Biography of Euclid Waterhouse Smartt, Jr.

Euclid Waterhouse Smartt, Jr., of Muskogee, whose varied interests and activities have ever maintained a well balanced character, while his recognition of the duties and obligations of life have made him a valued citizen through his business enterprise and through his cooperation in many projects for the public good, was born in Viola, Warren county, Tennessee, December 29, 1878, on the home farm of his parents E. W. and Nannie Elizabeth (Davis) Smartt. He completed his literary education in the Viola Normal School at Viola, Tennessee, in the year 1899 and became a law student in the office and under the direction of Cross & Ramsey, well known attorneys of Manchester, Tennessee, being admitted to the bar in 1901. He then located for practice in Manchester, where he devoted his attention to the profession until 1908, when he also became interested in the conduct of a lumber business, continuing to practice, however, until 1912.

It was in that year that Mr. Smartt came to Muskogee and through the intervening period has resided in this city. His initial business connection was that of president and general manager of the Muskogee Transfer Company and as the years have passed he has utilized every opportunity which he believed offered chance for advancement and broader usefulness in the business world. He became interested in the retail tire and automobile accessories business and in October, 1918, he was appointed to the position of secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, acting in that capacity with good results for the organization until the 15th of June, 1921, when he resigned. He is now a director of the Security State Bank and is the president of the Freeman Sales Company. He has always found ready solution for intricate business problems, his keen sagacity enabling him to see to the root of the matter and to figure out accurately the possibilities of any business situation.

On the 30th of June, 1908, Mr. Smartt was married to Miss Georgia Montgomery Hickerson of Manchester, Tennessee, and they have become parents of three children: Heloise Ramsey, Euclid W. (III) and Dan Colville.

Mr. Smartt is a valued member of the Rotary Club, of which he served as president in 1916 and he also belongs to the Lions Club. These two organizations have been dynamic forces in the up building of the community, in the extension of trade relations and in the development of civic pride and high standards in relation to municipal affairs and such an organization naturally makes strong appeal to Mr. Smartt. He is likewise identified with the Knights of Pythias, while his religious faith is indicated in his membership in the Christian church, in which he is serving as a deacon. He is a member and vice president of the board of education of Muskogee and the cause of education finds in him a stalwart champion. His hobby is gardening. He raises both flowers and vegetables and shows nothing of the amateur in so doing.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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