Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches

Last Updated on May 7, 2024 by Dennis

Situated atop the Rocky Mountains, the Laramie Plains are a sprawling prairie known for being one of the highest plateaus over 7,000 feet in elevation globally. These plains embody the quintessential landscape of the Great Plains, set against the iconic blue skies of Wyoming, a name derived from the Native American word for “Great Plains.”

Historically, the Laramie Plains have been a favored rendezvous for both Native Americans and settlers, drawn by the revitalizing air and abundant natural resources such as game, fur, minerals, and livestock.

The history of this region reflects the full spectrum of human nature, encompassing both virtues and vices. The pioneering spirit has always driven its inhabitants, influencing the authors, who belong to the second generation after the original settlers. Raised among these early ranches, the authors have been imbued with this pioneering ethos from a young age.

Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches aims to capture the essence of the people who shaped the Laramie Plains. It portrays their courage and cowardice, faith and skepticism, vision and blindness, responsibility and recklessness, humility and pride, kindness and cruelty, fortune and misfortune, competence and ineptitude. If this narrative manages to convey these diverse human experiences, then it will have successfully used the authors’ inherent talents to chronicle the history of one of Wyoming’s and the West’s significant natural landscapes. The saying “Grass Makes Wyoming and Wyoming is the West” captures the essence of this unique region.

Table of Contents

The table of contents in “Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches” is organized by various subjects and locations, featuring general titles like “Ranches on the Big Laramie River below Laramie City.” I’ve listed the chapter names and page numbers below, but for more detailed searching, I recommend using the index to “Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches” provided further down this page and in the book.

Pioneer Ranches of the Rocky Mountain Empire, p. 1
Marks and Brands of Albany County 1871-1880, p. 45
Dr. H. Latham, U. P. Surgeon and Laramie Plains Booster, p. 55
Wyoming Stockgrazers Association founded in Laramie in 1871, p. 61
Clashes between Cattle and Sheep Owners on the Laramie Plains, p. 67
Al Houston, Pioneer Indian Fighter, Hunter and Guide, p. 73
Landmarks on the Laramie Plains, p. 77
Land Descriptions. Origin of Terms Section, Township and Range, p. 91
Roads and Freighting on the Laramie Plains, p. 107
Ranches on the Big Laramie above Laramie City, p. 121
Ranches on the Big Laramie River below Laramie City, p. 207
Ranches on the Little Laramie River, p. 231
The Ranches around Tie Siding and Virginia Dale, p. 315
Ranches of the Black Hills, Sybille and Blue Grass north of Laramie, p. 341
Ranches between the Little Laramie and Rock Creek, p. 389
Ranches on Rock Creek, p. 403
Ranches in Northern Albany County, p. 433
The Swan Land and Cattle Company, p. 485
King Brothers Company, World Famous Sheep Breeders, p. 519
Ranches of the Elk Mountain Country and Bow River, p. 559
Famous Cowboys. Top Hands of the Laramie Plains, p. 649
The Indispensable Horse: Ally of Man at Work and Play, p. 669
Water, Vital to Man and Beast: Life Blood of the Laramie Plains, p. 679
Changes in Ranching, p. 699
Selected Bibliography, p. 705
Index to Text, p. 716
Index to Pictures, p. 741
Addendum, p. 747

Index to Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches

This index is from the book “Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches” and can help determine if your ancestor is mentioned in the manuscript. Additionally, if your ancestors lived in or around Laramie and Albany County, Wyoming, this index could be useful in discovering engaging stories from the area during the time they lived there.


A-A Ranch 392, 414
Abbott, Cole 202
Abbott, T. G. 48, 212, 213
Abrams, Ludolph & Dick 276, 284, 288, 299 406
Accident, fatal to Mrs. Sellers 456
Accident, Tragic and First Aid 611
Adams, Rody 436, 667
Agricultural Short Course, Univ. of Wyo. 204 538
Agronomy Farm 696
Airship put together on F. Newell Ranch 440
AL Ranch (Swan Co.) 504, 515
Albany County Sheep Raid 67-70, 364
Albany County, Wyo. 682
Albany Station 237
Alder Gulch, Mont 260
Alexander, Esther 269
Alexander, Lou 270
Alfalfa Growing 198
Allbright, J. J. 252
Allen, James 364, 366, 370
Allen, Wm. C. “Tex” 135
Alsop, John 12, 14, 32, 39-43, 656, 658
Alsop, Louise (Pedersen) 17- 22
Alsop, Tom, 12, 13, 40, 47, 64, 84, 149, 150, 282, 284, 288, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, 392, 394, 400, 402, 483, 484, 651, 654, 684
Altman & Mcllvane 494
Amende, Lillian Robins 8, 14
Ambition of Ranch Boys 613
American Falls, Ida. 609
American Legion Home 63
American Royal Show 522, 534
Ames Brothers 84, 85
Ames Monument 84, 85, 112, 318, 320, 321
Amous, Pap 580, 582
Amschutz, Fred 636, 637
Anchor Brand 409
Anchor Ranch 636
Anderson, Lawrence 419, 420
Anderson Shed and Field at Flag Ranch 156, 170, 236
Andrews, Hattie 686
Andrews, Jude 686
Angora Goat Herd 162
Angus Cattle 139, 318, 367, 428, 474, 701
Animal Trap (Near Chimney Rock) 13, 84, 187
Ankeney, D. E 381
Annals of Wyoming 318
Antelope (killed at Flag Ranch) 176, 200
Antelope Basin 117, 118, 452, 456, 457, 459
Antelope Creek, Boulder Ridge Area 188, 196 234
Antelope Creek, Nebr. 7, 8
Antelope Creek, Tributary North Laramie 438
Antelope Shed at Flag Ranch 156, 165, 168, 177
Anxiety, 4th (9904) Hereford Bull 409
Appendicitis, formerly Inflammation of Bowels 633
Arabian Stallion 324
Arlington 405, 406, 410, 419, 561, 569, 634, 635
Arnold, C. P 217, 219, 258
Arnold, Dan 338
Ashley, General 10, 14
Ashley, Jack 471, 472
Ashley Creek 87, 117, 471, 473
Ashley Mountain 87
Aspen Creek 438
Assessment Roll for Sheep in 1884 (by counties) 548
Atherly, J. S 338
Atkinson, Day 467
Atkinson, Felix 149, 467
Atkinson, Geo. and Jack 442, 446, 458
Atkinson, Jim 144, 402, 442, 444, 458, 459, 475, 476, 477
Atkinson, Leslie 440, 470
Atkinson, William 454, 476, 477
Augspurger, A. W. 284, 286, 682
Australian Merino Rams Boonoke Stud 538
Australian System of Wool Preparation 534
Averill, Jim 409


