Biography of Ernest T. Damon

A modern philosopher has said “opportunity is not local, it is universal; success does not depend upon a map but upon a time table.” It has been through the wide use which he has made of his time and opportunity that Ernest T. Damon has reached his present creditable and enviable position as manager of and attorney for the George E. Keith Company, manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in walk-over shoes. Starting out in the business world in a humble capacity he has advanced step by step, thoroughly mastering every task that has devolved upon him until he has attained a most creditable position in business circles. Massachusetts numbers him among her native sons. He was born at Sharon, June 26, 1880, and is a son of the late Calvin A. Damon who was likewise born in the Old Bay state and was a representative of one of the colonial families of Salem, Massachusetts, and of English descent. He became a master printer, following that business until death ended his labors. He married Gussie J. Thayer who was likewise born in Massachusetts, her people having settled at Lakeville at an early day and the Thayer family is also of English lineage.

Ernest T. Damon, the only child born of this marriage, was educated in the public schools of Brockton, Massachusetts, and after attaining his majority started out to provide for his own support. His first position was with the G. E. Keith Company as a stock clerk in the mail order department at Brockton, Massachusetts, and from that humble position he has worked his way upward through various promotions in the executive department to his present position which he has filled since July, 1912. He was made the first manager of the company in the St. Louis district and through the intervening period has developed a large and extensive business in his territory.

On the 29th of June, 1908, Mr. Damon was married to Miss Lillian Standish, a direct descendant of Miles Standish, a daughter of George Eddy and Eva (Blanchard) Standish, representatives of prominent old families of Middleboro, Massachusetts. Her father is now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Damon has been born one child, Thayer Standish, whose birth occurred in St. Louis, November 17, 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Damon are members of the Kings Highway Presbyterian church and Mr. Damon’s membership relations also extend to the Masonic fraternity, for he is affiliated with St. George Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Brockton, Massachusetts, and has attained the thirty-second degree in Scottish Rite Masonry. He belongs also to the Missouri Athletic Association and to the Forest Park Golf Club, while his attitude in political affairs is that of a progressive republican. A distinguished American statesman has said, “The strongest and best type of the American citizen is found when eastern education and training is grafted onto western enterprise and opportunity.” Of this class Ernest T. Damon is a representative. No higher testimonial of his capabilities, his fidelity and his trustworthiness could be given than the fact that throughout his entire business career he has remained with one company, winning successive promotions until he now occupies a position of large responsibility-in connection with the development of their western trade.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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