16, 1828. His education was obtained in public and private schools, to some extent under the care of a tutor, and during one term at the People’s Academy. His father was his first instructor in the law, the study of which he commenced at eighteen years of age, reading also in the office of Hon. W. W. White, then of Johnson. Appreciating the defects of his early schooling, he adopted a system of self-education, taking Fowler’s “Self Education, Complete” for a … Read more

Biography of Jonas T. Stevens

Stevens, Jonas T., of Hyde Park, son of Amasa and Martha (Smith) Stevens, was born in Eden, June 3, 1842. His father, Amasa, was a long-time resident of Eden, was prominently connected with public affairs, and for a considerable period was associate judge of the county court. Jonas T. Stevens obtained his education in the common school, and for a time gave his services to neighboring farmers, being also employed in mills in the vicinity of his birthplace. Acquiring a small but well-earned capital, he invested it in a saw mill, when his business plans were suddenly interrupted by the … Read more

Biography of Henry Moses McFarland

McFarland, Henry Moses, of Hyde Park, son of Moses and Livonia (Leach) McFarland, was born in Waterville, August 5, 1852. Mr. McFarland’s great-grandfather served in the war of the Revolution, coming out of the service with the rank of major. His father also served his country in the civil war as captain of Co. A, 8th Regt. Vt. Vols., and was a brave and resolute officer, having at various times received honorable mention for meritorious conduct on the field of battle. He received his preliminary educational training in the schools of Waterville and the People’s Academy, working his way through … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Smalley

Francis Smalley, from Norwich Vt., made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Ira Cobleigh, on road 21 in Hyde Park. He married Martha P., daughter of Capt. Hyde, the union being blessed with six children, three of whom now reside at Hyde Park village, Abel P., Diadama, widow of L. H. Noyes, and Martha M., wife of Hon. R. S. Page. Mrs. Smalley died in 185z, and Francis died June 8, 1857. Abel P., was born on the old homestead, in 1819. He married Fannie Hodgkins, of Westfield, Vt., by whom he reared a family of six … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Barnes

Ebenezer Barnes, from Brandon, Vt., came to Hyde Park in 1837, and located upon the farm now occupied by his son, Eben, on road 202. Eben was ten years of age when his father came here. He married Esther W. Davis, and has one daughter. Ebenezer died in 1850, his wife in 1880.

Biographical Sketch of Carlos S. Noyes

Carlos S. Noyes, son of Breed Noyes, was born in Hyde Park, February 28, 1816, and resided there until 1875, when he came to this town. From 1835 till 1840, he was a merchant in company with Lucius H. on the old farm. In 1840, he opened a store in Hyde Park village, and built the store now occupied by W. C. Maxfield. He continued this business until 1842. In 1843, he was elected constable, and held the office ten years. In 1842, he was appointed postmaster, which office he held until 1848 or ’49. In 1848-’49, he represented Hyde … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Erastus Fitch

Erastus Fitch, son of Darius, was born at Hyde Park in 1811, on the old Fitch farm, now owned by his son, Vernon D. Erastus married Sarah Brigham, of Morristown, reared a family of three children, and died in 1845. His wife survived him ten years, dying in 1855. Vernon D. was born on the old farm in 1840, and married Elizabeth Sumner, of Troy, Vt. The Fitch family is one of the oldest in the town, Jabez Fitch having made the first settlement on the old Fitch homestead, The house now standing thereon, built by Darius, was raised the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Noyes

Oliver Noyes made the first settlement on the farm now owned by his grandson, Edgar Noyes, on road 47. Oliver’s son. Breed, kept the first store in Hyde Park, in the old house yet standing on the farm. Breed died December 28, 5834. Edgar was born on the homestead in 1818, married Jane Cook, and has three children.

Biographical Sketch of Lewis S. Halsey

Lewis, L. Halsey, of Hyde Park, son of David and Julia (Smith) Lewis, was born in the town of Blooming Grove, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1853. He received his education in the schools of New York City and Michigan, and when his education was completed, learned the printer’s trade at Middletown, N. Y. August 18, 1878, he settled in Hyde Park and purchased the Lamoille News. Three years after he united that paper with the Vermont Citizen. Since that time he has conducted the combination of the two papers under the title of the “News and Citizen” with offices at … Read more