Babcock, W. W. 179
Baccus, Mrs. 337
Bacon, Dan 42, 177, 410, 656
Badger Lake 118
Baily, (Eugene) Brand 49
Baily, Jason & Ed 146, 234, 236, 237, 248, 250 254
Baily, Legdard: Children, Fred Baily and Mrs. Felix Atkinson 436
Baillie, (“Bumps”) 299
B. A. I. (Bureau of Animal Industry) U. S. D. A. 7, 13, 14, 276, 522, 524, 716
Baker & Miller Brand 53
Baker, (E. S.) Brand 49, 546
Baker, E. P. 348
Baker, Jim 561, 588, 595
Balch (Chum of Steedman) 155
Balch, Henry & Bacon, Dan 12, 139, 141, 142, 144, 150, 177, 282, 334, 396, 414, 546, 684
Baldwin, A. Dev. 132
Baldy Mountain 87
Banforth (Bamforth), Fred 49, 308
Bangs, Emory 254, 256
Banks, Ed 498, 514
Banner, Frank J 455
Bannock Mountains 632
Bar Eleven Ranch 196, 200
Bar M Creek & Outfit 435, 436, 438, 504, 667
Bard Ranch (Swan) 515
Barnum, Sawmill operator at Cummins City 126
Barrett, Fred 530, 538
Bath Bros. Ranch 268, 299, 300
Bath Ranches (Fred, Henry, Phil, Wm.) 288, 290, 292, 294, 296, 300, 306, 298
Bath Row in Laramie 299
Bath, (W. H. & Bro.) Brand 43
Bath, Al 299
Bath, Fred & Vallie G. 288, 289, 290, 292, 296, 298, 294
Bath, Henry (Stone Ranch) 202, 215, 288, 300, 483, 289
Bath, Herman 296
Bath, Katherine Fischer 283
Bath, Lou and Bob 298
Bath, Merwin 299
Bath, Sophia 288
Battle Lake 561
Batty Place (Dwight) 456, 458
Bean, Ira Ranch 468
Bear & Cubs, Black 602
Bear Creek, tributary to No. Laramie 448, 487
Bear Creek, tributary to Sybille 118, 372, 375
Bear River, Colo 215, 216
Bear, encounter with 471, 472, 570
Beau, Real 11055: Hereford Bull 409
Beaumier & Gallagher Place 306
Beaumier, Victor 270
Beaver Trapping 607
Beaver, Master Builders 566
Beer Mug Ranch: Swan Co. 512
Belgian Stallion 637
Bell, Bert (Albert, Wilson & John, Sons & Bros. “Shucky” & Hi) 435, 464, 466
Bell, E. J., Pioneer in Crop Production 198, 220, 258, 284, 391, 682, 688, 690, 692, 694-696
Bell, John: Iron Mt. 312
Bellamy Ditch 681
Bellamy, Map of 1908 123
Bellamy, Mrs. Mary 168, 213, 260, 269, 282, 686
Belt., Elmer 396
Bengough, Clement 89, 238, 244, 246, 248, 398
Bennett, Ed 582
Bennett, Ralph 468
Bennett, Raymond 463, 464
Bennett, Tommy, Sr. & Jr. 466
Benzinger, A. 135
Berner, (Geo., Albert & Walter) 368
Berry, member McCarty Gang 585
Bickford Place (Homer & Fred) 233, 236
Biddick, (Jack) Ranch 213, 214
Biddick, Jack 168, 176
Big Hollow 113, 300, 405, 684, 686
Big House of Homers 170, 175
Big Laramie River Crossing 12, 63, 546
Big Laramie Stage Station 484
Big Pasture of Flag Ranch 159, 176
Big Springs, Colo. 588
Biggs, Thornt 651, 652
Bill, Percentie 613
Bird, (I. M.) Brand 47
Bird, Geo.: shot by McDowell 237
Bird, Tom 233, 236, 237, 412
Bird, Wm. and Sarah 237, 286
Bishop, A. L. 464
Bishopp, Thos. Ranch 332
Bitter Creek, Wyoming 75
Black, Ben & Geo. 334, 337, 338
Black, Robert J. (relative of Judson) 284, 286
“Breast Plate Lad” Hereford Bull 409
Blacksmith Shops 162, 262, 635, 640
Blair, Dave 338
Blair, (James) Brand 49
Blevins, Earl 380
Blevins, Monte 196
Blick (Blickenstein) Place, John 457, 458
Bliler (Boswell) 129
Bliss 354
Blizzards 217, 219, 220, 228, 262, 286, 289, 312 (Addenda), 344, 354, 418, 429, 540, 542 546, 617
Blodgett, Tunis 326
Bloody Lake Massacre, 594, 595
Bloomer, Charlie 592, 595
Blue Grass Corrals 117
Blue Grass Creek 117, 381, 382, 384, 482, 483
Blue Grass Flats, knolls and ridges 88, 381
Blue Grass Tunnel 384
Blue Grass Well 88, 385, 387
Blue Mountains, Ore. 608
Board of Sheep Commissioners 64
Body, Charley 661-665
Bog Hole Pasture, a death trap for cattle 213
Book Count of Cattle 487, 488, 490, 502, 505
Booker, Wm. 498, 514
Boot Heel 89
Bordeaux Road Ranch & (LD Ranch) 515
Bordeaux, Wyo.
Bosler Station 57, 212, 217, 521
Bosler, Frank C. Sr. & Mrs. 219, 224, 361, 395, 416, 418, 422, 425, 428, 696
Bosler, Frank Jr. 312, 346, 419
Boswell & Dana 159, 540
Boswell Springs 88, 118, 457, 478-480
Boswell, N. K. and Ranch 126, 129, 132, 159, 540
Bothwell 409
Boughton (E. S. R.) Lane and Ranch 88, 218
Boulder Ridge 84, 116, 153, 162, 179, 220, 234, 200, 202
Bourne, Chas. 646
Bovee, A., French Trapper 126, 454
Bowie, Al 441, 498, 500, 504, 506, 514
Bowie, John 498
Bowles, Dick 636
Bowles, Juel 460
Bowles, Wheeler 461
Bowman, A. E 256
Boyd, Adam 384
Boyd, Frank 229, 385
Boyd, Wm. 384
Boylan, Thos. H. 634
Boyle (John) Brand 50
Boyle, Lee (and D. L.) 323, 325
Boys, proud and scared to herd cattle 615, 616
Brackenbury, Richard 409, 615, 636, 637
Brady Island, Neb. 591
Bramel, Bert 280, 406
Brandle, Geo. 473, 475; Brandle Bill 476
Brandon, Geo. W. 482
Brands of Albany Co., Wyo. (1871-1880) 45-54
Bray, John 338
Breeders Gazette 3, 14, 87
Brees, Daniel H. & Son Gen. H. J. 686
Brewery Built by Frederick Bath (North of Laramie) 99
Bridge, John W. 336
Bridger Pass 582
Bridger Station, Wyo. 12
Bridger, Henry & Alfred 370
Bridger, W. H. 354, 356
Bridges, Wm. 466
Brighton Slough 450
Brisbin, James C. (“Beef Bonanza of Plains”) 142, 177, 300, 505
Bristol 546
Broadus, Mont. 5
Brody, Sheriff 306, 392
Brokaw, Ralph 423
Broncho Sam (Stewart) 41, 42, 44, 652, 651
Brooks, Barney 475
Brooks, Gov. B. B. 304, 312, 548, 651
Brower, Ben 336
Brown’s Hole 430, 586
Brown Bros. (Geo. & Josh) 238
Brown Frontier 423
Brown, (J. W. & G. R.) Brand 47
Brown, (M. C.) Brand 48
Brown, Albert 467
Brown, Chas. 322, 346, 348
Brown, Emory 132
Brown, Geo. & Chas 155
Brown, Jackson 191
Brown, Nancy Fillmore (Mrs. M. C. Brown) 57, 149, 215, 252
Brown, Wiley 514
Browns Park (near head of Crow Cr.) 262
Bruback, Theodore 252
Bryant, E. W. 380
Buck Point 89
Buckendorf, John F. 324
Buckeye Ranch 233, 234, 254
Buckeye School 236
Buckland, Frank & Geo. 438, 442, 444
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show 350, 674
Bug Ranch 394
Buffalo Hunting 220, 242, 290, 360, 361
Buffum, B. C. 543, 676
Buggy for faster travel 109
Bulger Homestead 480
Bull Camp 382
Bull Mountain 84, 132, 193
Bull Peak 87
Bull Whackers 111, 482
Bunkhouse Humor and Banter 641
Buntin & McLay 206, 217, 218, 332, 596, 686
Bureau of Land Management 102, 104
Burg, Gus, Brand 48, 135, 193
Burges, Johnny 8
Burke (Little Medicine) 463
Burnett, Bob, place on Pole Cr. 336, 337, 338
Burnett, Mr. & Mrs. Matt (Dora) 438, 460
Burnett, John & Wallace 460
Burns, H. 177
Burns, Otto 160, 175, 214, 238, 269, 323, 406 419, 690
Burns, R. H. “Bob” 14, 405, 406, 412, 448, 462 603, 634, 635, 642, 656
Burleigh, Ferman 193
Burr Run Battle 203
Bush, Joe 405, 406, 422
Bussard, C. H. (Chas.) 215, 233, 254
Butler, (Richard) Brand 51
Byrum, Ted Homestead 477


C & S Railroad 113
Cabins built of Logs 591, 592, 604
Caldwell, James E. 688
Caldwell & Gardinier 144, 146
Calgary Stampede 674
California 75
Camel Rock 84
Cameron, Angus 170
Cameron Bros. 229, 475
Cameron, Don 47, 50, 214
Cameron, Katie 338
Cameron, Jim “Dad” 464
Cammis Prairie, Utah 580
Camp Douglas 3
Campbell, Fletcher 49, 256
Campbell, Gov. J. A. 58, 64, 252
Campbell, Horace W. and Mrs. 237
Carbon City 376, 561, 578, 580, 582, 589, 590
600, 603, 607, 608, 622, 636, 642
Carbon County 561
Carbon Timber Co. 391
Carey, J. M. & Bro. 48
Carlin Ranch 429, 515
Carragher, James 448, 449
Carroll, Frank 338
Carroll, Mike 202, 310, 312, 521
Carroll, Patrick 50
Carroll, Tom 284, 302, 310
Carruthers, Matt 270
Carson City and Desert 632
Carter, W. A. 64
Cash Book Entries 176-180, 628-631
Casper 515
Cassidy Gang 430
Cassidy Sisters: Cooper Creek 256
Caton, Freeland 438
Cattarangus Co. 436, 438
Cattle Kate 409
Cattle & Sheep Wars 67-71, 633
Cavender, Homer 394-396
Cedar Pass 568
Cedar Stumps show growth rings 343
Cemetery at Laramie 135, 210, 296
Centennial Valley and City 116, 162, 188, 214, 233, 252, 254, 264, 284, 286, 681
Center, William 442, 453
Chadwick, F. B. 481, 546
Chaha, J. W. 146
Chalk Bluff 88
Chalk, Ellis 8
Chambers, an English hunter 112, 113
Champion, Nate 12
Changes in Ranching 628, 701, 702
Changing or Altering Brands 512
Chapman Flock of Ohio 522
Chapman Place, now Quealy Meadow 633
Chappell Bros 310, 426, 429
Charbray Cattle 326
Chase, Chas. A. 13, 47, 282, 302
Chase, Elzie 286, 302
Chase: Little Medicine 461
Cheney: partner of J. W. Connor 636
Cherokee Trail 560-570, 572
Cherry Creek: Trib. Duck Creek 478
Cheyenne 116, 500, 510, 514, 674, 676
Childbirth by Pioneers 600, 607, 609
Children: Family of 19 raised on 640 acres 463
Childs, Bill 270
Chimney Rock 13, 84, 90, 187, 188, 191
Chinese cooks & laborers 595
Chinese foods 608
Chores each day on early ranch 155, 612, 615
Christensen, Chris 368
Christensen, James M 368
Christensen Place: Centennial 233, 236
Christmas for stranded passengers at Percy 596
Chugwater Creek & Station. “Chug” 7, 14, 350, 363, 487, 488, 492, 500, 504, 517, 521, 544
Church Services in the country 298
Citizenry in Northern Albany County 446
City Springs: Laramie 202, 264
Clark homestead: Duck Creek 476
Clark, Neil 375, 419
Clark .& Holcombe 187, 191
Clark & Willard 46, 142, 144
Clay, Billy 515
Clay, John Jr. 12, 14, 87, 187, 381, 462, 487-508, 512, 514, 515, 667, 668
Cleve, Thomas Jr 368, 370
Cloudburst on Wagonhound Creek 419
Clugston, H. J. 47, 258, 260
Clugston, J. C. & Co 52
CMD Ranch (Swan Co.) 515
Coal Bank Creek: Trib. Three Mile & Rock Creek 419, 420
Coal Mine on Stimpson Ridge 595
Coble, John C 219, 224, 361, 416, 425
Cochrane: Cooper Lake 396
Cochrane, Dave 471, 472, 474
Coe: Chugwater 346
Coe & Carter 132, 607, 609, 611
Coen, Jim 310, 312
Cole, Berrett 470
Collins, F. B. “Fred” 52, 170, 548
Collins, J. W 144, 162, 163, 191, 220, 254
Collins, Samuel H 45
Colorado Fuel and Iron Co 634
Colorado Investment & Realty Co. 135
Columbia River 608
Comly, W. A. 448
Como Bluff Hatchery 430
Competition for land 607, 610, 616, 634
Connors, John 234
Connor, Frank H. 500, 514
Connor, John W. “Jack” 196, 198, 636
Connor Hotel 636
Connoway, A. B. 644
Cooking in early days 591, 592, 614, 615
Cooks at ranches and on roundup 171, 173 499, 658
Cooper, Capt. 75, 576
Cooper, Charley & Joe 462, 463
Cooper Creek 57, 113, 177, 256, 392, 394
Cooper, Frank 416
Cooper Hill , 89, 116
Cooper Lake 218, 272, 394-396, 405
Copenhagen Snuff 252
Cordes, Frank J. 105
Cordiner, Harry 405
Corner Mountain 681
Corriedale Sheep 522, 524, 530, 534, 538, 552
Corthell, N. E., Morris E., and Edward .. 153 155, 210, 276, 310, 469, 696
Costin, Jack and Susan (Collins) 203, 209, 254
Cotswold Rams 153, 156, 157
Cottonwood Creek: Trib. No. Laramie…. 440 Cottonwood Creek: Trib. Sheep Creek…. 468
Coughlin Bros. 49
Coughlin, Louie 282
Coughlin, Mike 209, 258, 260
Council Bluffs, Iowa 510, 591
Coutant, C. G 14, 85, 318
Cowboys 491, 501, 503, 507, 618-620, 651-668
Cow Creek 458
Craig, James T 508
Crane Bros. 430
Crazy Woman Creek (Johnson Co.) 602, 603
Crear, Donald 385, 441
Credit Risk ruinous in ranch business 640
Creighton, Edward 12, 45, 58-60, 149, 258, 300 540, 542
Creighton Lake 196
Creighton & Hutton 150
Creighton, Hutton & Alsop 12, 13, 59, 60, 63 69, 70, 300
Crescent Holding Co. 220, 410, 426
Cripple Creek, Colo 210
Cronberg Bros. “Chris” 637
Cronberg, Christine 615, 636, 637
Croonberg, Frank 258
Crops of grain 220, 226, 264, 268, 270
Crouse, Geo . 346
Crouse, Jake 460-462
Crout, D. F. 126, 233, 308
Crout, Wm 682
Crow Creek 262, 332, 338
Crumrine, Eli 406
Cullum, John 412, 416
Cummins City (John Cummins), later Jelm City 123, 126, 128, 129
Cunningham, Alex 460
Cunningham Sheep Co. (Ore.) 428
Currier, W. D. 170, 177, 396, 409, 412, 414, 416, 418, 423, 546, 576
Cushing, Raymond 354, 380
Custer Massacre 123, 289, 290
Cutting Cattle, an art 619


