Biography of George F. Licht

George F. Licht, ex-mayor of the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, at present superintendent and assistant treasurer of the Patent Cereals Company of Geneva, New York, is one of the most prominent men in that section of the country, and has served it in a number of public offices.

George F. Licht was born on Long Island, New York, August 18, 1860. He was educated in the Brooklyn and other Long Island schools, and was graduated from the Brooklyn high school. At the age of sixteen years he entered the employ of Tiffany & Company, jewelers, of New York City, to learn the trade of fine engraving, and remained with this firm for a period of ten years. He then became engaged in the milling business with his father, and has been connected with this line since that time. He was one of the incorporators of the Patent Cereals Company of Geneva, and in addition to being the superintendent and assistant treasurer, is a director and one of the largest stockholders. His public career has been a diversified one. In 1902 he was appointed by Daniel E. Moore, then mayor of Geneva, as a member of the purchasing committee for the city of Geneva; he was appointed by the same authority as a member of the fire commission; in 1903 he was elected mayor of Geneva; was appointed by A. P. Rose a member of the fire committee commission, and served four years, commencing in 1906. He has now (1910) permanently retired from all public office. He has always supported the Democratic party in politics, and is a member of St. Peter’s Church. His fraternal affiliations are with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and he is at present chairman of the charity committee in his lodge. In 1907 Mr. Licht was one of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Geneva.

Mr. Licht married in New York City, November 30, 1884, Anna J. K. Stahmann, who died March 18, 1910. She was the daughter of Louis H. Stahmann, of New York City, a wholesale produce merchant in Washington market, who died June, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Licht have had children : Anna E., born November 30, 1885, was graduated from the Geneva high school and then took a course in the Mechanics Institute, Rochester, New York, in domestic science; Edward S., born March 23, 1904.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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