Biographical Sketch of Aldrich, James Mott

Aldrich, James Mott, son of Arnold and Dollee Lang Aldrich, was born in Smithfield, Providence County, R. I., October 30, 1817. He attended the common schools and the academy at Union Village.

He studied medicine in the office of Dr. J. A. Brown, Providence, R. I., Harvard medical school, and in the Botanic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio; and commenced regular practice in Fall River in 1843, in which city he has ever since lived.

Dr. Aldrich was married in Dedham, May 24, 1844, to Mary A. Allen, who died in 1857. He was again married, September 23, 1862, to Louisa G., the daughter of Hon. Nathaniel B. and Sarah (Gray) Borden, of Fall River. They have two children; Mary L. and Nathaniel B. Aldrich.

From 1846 to ’47 he was editor of the “Medical Enquirer.” He has been for many years president of the Children’s Home; was a member of the school board fifteen years; and is president of the Barnard Manufacturing Company.

Dr. Aldrich was a strong abolitionist, and has been a life-long advocate of total abstinence from all intoxicants; was a member of the Society of Friends, but left them when their New England yearly meeting forbade the opening of their meeting-houses for anti-slavery gatherings. He has been connected with the Unitarian society since 1871.



Rand, John Clark. One of a Thousand: A Series of Biographical Sketches of One Thousand Representative Men Resident in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, A.D. 1888-'89. Massachusetts: First National Publishing Company, 1890.

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