Dahlman, James C. 7, 8, 14
Daiber, Wm 375
Daily, John 306, 392
Daily Routine on early day ranches 155 612-615
Dairy business 611
Dale, W. W. 548
Dale Creek 116, 318-326, 405
Dalles, The (Ore.) 608
Dalles, W. J. 215, 280, 284
Daly, Mrs. B. C. 212
Dana, Col. G. W. 540
Dana Ridge 561
Dana Station 644
Dana & Boswell 540
Dances, Parties and Picnics in country 298, 349, 376, 379, 380, 623, 634
Daniels Canyon, Utah 585
Dankowski, James 57, 394, 396, 398
Darcy, Frank 306
Daugherty, Mr. & Mrs. James 69, 254, 256 266
Davidson Place: Centennial 237
Davidson Flats (Lou) 117, 458, 459
Davis, Lou (L. G.) 257
Davis, Lowell 317, 326
Davis & Thomas ranches 203, 282
Dawber 344
Dawson Tie Camp 132
Dawson, Wm. 514
Day Book Entries 176-180, 628-631
Dayton, Tom 43, 656
Deadman Creek 324
Deadwood, S. D. 12, 110, 123, 289
Dean, Mrs. 254
Decker (Boswell) Ranch 129, 237, 474
Deep Creek, Utah 585, 586
Deer and Elk 592
Deer Creek 59, 272
Deer Mountain 568
Deerlove, John & Sarah 256, 257
De Lario, Louis Homestead 364
Delfelder, J. A. 548
Dent, Mrs. Geo. (Ida Kelley) 435
Denver, Colo. 69, 256, 264, 292
Denver & Salt Lake Railroad (Denver, Laramie & Northwestern RR) 113 200, 483, 484
Depressions, Recessions and Panics 522, 524 634
Desert Act Lands 101
Deslem 461
Diamond Cattle Company 219, 360, 416, 418 425, 428, 651
Diamond Ranch Co. Inc. Chugwater 515
Diamond Tail Ranch 132, 204
Dillon City 561
Dillon, Sidney 215
Dipping Livestock 179, 532, 661-663
Dirty Em Mt 344
Dirty Woman Stage Station 540
Distances in Wyoming Deceiving 600
Ditches & Irrigation 224, 233, 304, 392, 460, 466, 604, 606, 638, 639, 681, 682
Dixon City 561
Dixon, Alvy 308, 410, 412, 414, 416
Dixon, E L. 141, 396, 398
Dixon, Jimmy & Hattie 400, 402
Dixon, Lloyd E 418, 422
Dixon, Marshall 423
Dobson, B. Frank 372, 441, 442, 446
Dobson, James 460
Dodds, Tom & Phyllis 354, 356, 358
Dodge City, Kan. 8
Dodge Creek 478
Dodge, Tom & George W. 382, 478, 479
Dodge, Tyler 229, 230
Dodge & Dover 368
Dole Bros., David & Thomas: Albany Land & Cattle Co 233, 234
Donnellan, J. W. 48, 210, 234, 682, 684
Donnelly, Jim Homestead 477
Doty Ranch: Swan Co. 515
Double Entry System of livestock records 204
Douglas Creek 126, 684
Dover, Arthur 481
Dover, W. E. “Ned” 368, 482
Doyle, W. W. 193
Downey, Stepheri W. 50, 234, 310, 639, 682, 681
Dressler, Geo. & Elmer 461, 462
Dry Creek, Mont 8
Dry Creek: Trib. Rock Creek 420
Dry Farmers 506, 554
Duck Creek and Hills 87, 117, 272, 392, 395, 398, 400, 422, 458, 459, 471-473, 475-478
Dude Ranch: Apprentices & Learners 637
Dun, Finlay 496, 498, 500, 502
Dunlap, Harry 442, 453, 458, 470
Dunlap, M. C. & M. A. 324, 325
Dunn, A. G. 53, 219, 220, 228
Dunning, W 47
Durant & Co. 308
Durbin Brog 450, 546
Durbin’s Crossing: Pole Creek 418
Durham Cattle (Shorthorns) 13, 39
Dutton Creek 69, 256, 284, 302, 402, 637,
Dwyer, Kirk 460
Dyer, Tim: Pole Creek 546


Eades, Ruby G 222
Earhart (Erehart), Catherine 45, 50, 209
Eaton Ditch Co 193
Eddington: Sybille 370
Edholm & Akin 438, 448
Edinburgh, Scotland 487, 488, 490
Edison, Thomas: Electric Light 561
Edmondson, John 326
Elk and Deer 592
Elkhorn Barn 212
Elk Mountain 79, 89, 278, 358, 406, 480, 530, 568, 570, 591, 592, 596, 598, 600, 638, 642 643, 646
Elk Mountain City 570, 596, 622, 623
Elk Springs, Colo 588
Elk Team at Motley Ranch 280
Ellis, Kan. 8
Ellis, Bill 8
Ellis, Bob 634
Ellis, Charles 462
El Paso, Tex. 5, 8
Embree, killed by E. L. Dixon 396, 398
Embree (Mountain Meadow) Ranch 123, 137
Emerson, Leslie 468
Emigrant Trains 598-600
Empire Land & Livestock Co. 284, 286
Encampment 112, 510
Engbrson, Cyrus 69
Engen Place: Centennial 236, 254
Engle, Howard S. 466
English Hunting Trips 75
Erehart (Earhart), Catherine 45, 50, 209
Erickson, Mrs. Ole (Sarah Hall) 135, 314
Ernest, Mrs. Ethel C. 695
Evans: Elk Mountain 573
Evanston 542
Eykyn, George R. (Basin, Quealy or Seven Mile Ranch). 391, 400, 543, 546 644


Failes, Zade 461
Fales, Geo. 460
Falkiner, F. S. & Sons 538
Family of 19 Children on 160 aches 463
Far East Trade Centers 153
Farley, E. A 353
Farm Bureau Meeting 635
Farrel, Edward 45, 177, 215, 258, 260, 282, 377
Farthing, Chas. T 352, 354
Faulkner, Granville 338
Fauver, Charles 460
Fee, Dennis 51
Fee, Jack 306, 392
Fee, Lizzie 269
Fee, Lawrence & Larry Brand 49
Fee, Terry 420
Fencing 479, 604
Fergussen, M. A 338
Ferguson, Orsa 282
Ferris, Haggerty Mine 112
Ferris Mts. 326, 562
Field, S. J. (Sweetwater Co.) 64
Filmore, Nancy 215, 252
Filmore or Wright Place 250, 252, 254
Fillmore, Luther 45, 63, 64, 215, 250, 252, 282
Financial Account, Sargent & Homer 153
Finances of the Swan Land & Cattle Co 490, 492, 502, 505, 506, 508, 512
Finfrock, Dr. 326, 337
Fire Ball-Race Horse 204
Fire set in brush 610
First Aid by Pioneers 603, 611
First National Bank 636
Fischer, John A 144, 193
Fish, Big 338, 411
Fish Creek 325, 326, 328, 542
Fish Hatchery (Boylan) 430
Fisher, Billy 336
Fisher, Geo. A. 170, 414
Fisher, H. J. Brand 47
Fisher, James 638
Fisher, Joe 210, 212, 213
Fisher, Pete 578
Fisher or Stockten Smith Ranch on Three Mile 422
Fisher, Thomas J. 286
Fitch, R. E. Ranch 212, 548
Fitch, R. E. Brand 47
Fitzmorris, M. C. Brand 53
Fitzmorris, Michael or Charles 374, 375
Five Mile Ranch 151, 162, 168, 179, 202, 220
Flag Ranch: See Homer, R. H. 132
Flag Ranch Brand 48
Flaharty, Earl 377, 373
Fleece Weight and Value 530, 543, 552
Fleming Ranch 268, 270, 272, 306, 690
Football, U. of Wyo. Scholarship 296, 298
Foote Creek 416, 569, 634, 638, 639
Forbes, George 177, 215, 258, 260, 266, 269, 280 284, 377
Fordyce, Jack 132
Forest, Wm. H. 462
Forest Service 282
Ford Model T, masterpiece of transportation 626
Fording Streams during high water 588, 602 608
Forgotten Man, the pioneer of the west 647 648
Fort Bridger 260
Fort Casper 602
Fort Collins, Colo 116, 123, 168, 203, 292
Fort Douglas, Utah 3, 6
Fort D. A. Russell 193
Fort Fetterman 88, 110, 113, 117, 118, 312, 412 436, 453, 468
Fort Halleck 112, 278, 406, 480, 481, 561, 570 583, 592, 638
Fort Laramie 112, 480
Fort Leavenworth, Kans. 7
Fort McKinney 412, 512
Fort Sanders 132, 146, 149, 150, 151, 179, 196, 202, 212, 213, 262, 278, 300, 310, 336, 343 466, 480, 540
Fort Steele 113, 487, 488, 510, 561
Forty Mile Road Ranch 113, 435, 436
Forty Nine Ranch on Sheep Creek 117, 467 469
Forty Bar Ranch 512
Foster Ranch 288
Foster, Jim 270
Fostoria, Ohio 270
Four Mile Creek 392
Four Mile Spring 584
Fox Creek 81
Fox Creek Divide 504
Fox, Geo. W. 47, 402
Frank, Joseph 487, 488
Frazee, W. H. 350
Frazer, Dr. 256
Frazer, Charles 258, 336, 338
Frazer, Leon 198
Frazer, Steve 151, 213, 256, 258, 269, 282, 334 448
Frazo, Sam 325
Freeman Flock 522
Freezeout Mountains 280, 562
Freighting and Roads 107, 119, 412
French, Joe 472
French Merino 522
Frewen Ranch, Powder River Ranch 487
Frontier Days at Cheyenne 298, 574, 676
Frontier Hotel, Laramie 591
Frontier Men 562
Frozen Milk furnished to camp 611, 612
Fuce Homestead 372, 374, 381
Fun by boys packing a calf 613


Gage: Cashier First National Bank of Chicago 502
Gale, Rudolph 324
Gallagher & Beaumier Ranch 306
Galloway Cattle 312, 318
Gamble Store 310
Game Farm: Wyo. Game & Fish Comm: Sybille 371, 372, 376
Gammond, Miss Cassa, Homestead 466, 467
Garlock, Wesley 384, 456, 457, 458
Garner, Jack 610
Garrett, George 47
Garrett, Mary 51
Garrett Place: Centennial 233, 236
Garrett, Robert N 453
Garrett, Thos. S. Ranch Area & Postoffice 117, 444, 453
Garvey, Ranch 123
Gate Creek 88, 359
Ganyon, Seamen 472
Gearhart, Bob & George 322, 326, 399, 400
Gee & Haw directions to Oxen 111
Geese, wild – tamed 226
Gelatt, Gene 188
Gem City Grocery Co. 210, 348, 352
Genghis Khan 677
George, August Ludwig 210
George, Herman 210
Georgia: Market for Horses 420
Ghost Ranch 217, 218
Gibbs, Fred 0. 385
Gillespie, A. B. 441
Gillespie, A. S. “Bud” & Mabel D 42, 428
Gillespie, E. C. 441, 457
Gillespie, Joe 442, 458
Gillespie, Sam (S. W.) and Maggie 42, 112, 113, 117, 217, 218, 220, 222, 224-226, 228 360, 375, 376
Gilmore & Soule Ranch 160, 202
G. L. 0. (General Land Office) Map of 1871 57
Gleneyre 126, 132
Glenn, Joe 234
“Go Devil”: Grandpappy of the hay sweep 612
Gobelman, Harry 617
Goetz Bros 48
Goetz, John 48, 144, 193, 202
Golconda, Nev. 632
Gold Strike 229
Golden, R. D 338
Goldsmith, Herman 482
Goode, A. C 52
Goode, A. M 203
Goode, Bill 203, 343
Goose Creek Country, Nev 632
Gordan & Menter 442
Gordon, George V. H.: Killed in Hunting Accident 135
Gordon, Nebr. 7, 8
Goshen Hole 487, 488, 500, 504
Grace Creek Ranch 132
Graham, Bill 151
Gramm & Roach 191
Granite Canyon 542
Grant Postoffice: Sybille 116
Grant, Duncan 498, 514
Grant, LeRoy 151, 225
Grass & Pasture Improvement 702
Grasses Native to Laramie Plains 532, 544
Grasshopper plague 195
Greaser, Chris 288
Greaser, Fred 286, 402
Greaser, Wm. 300
Greasewood Flats 89, 422, 477
Greasewood Knoll 89, 457
Greeley Colony, Colo 195
Green Mountain: Crow Creek 338
Green Mountains 562
Green River 580, 588, 632
Green, A. E. Flock 522
Green, Ewl 466
Green, John 8
Greentop Mountain 87
Gregory, A. J. 216
Gresley,-Robbins-Logan Ranch 238, 242, 244, 246, 248
Grey Place, Dale Creek 322
Griffin Ranch, Wm. H. Pass Creek 642, 643
Griffith, “Whiskers” 463
Grill, Lou 5, 7, 14
Groesbeck, Judge H. V. S. 132, 332, 336, 337
Grow, Galusha 47, 254
Gudgell & Simpson 409
Gunery, Peter 682
Guns, learning to use 611, 612
Gurley Ranch 280
Guy, Ben 498
Guyton Ranch 422


Haagerson, Hiram 462
Haas, H 644-646
Hadsell, Frank 640
Hadsell, Kleber 645, 646
Haglund Ranch 644, 645
Haig, Harry 498, 514
Haight, Fred 498, 514
Haines Bros 645
Hair, Bunn 398
Haley & Fox 12, 63
Haley, Ora 45, 149, 198, 213, 215-219, 252, 262, 310, 314, 419, 420, 483, 576, 651, 652
Hall & Dobson 441
Hall & Smith 177
Hall & Tregoning 372
Hall Bros: Albert, Charles & Steven 308, 312, 314
Hall, Ashley 466
Hall, Della F. 325
Hall, E. H 132
Hall, Ellen 49
Hall, Flake 428, 442, 458, 472, 476, 477
Hall, H. Ralph & Ralph A. 372, 441, 472, 475, 514
Hall, Jim 463
Hall, Knute 402
Hall, Livestock Co 441, 472, 473
Hall, Mata & Rockwell 468
Hall, Noel 428
Halleck Canyon 112, 117, 290, 480-483
Haltsel, Walter 33
Hamilton Springs Draw 471
Hammond, Charley 137
Hammond, Con 146
Hammond, Oscar 137
Hampton, Mayland 423
Hance, “Cap” 132
Hanna 376, 561, 635, 640
Hansell Place 57, 69, 394
Hansen, (W. S.): Sheep Breeder 552
Hansen, Fred 123
Hansen, Paul 676
Hansen, Peter 592
Hantz (Hance?), “Judd” 126
Happy Jack Area 85, 116, 117, 343
Hard Winter of 1898-99 617
Harden & Hartman 381
Harden, Chas. & David 643, 645
Hardigan, Jim 256, 236
Harding, L. G. “Buck” 477
Hardman, James 48, 168, 193, 195, 196
Hardships on Ranch 607
Harnden Bros. 196
Harnden, Grant 112
Harnden, Louis 430
Hamden Place: Foote Creek 634, 635
Harnden, Sam & Mary 346
Harney Creek 203, 328-330
Harper, Ed 418, 424
Harper’s Ferry 608
Harper, George 45, 53
Harper Station 118, 119, 290, 425, 426, 667
Harris 406
Harris, Charles & Earl 234
Harris, J. Elmer Estate 308, 396
Harris, Dr. J. W. 12, 49, 302, 576, 690
Harrison, Frank 0. 53, 219, 310, 408, 409, 414 416, 418, 419
Harrison & Cooper 416
Hart, John (Rawlins) 216
Hartman, Ed 151, 196, 652
Harvey Creek: Trib North Laramie 440
Harvey, Jim 438, 448
Harwood 126
Hattie, Lake 146, 686
Hawkes, William & Mina 325, 326
Hawn Bros. 412, 423
Hay, Alex “Scotty” 364, 366
Hay Baling 610
Hay Creek: Trib. Dale Creek 325
Hay Haryesting and Sale 155, 156, 165, 196, 198, 202, 233, 264, 278
Hay Production: Swan Co. 504
Hay Stackers 612, 627, 639, 640
Hayford, J. H. & Mabel 376, 682
Haying Machinery from Hand Scythe to Tractor Mower 179, 260, 392, 565, 604, 606, 610-612, 622, 626-628
Haynes 416
Heart Ranch: Big Laramie 45, 63, 146, 149, 150, 151, 196, 200, 202
Heart Ranch: Rock Creek 149, 416, 419, 423
Hebard, Grace Raymond 10, 14, 175
Hebeler & Murray 409, 410, 412, 414, 433, 637
Heber, Utah 585
Hechart, Dan 323
Hecht, Charles 54, 236, 278, 391
Hecht, Rye or Reinhold 234, 237
Hecht, William 188, 236
Hee, Fred 632
Hein Ranch 252, 268, 680
Held, Ed: Two Bar Cook 446, 658, 660
Hendricks, Dayton 42, 656
Henke, Fritz, Raymond & Rudolph 334, 367 371
Henke, Richard 378
Herbertz, Charles 51, 317
Hereford Cattle 196, 234, 236, 264, 268, 272, 317, 323, 378, 409, 410, 454, 473, 510
Herrick Lane 13, 278, 284, 288, 308, 696
Herrick, L. R. 284, 696
Hermosa Station 317
Hesse: Football Coach, U of Wyo . 406
Reward Bros. 461-463
Hickman, Bill: Ranch Blacksmith 640
Hicks, Ed 237
High Line Canal 684
Hiland, Pat 268, 682
Hill, Jack: Top Hand 665, 666
Hill, John 534
Hill, Mrs. John A. 218, 234, 272
Hilton Estate 469
Hirsig, Mark 191
History of Sheep Industry in Albany County 538, 540, 544, 546, 548, 550, 552, 554, 556
Hoffman 377
Hofus 412, 414
Hoge, James and Owen 196, 198, 200, 202, 651
Hohnholz, John 132
Hole-in-the-Wall country 430
Holladays: Freighters 598
Holland, Ralph 144
Holliday, L. J. 682
Holliday, W. H. & Co. 170, 209, 213, 317, 318 323, 332, 682
Hollister: Ohio Sheepman 544
Holmes 252
Holt, Guy 322, 676
Home: New one at ranch 612, 613
Homemade Articles produced at Ranch 614
Homer, Capt. John 153
Homer, Robert H. “Bob” 70, 151, 153, 155, 156 159, 160, 170, 171, 176, 177, 180-186 191, 202, 258, 268, 282, 286, 540, 542 546, 635, 684, 690
Homer & Sargent (See Sargent & Homer) 48
Homestead Land Acts 100, 101
Hopkins, Charles 290
Horn, Tom 226, 379, 512, 514-516
Horne Bros. 635-637
Horse, the Indispensable 671-677
Horse Creek 343, 344, 346, 348, 521, 528, 544 546
Horse Creek Land & Cattle Co. 510
Horse Races 204, 299, 643
Horse Sales: 500 head at once 646
Horse Thievery 200, 610
Horse Trading 638
Horse Trail: Indian Trail 118, 363, 374
Horses, light for saddle and harness 13, 204, 234, 266, 268, 272, 292, 299, 436, 469
Hotchkiss, William 463
Houghton, M. D.: Ranch Artist 257
Houghton, W. W. 436, 438
Houston, Al 43, 47, 73-76, 656
Houston Homestead: Sand Creek:
North Albany 479
Houston, Bill 75
Houston, Charley 210
Howard 406
Howard, Michael or “Mitch” 584
Howe, Frank 436, 440, 441
Howell Station 212, 214
Hugus, W. B. 645
Humbolt River, Nev 632
Hunt 406
Hunt, E: Carbon County 64
Hunt, George 254
Hunt, Holly 179, 196, 306, 391, 392, 652
Hunter, Barney 640
Hunter, Colin 494
Hunter, William 64
Hunting Accident: Gordon shot and killed 135 204
Hunting Big Game 75, 76, 173, 175
Hunziker, Bill 146
Hurst, Mrs. Estate: Calif. 57
Huson or Huston?, Dick 225, 228
Husted, J. D 494
Hutton, Charley 12, 42, 63, 113, 126, 146 149-151, 168, 176, 188, 196, 202, 210, 213 215, 233, 252, 300, 310, 538, 540, 542 546, 651
Hutton, George 191, 236
Hutton Grove & School 63, 113, 200
Hutton Horse Ranch 149
Hutton Lake 159, 196, 198, 200
Hutton Station 216, 217
Hutton & Alsop 150
Hutton & Bullock 50
Hutton & Co: Hutton & Haley: Old Wyoming Station 150, 286
Hutton & Marsh 150, 176
Hutton & Metcalfe 146, 147, 150, 252


Iba, Ed Estate 463
Ihmsen, F. J. & C. W. 46, 323, 325
Iliff, J. W. (Laramie Co.) 64, 354
Indian Battles 569
Indian Hunting Grounds 568, 569
Indian Markers (Rock Piles) 118
Indian Raids & Scares 570, 584, 635
Indian Spring 118
Influenza – Newkirk Family 478
Ingham, W. S 226, 310
Innes, John & Flora 364, 375
Interest Rates on Loans 177, 633
International Livestock Show 522, 526, 534, 694
Inventory of Livestock (Riverside & Swan Cos.) 142, 508, 510
Inventory of Willan Ranch 272
Ione Lake 88, 117, 119, 220, 225, 226, 395
Irene, Albert “Ab” 637
Iron Mt. Ranch Co. 219, 312, 416, 425
Irrigation – Flood, its origin on
Little Laramie 150, 304
Irvin, Claude Creek 455
Irvine, Margaret McGill 477
Irvine, Ned 402
Irvine, Ted 302
Irvine, Wm. “Razor Bill” 225, 382, 384
Irwin, J. S. “Billy” 4, 7
Irwin, Floyd 676
Irwin, Sidney 4, 7, 14
Irwin, Stonewall 8
Irwin, T. B 4
Ivinson Ave 290
Ivinson, (E) Brand 51, 233
Ivinson, Mary 422


Jack, Duncan 588
Jack, Mr. & Mrs. Robert 578, 584, 589
Jackson, Bob 578, 585
Jackson, C. S. (Letter to R. H. Burns 11/13/51) 44
Jackson, Howard 514
James Lake 179, 196, 391, 392, 696
James, Frank Gang 603
Jarvis, Charles 70, 364
Jay (Tom) Ranch 352
Jelm, E. J. name carved on limb 126
Jelm, Mountain 81, 126, 146
Jelm Mt. Telephone Co. 132
Jelm Postoff ice 123, 128
Jenkins, Collier 380
Jennings, I. N. 218
Jensen, Chris 286, 288
Jerk line control of oxen 111, 112
Jersey Cows 424
Jim Creek 324
J 0 Ranch on Cow Creek, Carbon Co., Wyo . 216
Jock Bros. (Dick, Nick, & Jack) & Jock Draw 452, 453
Johnson, Alex Brand 49
Johnson (J. L. & Fred) Creek, trib. to main Sybille 326, 371, 372, 376
Johnson (Peter) & Co. Brand 48, 49, 203, 310
Johnson County Invasion 302, 512, 569
Johnson County, organization of 686
Johnson Hotel 193
Johnson Lumberyard (Centennial) 254
Johnson, “Coffee” 608
Johnson, (S. W. & I. H.) Freighters 598, 632
Johnson, Andrew (Antelope) 50, 51, 188, 236, 234
Johnson, Andrew (Running Water) 187, 188
Johnson, Arthur 188, 234
Johnson, Charles 481
Johnson, Chris 600
Johnson, Co. Albert Sidney
Johnson, Dan 132
Johnson, Fannie G. H 69, 256, 394, 402, 419
Johnson, Frank M. 105
Johnson, Howard on Sybille 379
Johnson, J. W. 637
Johnson, Jake (Jacob) & Alex 139
Johnson, James & Leonard 188, 299, 302, 310, 344, 308
Johnson, Joseph E. 426, 428
Johnson, Mrs. Richard (Cora Hall) 314
Johnson, S. W. “Sam” 631-636
Johnson, Wesley & Everett 139, 146
Johnston, J. C. 496, 498
Johnston, M. R. 514
Jones Bros. of Tex. 262
Jones Ranch on Sybille 379, 380, 504, 515
Jones, A. C. 306
Jones, Archie 306
Jones, Chris 299, 306
Jones, Mrs. C. (Ruth Hall) 314
Jones, Prop. Elk Mt. Saloon 573
Jordan, Geo. A., a colored rancher 471
Judson & Sutphin 237, 400, 546, 696
Judson, Fisher & Sutphin Brand 50, 284, 299, 696, 286


Kafka, Mr. & Mrs. Joe (Olive Garrett) (John, Tommie, Judd, sons) 435, 436, 438, 453
Kamp, Louie & Pete 461, 462
Kasahn, Gustave 334
Kasahn, Michael 332, 334
Keakey, Henry Place 379
Keane, (John) Brand 47, 348
Kell, Barbara 5, 14
Kellogg (John) Brand 51
Kellogg, Ranch 299
Kelly, Hi 14, 492, 504, 512, 515
Kelly, J. Ross 410
Kennedy Bros. (W. H. & John) Duck Cr. 478
Kennedy Estate 177
Kennedy, Herbert 177
Kennedy, Leslie 177
Kennedy, Lord Charles 344, 346
Kent, Tex 5, 8
Kerfoot, Lee 135, 179, 191, 193
Kerr, Gill (0. G.) 644
Kerrsch, Al 480
Keyes Ranch 70
Keyes, Anny 69
Keyes, Wm. 326, 328
Keystone Mine & Area 112, 214, 252, 264, 269, 270, 690
Kidd, John 423
Kie Ranch 228, 475
King & Shattuck 522
King Bros. Ranch (World Famous Sheep Breeders) 312, 321, 557
King Hill 116
King, E. D. 522
King, Ed 556
King, Frank 312, 521, 557
King, Herbert (Bert) 304, 308, 312, 521, 530, 557
King, Herbert of Rock Creek (James, Alfred, Fletcher & John, sons) 284, 395, 398, 400, 405, 414, 420, 422, 455, 476
King, Jim 47, 75, 254
King, Joe (J. H.) 69, 521, 530, 534, 557
King, Mrs. Joe (Estelle Abrams) 288, 299
Kingman (Cheyenne) 63
Kingman, Arthur 202
Kinney, Ed & Tim 592
Kirsten 238
Klink, Fred Sr 162, 163, 187, 191
Klink, Ralph 160, 163, 187, 191
Knadler, Fred 303
Knadler, Morgan 48, 151
Knadler, Mrs. Geo. (Ella Bamforth) 308
Knight Creek 325, 326
Knight Ranch 202
Knight, Jesse 177, 202
Kock, John 202
Konold, Al & Wm. 151, 156, 159, 168, 177, 179, 193, 284, 375, 515
Koons, John 471
Koontz, Phil 210
Kuster House (Laramie) 43, 144, 308, 656
Kuster, Charlie 299, 371


La Bonte Creek 113, 266, 272, 435
Lafrentz, F. W. 498, 500, 514
LaGrande, Ore 163
Lake Creek-near Pass Creek 569
Lake Hattie 684, 686, 688
Lake Ranch (Sportsman’s Lake) Station 153 156, 177, 405
Lambert, Chas. A. 57
Lambing & Sheds 530, 532
Land Control 641
Lander 453
Landers, Harry 8
Landmarks 77-90, 561, 562
Lands, Surveys, Grants, Settlements, etc. 93-105
Langhoff, Fred Ranch 299, 377, 378, 515, 516
Lane, Ed 322
Lantz, Ben 198
La Pash, Elmer 336
La Ramie, Jacques & Fabian 10
Laramie, Big River and Valley 12, 88, 113, 121, 230, 405
Laramie City 12, 13, 69, 75, 88, 89, 113, 116, 117, 162, 163, 198, 200, 216, 257, 290
Laramie Daily Boomerang 12, 65, 69, 70, 141, 170, 213, 216, 286, 306, 364, 414
Laramie Daily Sentinel 12, 13, 57, 60, 65, 75 84, 150, 151, 162, 214, 215, 252, 278, 299 300, 302, 376, 391, 405, 483, 540, 542
Laramie Development Co 696
Laramie Glass Works 344
Laramie Hahns Peak Railway 237
Laramie Mountains (Black Hills) 10, 85, 112 544
Laramie Peak 10, 43, 79, 90, 264, 435, 459, 500
Laramie Plains 3, 10, 12, 59, 79, 85, 89, 90, 118, 119, 153, 179, 187, 195, 254, 255, 257, 488, 528, 530, 540, 561
Laramie Plains Land & Cattle Co. 196
Laramie Republican 257, 376, 409, 412, 442, 448
Laramie River (below Two Rivers) 116, 117 488, 688
Laramie Rivers Co. 212, 688
Laramie River Water Case 254, 284, 288, 299 302, 308, 310
Laramie Rolling Mills 146, 257, 308
Laramie Stockyards 198
Laramie Valley Municipal Irrig. Dist. 392
Laramie Water Co. 688
Largest Sheep Outfit in U. S. A. 514
Laherty 89
Lane, J. N. & John 53
Larsen Homestead 633
Larson, Magnus 514
Lasher, Katherine 278
Latham Bottoms 57
Latham, Dr. H. 45, 57-60, 63, 64, 153, 252, 394 540, 542
Latham, Wm. L 50
Laughlin, L. L 310, 426, 436, 438
Lawrence, Bill & Rena 276, 278, 288, 299
Lawrence & McGibbon 50, 216, 217, 220, 228 414, 548
Lawson, Thos 488
Laycock Place 214
Layton, Leslie 402
Leake, Richard 135, 149
Learners “Dudes” arrive from England 615 637
Leavenworth, Kans 5, 590
Leazenby, John 206
Le Beau, Margaret Dixon 412
Lee, Bob 676
Lee, Charley 88, 474
Lee Mountain 88, 117, 471, 474
Lembcke, Otto 206
Lembcke & Hermberg 636
Lenihan, Pat 370
LeRoy (Al) 414
Le Roy (C. R.) Lane and Ranch 51, 144, 146 391
Lewis & Clark Expedition 10
Lewis, Claude 374, 375, 442
Lewis, M. D. 474
Lewis Place 226, 348
Lincoln Flock of Ohio 522
Lincoln Highway 210, 561
Linger, G. W. 196
Linguist-spoke several languages . 595, 603
Lindsey, John 116, 156, 179
Lindstrom, Ed & John 322, 325
Link, Wallis 170, 212, 213, 280, 308, 418, 666
Little Goose Creek 590
Little Laramie Stage Station 276, 288, 483, 540
Little Medicine Bow River 464, 468, 602
Little Medicine 118, 459-464
Little Medicine Livestock Co. 460, 462
Little Snake River 583
Living during winter 606, 607
Livingston, Dan 159, 198, 202
L L Ranch (Swan & Diamond) 515
Lloyd Bros. 212, 217
Log Drives 150
Logan, C. G. 238
Lone Pine Tree: Trib. Little Laramie 13, 276
H Bar Ranch 512, 515
Lone Tree Creek: Boulder Ridge 151, 162, 220, 202
Lone Tree Ranch: Swan Co 515
Long’s Shorty: Broken leg treated 603
Longs Canyon & Peak 87, 118, 372, 374, 375
Lookout Flats 89
Lookout Station (new) 117
Lookout Station (old) 118, 214, 216, 414, 515
Lorenz, P. H. 336, 344
Los Angeles Stockyards 514
Lotty, Geo. 338
Lovett (Lovell) 238
Lowback Ditch 268, 681, 682
Lubber, John 69, 256
Lucy, George 370
Ludlow, (Joe) & McCarthy 187, 188, 191, 193
Lund, Jake 123, 137
Lundquist, N 116, 188, 191, 193, 196
Luthy, Frank 236


Maddock, Harry 299, 306
Magpie Creek: Trib. to Sheep Creek 468
Mahon, T. 0. “Tom” 8
Mail Deliveries: RFD 200
Majors, Alex 58
Mallon Family 196
Malmquist, J. E. “Curly” 426, 428, 438, 440
Malody, Ray 321
Mandel Lane 278
Mandel Ranch 75
Mandel, Geo. 288, 483
Mandel, Phil 12-14, 113, 276, 278, 280, 282, 391, 406, 483, 290
Mann, Cyrus 212, 213
Mansfield, Bill 132
Mansfield, Elton 123
Mansfield, Oliver 144, 196
Manthos 398
Mantz Place & Creek 464, 467
Marble, John 203, 238, 258
Markham 522, 550
Markle, Sherman 233, 236, 254
Markley Ranch, Jack 269, 282
Marks & Brands of Albany Co. (1871-1880) 45-54
Marlow, B. F. 429
Marr, William 196
Marriot, Frank 132
Marsh & Cooper 50, 75, 117, 219, 406, 410, 424, 418
Marsh & Harper 49
Marsh & Hutton 49, 53, 179
Marsh, Bob 75, 234, 312, 684
Marsh, Oscar 191
Marsh, Walter L. 50
Marshall Postoffice 89
Marshall, 0. S. Leon and Aud. R. 466
Martens, Hartwig, Formerly Langhoff Ranch 299, 377
Martin Bros., Kelly & Oscar 135
Martin, Chas. D. 132
Martin, Geo 367, 456
Martin, John 0 132
Martin, John or “Jack” 48, 262
Mason-Allen Creek 324
Mason, Frank, Oda, Osa 146, 196
Massey of Rawlins: First Purebred Sheep Breeder 550
Matador Ranch: Murdo McKenzie 487
Matheson, Neil 436
Mathews, Wm. 338
Matty, Chas. loser in footrace 155
Maverick Restitution 476
“Maverick Steak” 458
Maxwell & Stevens Flock 69, 70
Maxwell, “Bud” 202, 317
Maxwell, William (Tie Siding) 47, 310, 317, 364, 540, 542
Maxwell, Wm. (Little Laramie) 258, 260
May, James 252, 254, 268, 282, 284
May, Ralph 13, 150, 288, 304, 402, 681
Maynard, Harry 210, 212, 213, 260, 406
McAuley, Archie 473
McCann, Bill 464
McCarthy, Tim 400, 402, 475
McCartney & Wilson 402
McCarty, Tom (Outlaw) 582, 584-586, 588, 608, 609
McClellan, A. L. “Platte Valley Mack” 470
McCollum, Dr. & Mrs. (Florence W.) 69, 226
McCormick, John 410
McCreary, John 258, 260
McCue, Jack 349
McCune, Alec 254
McDermott, Peter 49
McDonald Ranch 258
McDonald, Donald 170
McDonald, Frank 270
McDonald, Wallace 514
McFadden City 392, 410, 412, 416, 420
McFadden, John 270
McFadden, Walter & F. D. 398
McFarland, E. E. 470
McFarlane, David & Thos 436, 472, 474
McFarlane, Jennie Bell 489
McFarlane, John 454, 473
McGibbon, James 160, 162, 177, 202, 218, 220 225, 334, 540
McGibbon Reservoir: Willow Creek 162
McGibbon & Vance 543
McGill, Helen (Yarbrough) Homestead 478
McGill, John 49, 50, 116, 117, 546
McGill, John Sr. 224, 228, 229, 260, 364, 475, 478
McGill or Two Bar Bridge 88
McGill, Owen 429
McGill, Tom & Thomas F. 481, 482
Mclllvain, Dan 454, 472, 473
McKay, Wm 392
McKay, Rod 42, 392, 656, 657
McKechnie, Annie 338, 384, 385
McKechnie, Art 348
McKenzie, Murdo (Matador Ranch) 487
McKinley, C. 402
McKinley Mine 112
McKinley Ranch & P. 0. 548
McKnight, Louise (Mrs. Sam Johnson) 633
McLeod, Harlan 381
McMurtrie, James 393
McNabb, Chairman Swan Co 506
McNurlen, Wm 324
McPhee, Katie & Archie 338, 471
Medicine Bow City 89, 118, 193, 280, 352, 358, 425, 464, 467, 468, 561, 562, 584, 600, 603, 607, 632, 637, 646
Medicine Bow Crossing: Elk Mt. City 113 562, 570, 596, 632
Medicine Bow National Forest 257, 266, 406, 562, 634, 643, 647
Medicine Bow Peak 81, 89, 90
Medicine Bow Range or Mts. 10, 81, 89, 90 257, 562, 569
Medicine Bow River & Valley 409, 464, 566, 570, 604, 607, 635
Medina, Andres: Last Herder for Swan Co. 515
Medina Place 334
Meeker Massacre 128, 289, 290, 444, 453
Meglemyre, Wilson 475, 514
Mendall, Phillip 13
Meridians, Establishment of 97
Merino Rams: Prices 156, 168, 177, 179
Merino Wethers trailed from Oregon, Prices 163, 546
Merritt, King, Estate 336
Mertz, John 475, 477, 478
Metcalf & Hutton 150, 151
Meyer, L. R. 646
Meyers 346
Michigan Mine 112
Middle Creek 88
Midwest Trunk & Sporting Goods Store 278
Milch Cow a necessity 607
Millbrook Station 278, 695
Mill Creek 177, 203, 282, 284, 391, 681
Miller Bros. 310, 391, 392, 395, 396, 400
Miller, Denver 352
Miller, Joe 177, 395, 396
Miller, Laura. 392, 394
Miller, R. B. “Bob” 8, 14, 23- 31
Miller & Wallis 219, 312
Miles City, Mont. 4, 5, 7, 14
Millikin, John 580, 582, 584, 585, 607, 608, 643
Milne, Geo 497, 499, 501, 503, 507, 514
Milwaukee 257
Mineral Lands 101
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 104
Missouri Historical Society 5
Mizpah, Mont. 7
Modern Conveniences in 1903, Lamps & Talking Machines 624, 625
Mole 613
Molton & Weaver 540, 542
Mondell, Frank: Congressman 332
Mongolians “not Chinese” 595
Monkey Wrench-new 458
Monolith Ranch 202, 203, 343
Montgomery, father of Baby Peggie 137
Montgomery, Billy 514
Montgomery, Lee 455, 471, 475
Moore, Alex 436, 467, 469, 470, 662
Moore, Chas. T. 377, 378
Moore Flock of Ohio 522
Moore, Edwin 372, 375, 376
Moore, George 376, 377
Moore, Roy 428
Moore Postoffice: Sybille 116
Moore, Sam 668
Moore, Thomas N. 371, 374, 375
Morek: Prop. Elk Mt. Saloon 573
Morgan, Mrs. Ed. (Emma Bamforth) 308
Morgan, Geo. & Ed. 268, 270, 276, 688, 690
Morgan Horses 13, 364
Morgan Postoffice 81, 392, 396, 398, 402
Morgan, Sid 402, 406, 411
Morkey, Herman 638
Morris, Dave 381, 498, 506, 514, 667, 668
Morrison, Dr. Chas A. 382
Morton, J 543
Morton, James 229
Morton, Lee: First White child born in Laramie 270
Morton Pass 88
Motley, Charles 49, 200, 282
Motley, John Lathrop: Historian 282
Mountain Lion 13, 451
Mountain & Plain Festival 676
Mountford, Al 141, 302, 396, 402
Mowing Machines, Rakes, Etc. 179, 260, 392, 610, 612, 627, 628
Moyer, “Buckskin” John 170
Mud Springs 118, 317, 359
Mudd, Henry 380
“Muggins” Great Cow Horse 493, 514
Mule Creek 468-471
Muleshoe Ranch 504, 512, 515
Mule Team driven 140 miles in day 444
Mullison & Beal 623
Murder of Sheriff by outlaws . 299, 570, 589
Murphy: Ames Monument 85
Murphy, P. G. 51, 126, 135, 137, 682
Murphy, Pat 578
Murrell, Mrs. 636
Myers, Fred 464
Myrick, M. J. 682
Mystery of Man’s leg in stirrup 419


N Bar Ranch, Nebr. 8
Naffzinger Ranch (Swan Co.) 515
National Forests & Summer Range 556
National Stock Yards, Ill. 5
National Western Stock Show 264
National Wool Growers Assn. & Show 522 530
Neal, Chas. 325
Neatsfoot Oil from deer legs 611
Neilson Ranch (Swan Co.) 515
Nellis, Martin E. “Ed” 48, 391
Nelson, Alvin C. 405
Nelson, Edgar & Verne 424
Nelson, Tremont 424
Nelson Resort 681
New England 57
New York 57
New York House 288
Newell, Frank 440
Newell, George, Lillie, Will 440
Newell, James 435, 438, 440
Newell, Perry 440
Newell, Sallie 47
Newell: Spring Creek 438
Newkirk, Bob 479
Newkirk, John W. 477
Newman Bros. & Farr 3
Newman, Mrs. C. A. (C. M.) 5, 8, 14, 37- 38
Newman, H. L. 3, 4, 5, 8, 14
Newman & Havens 5
Newman & Hunter 7, 8
Newman, Tom 8
Newmann, E. S. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Nichols, W. A. 638
Nickell, Willie 226, 514, 515
Nickerson, Leo 466
Nielson, Hans 326
Nigger, Sam 576, 578
Nimmo 3, 16
Niobrara Cattle Co 4, 5, 7, 10, 14
Niobrara Range and Creek 4, 7
Nixon, Jobey 580, 582, 584, 608
Nixon Ranch 237
Noel, Little Medicine 463
Norcross Bros.: Ames Monument 320
North Albany Club 480
North Canal 684, 686
North Fork: Little Laramie 188
North Laramie River & Canyon 117, 118, 444
North Park 76, 116, 149, 191, 193, 196, 198, 202 256, 336, 405, 500
North Platte River & Valley 150, 272, 414, 418 488, 489, 500, 504, 569, 570, 580, 582, 588, 602, 701
North Platte, Neb. 515, 591
Northern Albany Co 435, 484
Northrup, Charley 141, 396, 410
Northwest Fur Co. 10
Notch Peak 88, 473, 474
Nottage D. 682
Null, Mrs. Florence B. 10, 16
Nye, Bill 163, 216, 264, 532


Oasis Ranch: Haley, Ora 218
Oat Raising & yields 220, 226, 264, 268, 694 695
O’Brien, Mike F. 446, 448
Odder, Johanna 346
Ogden, Utah 203
Ogallala Land & Cattle Co. 492, 498, 510
Ogallala, Nebr. 488, 498, 582
Oil Well: First on Rock Creek 416
Old Trails in Carbon Co 561
Oliver: Sand Creek 188
Olson, Andrew 646
Olson, August 270
Olson Bros. 132
Olson, Gust or Gus 256, 257
Olson, Hans 144
Olson, John 256
Olson, Mrs. Gus (Mary Comly) 448
Omaha, Nebr 12, 13, 110, 256
Omaha: Vacationland for cowmen at shipping time 624
One Mile Creek 416
Ordway, Edward 450
Oregon Trail 602
Outlaws: McCarty, Big Nose Parrott & Dutch Charlie 582, 584-586, 588
Overland Cereals Co 696
Overland Stage Route & Trail 13, 57, 75, 151, 252, 405, 546, 561, 569, 570, 580, 582, 588, 596, 632
Overland Telegraph Line 175, 258
Owen Area & Postoffice 117, 456-458, 489
Owen, Billy 123, 215, 332, 391, 406, 455, 483, 484
Owen, Charley 135
Owyhee Valley, Ore. 608
Ox Power by Yokes 111
Ox Team: First one leaving Rawlins for Buffalo (Picture) 119
Oxbow Crossing: North Platte 562, 570
Oxford Horse Ranch (Whitehouse & Stokes) 203, 204, 651


Pacific Market Co. 150, 151, 196, 652
Padgett, W. H. 482, 483
Pahlow Lane & Ranch 146, 188
Palm Livestock Co. 647
Palm, Norman, 642
Palmer, Axel & Gus 203, 204, 206, 284, 286, 288, 310, 400
Palmer, E. Percy 310
Palmer, Will I. 478, 479
Panama Pacific Exposition, san Fracisco 522, 530
Panic of 1893 264, 522, 524
Paris, Tex. 645
Park, Hobson 438
Parker, George 8, 455
Parker, Suzy Establishment 652
Parks, Adele 466
Parks, Frances 229
Parmalee, Tom 530, 534
Pasco or Pascoe, Paul 52, 209, 310, 312, 521, 522, 546
Pass Creek 566, 568, 569, 588, 643
Patterson Bros. 237
Patton Place 191
Payne, Don: Swastika Ranch 406
Peabody 358
Peden, James 359
Peden, Ted
Pederson, Louise Alsop 17-22, 302
Pedro Mountains 562
Pendleton, Ore 163, 216, 674
Pennell, John 270
Percheron Horses 212, 220, 308, 312, 336
Percy Station 591, 592, 594, 595, 640
Peterson Place: Lyman, Neb. (Swan Co.) 515
Peterson, Eli & Anna 218, 269, 270, 272, 274, 396, 405
Peterson, Gus 270
Petrified Wood Forest 461
P. F. E. Ice Plant 210
Phelan, Chas. J. 423, 424
Phelps Homestead 380
Phifer, Fred 329
Phifer, John 455
Phillips, Chas. F. 686
Phillips, Sam F. 53, 391, 575
Pickett, Henry 217
Picking Wild Raspberries 592, 594
Pierce Reservoir, Rock Creek 334
Pierce, B. J., Baptist Minister (Wyo. Inst.) 314
Pierce, D. J 682
Pierce, John 416, 418
Pilot Knob 85, 90
Pine Bluffs, Wyo. 546
Pine Ridge, Dakota 478
Pine Ridge: Albany Co., Wyo. 89, 117, 118, 422, 457
Pine Top Postoffice: Elk Mt. Area 607
Pinkerton Detective Agency 514, 516
Pinto Creek 118, 477
Pinto Hills 457, 459
Pinto Rock 89, 457
Pinto Springs 118
Pioneer Ditch or Canal 126, 162, 636, 681-684, 688
Pioneer Forest Rangers 257, 625
Pioneers: The Forgotten Men 647, 648
Pister, George 132
Pistor, Andy 202
Pitchfork Ranch: Flag Ranch 160, 163
Plaga, Ernest, Albin, Otto 299, 370, 371, 514
Plaster of Paris Mill: Red Buttes 162
Platinum City 236
Platte River Valley 75, 272, 414, 418, 488, 483
Platte Valley Sheep Co.
Plumbago Canyon & Ranch 88, 117, 360, 361
Plumbago Creek (See P-1) 362, 363, 374
Pole Creek 332-338, 418, 546
Pole Mountain Military Reservation 85, 262, 338, 521
Pollock, James 123
Pool Games: Pockets full of gold pieces 204
Poole, George and Anna 159
Portland, Ore. 608
Post Co. 546
Post, George 278
Potato Growing 198
Potter, Nebr. 637
Powers, D. W. 5
Powder River, Big 4
Powder River, Little 4
Powder River Ranch (Frewen) 487
Powder River Ranch (Newman) 7
Powder River Ranges 4, 7
Powell, Fred 348
Powell, William 226, 336, 348
Prager, Frank, Jr 452
Prager, Frank, Sr 43, 53, 438, 448, 450, 452, 456, 548, 656
Prager, Lawrence 448
Prairie Cattle Co. (Underwood, Clark & Co.) 487
Prairie Schooner 109
Prahl, John 193
Pre-emption Law 100
Prentice, George 488, 493
Prill, 0. G. & Elizabeth E. 466
Prices for Land, Swan Co. 517
Prices for Livestock, grains, saddles, horses, rams, potatoes, deer, wool, etc. 142, 155, 156, 168, 422, 453, 508, 510, 522, 524, 532, 550, 552, 554
Prices for Oregon Cattle in 70s 216
Priscilla Ranch 132
Proctor, Mrs. M. A 325
Promontory Point 110
Prosser, Dean 323
Proudfat, S. V. 105
Public Domain Established 97, 98
Public Domain, today 104, 105
Pueblo, Colo 292, 294
Pugilist & boxing training 625
Pullman: Prop. Elk Mt. Saloon 573
Puls, William 308
Pulscher, John & Lucia 334, 336, 343
Pump Creek: Trib. Dale Creek 325
Pumpkin Creek 418
Purine Homestead 395
Pyramid Garage 268


Quealy Basin or Eykyn Ranch 391, 644
Quealy Dome Road 278, 284, 288, 391, 644, 681
Quealy, John 643, 646, 647
Quealy Lake 644
Quealy Land & Livestock Co. 391
Quealy, Lawrence “Lad” 644, 646, 647
Quealy Meadow or Chapman Place: Sam Johnson Ranch 633
Quealy, Mike Sr. & Jr 570, 638, 647
Quealy, Niles “Babe” 646, 647
Quealy, Pat 640
Quealy, Tom 646, 647


R E A Electric Power 702
Reardon, Archie 8
Rechard, Dan 318
Recreation and Horses 674
Red Buttes 84, 156, 159, 160, 168, 170, 196, 198, 203, 286, 288, 318, 343, 414, 651
Red Buttes Fish Hatchery 84, 203
“Red Buttes Kid”: Frank Gilmore 160
Red Buttes Land & Livestock Co. 170, 187, 202
Red Buttes Stockyard 162
Red Cloud Agency: Nebr. & So. Dak. 290
Red Desert: Wonderful Sheep Range 561
Red Lands Ditch: Sheep Creek 466
Red Mountain 84, 116, 200
Red Ranch 216, 217
Red Rocks: Picnic Rocks: Boulder Ridge 84
Reece, Mrs. May P 686
Reed, John C. or A 481
Reed, Oscar 460, 463
Reed, Silas 85, 320
Reed’s Rock 85, 320
Reel herd 494
Rees Creek 454
Reis, Bill 546
Reid, John 51, 257, 258
Rentoul, George 188
“REP” or Representative 641
Returns on Livestock investment 142, 177
Rex Dome 258
Reynolds, Edith Newman 5, 16
Reynolds, Gen. 59
Reynolds & Son 5
Rh inesm ith Ranch 236
Rhodes, Rufe 467, 498, 666, 667
Rice, Billy: Spring Creek 170, 179, 191, 193
Rice, “Pap” Place and Spring 156, 165, 179
Richards, DeForest 548
Richardson, Amanda 51, 179
Richardson, Beulah (LaPash & Berner) 336 343
Richardson, Edward “Ted” 612
Richardson, H. D. 49, 179, 343
Richardson, Jack 584
Richardson, Thomas D. 604, 612
Richardson, Wm. Mr. & Mrs. 572, 574, 576
578, 580, 582, 584, 586, 588, 592, 594
596, 598, 600, 602-604, 606, 631, 645
Richardson, Willing G. 366, 561-648
Richie, Atha 269
Rick, Johnny 676
Riner, C. W. 546
Ring Mt. 84, 90
Ring, R. A. “Frenchy” 469, 470
Ringsby 402
Riverside Ranch and Livestock Co. 123, 139, 141, 142, 144, 177, 282, 396, 410, 464, 651
Riverside Ranch. Profit & Loss Figures 1887-1903 142
R O Ranch: Medicine Bow River 589, 590, 636
Roads & Freighting 107-119
Robbers’ Roost 430
Robbins, Ben: Rushville, Nebr. 8
Robbins, Jimmy 466, 468
Robbins, John C. 238, 242, 244
Robbins, Merle 466
Robbins, Walter A. “Skinny” 470, 471
Roberts, Billy 482
Robinson, Edward A. 455
Robinson, Frank 470, 472
Robinson, John 455
Robinson, Lance 424
Robinson, Moses 379
Robertson, Mrs. Frank 88
Robertson Place 454
Rock Creek Conservation Co. 334, 423, 426, 479 696
Rock Creek Crossing, now Arlington 79, 87 88, 110, 113, 117, 118, 214, 219, 304, 379, 392, 398, 405-431, 444, 453, 455-457, 468, 482, 515, 578, 623, 632, 637
Rock Dale 406, 562, 569
Rockdale Livestock Co 408, 409
Rock River 79, 89, 216, 409, 423, 424, 470, 479
Rodeos and Horses 674, 676
Rogers Canyon 87, 344
Rogers, Johnny 436
Rogers, Oscar 50, 87, 177, 344
Rogers, Warren 299, 300, 306, 344
Roe, James “Dad” 471
Roe, Walter 442, 444
Rolling Mills 210, 289, 290
Root, Chauncey B. 48, 50, 51, 213, 282
Root Opera House 313
Rosebud Reservation 7, 8
Rosentrater, Gustave 367
Ross, Ed 4, 7
Ross, Roy S. 4, 7, 16, 33- 36
Ross, Timothy 310, 410, 425, 436
Round, Dude 613
Roved, Louis P. 378
Rowland, Mrs. (Hattie Hall) 314
Roy, John W.: An English Lord 615
Rudefeha 561
Rugg Bros. 546
Rumsey, Coats Co. 45
Rumsey, Henry B. 162, 170, 177, 179
Running Water: Nebr 4, 8
Running Water Creek: Sand Creek Pass 187
Rush, John R. 436
Rushville, Nebr 8
Russell, Majors & Waddell 7, 16
Ruttger, Harry 8
Ryan Bros.: Dennis, Barry 219
Ryan, Dennis 53


Saddle Backs or Simpson Ridge 595
Sage, Henry 202
Sage Creek 582
Sailing, Fred 470
Salisbury Place 210
Salt Creek Region 590, 603
Salt Lake City, Utah 5, 12, 123
Sand Creek, Mont. 8
Sand Creek: No. Albany Co. 117, 458
Sand Creek: So. Albany Co. 12, 84, 116, 149, 187, 188, 191, 193, 195, 196, 538, 540
Sand Creek: Trib. Laramie River at Canyon 478
Sanden, Ole 321, 322, 326
Sanders, H. C. 338
Sanders 91 Ranch 238
Sanderson, Jack 280, 282
Sandhills Region, Nebr. 4, 8
Sanford, Bert 462
Sand Lake Region 631
San Francisco 608, 636
Saratoga Valley 258, 623
Sargent, Frank 153, 155, 168, 170, 282, 540, 542 546
Sargent & Homer 155, 156, 163, 168, 170, 176-180, 213, 392, 540, 542
Sargent, Homer & Evans 269, 170
Sartoris Bros 613, 270, 690
Sartoris, Lionel 405
Savage, Bob 8
Savery 561, 588 258 603 326 463 379
Sawyer, Clifford 222, 228
Scarlet Fever is fatal 570, 591
Schaffer, Ted 217, 218 344 573 375
Schanks, Korte 615-617 637 202 423 220 378
Schick, Charles H. 306, 308
Schmale Bros 510
Schmere, Jake 474
Schmidl Farm: Bosler
Schmidt, Cortney
Schoen: Prop, Elk Mt. Saloon
School Creek: Trib. Sybille
Schools in the Country
Schoonjans, B.
Schores, Casper
Schultz, A. F.
Schwatke, Fred
Scott, Gordon & Mary (Puls)
Scotts Bluff, Nebr.
Seamons, Mrs.
Sections: Their part in land
descriptions 93-105
Sederlin, Louis 600
Seidel, Louie & Cora (Radichal) 380
Seiverts, Carl 461
Selenium: Poisonous to livestock 462
Sellers, Alex & Lloyd 456, 457
Sellers Mt. 459
Seeley, John 552
Seminole Mts. 562
Senzel, Irving 105
Seven Mile Creek, Lake & Burn 113, 117, 118 391, 392, 644
Seven Mile Lake: Woods Landing Road 11:3
Seven Mile Springs 113
Seventy-One Quarter Circle (Wyo. Cattle Ranche Co.) 487
Seventy-Six (76) Ranch 512
Shaffer, John Sr. & Jr. and Bill 363, 364, 366
Shamoken Group 684, 686
Shamrock Service Station: Sybille 368, 481
Shaniko, Ore. 175
Shanton, Henry & George 350, 354, 363
Shanton, Tom 334, 349, 350, 352
Shaw 282
Shay: Bear Creek 546
Shearer, Grandma 374
Shearing Sheep 141, 179, 534
Shearing Tallies 213, 534
Shed Cleaning Made Easy 640
Sheep Breeds 522, 524, 526, 528, 530, 534, 538 542, 548
Sheep Business: Insight into 644
Sheep Creek & Park: No. Albany Co. 117, 118, 457, 464, 466-468
Sheep exported to many lands 526
Sheepherder’s Hill: No. Arlington 635
Sheep Mountain 81, 252, 684
Sheep Mountain near Elk Mountain 568
Sheep Rock: Sybille 87, 374
Sheep run in fenced pastures (Swope) .. 479
Sheep Show Record 524
Sheep Trailing: Ore. to Wyo. & Ohio to Calf 163, 544
Sheep Weights and Measurements 530, 543
Sheik, Frank 498, 514
Sheldon, A. E. 7, 16
Shell Creek 132
Shell Creek: Johnson County 686
Shelter Belt of Caragana 480
Shelter Camps for Sheep 516, 534
Shelton, George 317, 326
Shephard, Tom 323
Sheridan (City) 600
Sheridan County, Nebr. 7
Sheriffs killed by outlaws 299, 570, 589
Sherman Station and Hill 12, 84, 500
Sherwood, Bill 135
Shewmake 206
Shire Horses 141, 196, 268, 476
Shirley Basin 193
Shooting Scrape 474
Shorthorn Cattle: Durhams 13,39,141,175, 196, 361, 214, 234, 257, 264, 272, 276, 300, 316, 363, 364, 374, 392, 400, 422, 435, 444, 456, 460, 464, 470, 471, 515, 643, 645
Shulte, Fred, Anna, Charlotte & Abraham 430
Sidney, Nebr. 418
Siegler, Seigler or Zeigler Ranch 306
Sierra Madre Mountains 562
Simerlee, Charles 382
Simpson, J. B. & Caira 51, 160, 203, 343
Simpson, Myra (Lindsey) 156
Simpson Springs 203
Simpson, W. A. & Laura 156, 159, 179
Sims, Chester & Arthur 468
Sioux Indian Reservation 4
Six Mile Road Ranch 113
Skarratt, Carleton F. 442
“Slick”: An unbranded yearling 648
Slothers, Mrs. Elmer 424
Slothower, Aaron 442
Slothower, Elmer 444
Small, Gilbert 386
Small, Milton 481
Smart, John 203
Smart, Pete 270
Smith (John) & Moore (Alex) 426, 467, 469
Smith Homestead: Duck Creek 477
Smith Place: Big Laramie River below Laramie 209
Smith, Ben & George B. 358
Smith, D. P. & Gene 234
Smith, Frank 123, 126, 128, 129, 254
Smith, Jabe 268, 270
Smith, Jennie 469, 470
Smith, Joe 132
Smith, Major J. S. 8
Snake River 608, 609
Snow Water Gulch 455
Snowy Range 81, 89, 210, 530
Snyder Bros. & Wolfjen Ranch 452
Soda Springs, Ida. 609
Sodergreen, C. F. 48
Sodergreen, Oscar 49, 75, 129, 135, 139, 142, 143, 153, 191, 193, 203, 215, 233, 252, 282, 286, 306, 308, 312, 392, 414
Soldier Springs 203
Soldiers and Whiskey 600
Sommer, Charles 377, 378, 481
Sophley, Judge 337
Soule, J. F. 160, ,406
South Omaha, Nebr. 510
South Platte River 195
Southern Pacific Railroad 110
Soward Place: John, Albert, Oscar & Frank 475
Sowers, Bill 237
Spanish Fork, Utah 585
Spaying Heifers: Swan Co. 504, 505
Speck, Reusmer & Baldwin 129
Spieckerman, Clark & Olson 257
Spiegelberg, William 146
Spindler, Valentine 212
Spoiled Kid learns a lesson 617, 618
Sportsmen’s Lake 153, 156, 159, 540
Sprague Lane, Ranch & School 13, 46, 48, 116, 118, 149, 150, 214, 282, 284, 298, 306, 308, 310
Spring Creek Camp: Flag Ranch 156
Spring Creek: Trib. Sand Creek, So. Albany Co. 135, 179, 191, 193
Spring, Agnes Wright 252
Spur: U. of Wyo. Rock Quarry 87, 88, 116, 344
Squattor’s Claim or Right 100, 576
Squaw Mountain 87
St. Charles, Mo. 10
St. George, Utah 12
St. Louis, Mo., Directory 5, 10
Staats, Russell 508, 510, 514
Stafford, Roy & Maude (Hall) 314, 426
Stampede of cattle 586, 588
Stanton, Jack 616
Stanton: Beaver trapper 607
Star Barn 191
Steamboat Lake 116
Steamboat Rock 193
Steamboat: Famous bucking horse 676
Steedman, Chas. J. 51, 155, 215, 216, 262, 701
Steers: Large 13, 39, 216
Sterling 469
Stevens, Dr. H. L. 70, 363, 364
Stevens, Mrs. Geo. (May) 254
Stevenson, John 328, 329
Stewart Canal 684, 686
Stewart, Bill 471
Stickney, D. N. 212, 310
Stillson Ranch 392, 400
Stimpson Ridge or Saddle Backs 595
Stimpson, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. 584, 590-592, 594-596, 598-603
Stinking Springs, Utah 584, 585
Stock Grazing Assn. 57, 150
Stock Growers Natl. Bank: Cheyenne 514
Stocks, Fred 460-462
Stockten-Smith or Elmer Fisher Ranch: Three Mile 422
Stockwell 337
Stockyards Bridge & Farm: Laramie 198, 210
Stockyards: Red Buttes 162
Stone Ranch: Bath 289, 299
Stone Tree Forest 461
Stratton of Cripple Creek, Colo. 312
Strawberry Valley, Utah 584
Street Car Horses 13
Street, Roy 424
Strochine Homestead 393
Strode 542
Strom, John & Norman 81, 146, 248, 250
Strong Homestead 348, 349
Strong Mine 112
Strous, John 54, 392, 394
Strycker, John W. 213, 600
Stuart, Belle (Homer) 170
Stump Homestead 359, 360
Sturgeon Creek 117
Sturgeon; William, Robert & Sidney 454, 459, 475, 476; 444, 448; 477
Sublette, Johnny 591, 595, 641
Sudduth & Montgomery 48, 149
Sugar Loaf: Laramie River Canyon & Med. Bow Peak 89, 90
Sullivan, “Buck” 334
Supplemental Feeds & Feeding 534
Surveying Ditches by primitive methods 604 606
Sutherland, Al & Angus 49, 322, 323; 123, 320
Sutphin, John H. & Wm. B. 286
Swan & Anthony L. & C.Co. 510, 512
Swan Bros. & Cousins 510
Swan & Frank 487, 488, 510, 512
Swan L. & C. Co. (Later Swan Co.) 187, 224 228, 367, 370, 372, 374, 375, 379-382, 386 412, 422, 425, 426, 429, 441, 453, 462 463, 467, 472, 477, 485-518, 576, 658 660-668
Swan Postoffice 510
Swan, Thos. J. 50, 51
Swan, Wm. R 379
Swank, James 395, 396
Swanson, John 338
Swastika Ranch 191
Swazey, Edward L. 584, 589
Sweetwater 196
Sweigert, Earl 419
Swift & Co. and Ranch 391, 392; 280, 391
Swift, Wm. 462
Swope, Arthur 479, 480
Sybille Corp. 228, 370, 372, 374, 375
Sybille Springs 88, 117, 374, 667
Sybille Valley Horse & Cattle
Growers’ Assn. 380
Sybille Valleys & Creeks 70, 87, 88, 116-118, 362-381, 481, 488, 492, 500, 504, 668


T A Ranch: Johnson Co., Wyo. 12, 302
Taos, N. Mex. 515
Tallyho: Driven by six-in-hand 269, 690
Talmadge & Buntin 206, 217, 218, 332, 396, 696
Tatham, Bill & Harry: Ranch 135, 149, 191, 310
Taylor Act Lands 102, 266
Taylor, Bob: Sheep Breeder & Feeder 543 550, 552
Taylor, Wm., on Little Medicine 461
Taylor, Wm., on Rock Creek 425, 426, 428
Taylor, Wm., on Sybille 371
T B Mountains: Trabing Bros. 89, 352
Telephone Canyon 116, 210, 334, 343
Templin, Curtis 480, 508, 510, 514-517
Ten (10) Ranch of Frank Prager 456
Tepee Rings 568
Teschemaker & DeBiller 53
Texas Creek 324, 325
Texas Steers 13, 149, 188, 234, 623, 624
T H Ranch: Swan Co. 515
Thees Paint Shop 209
Thirty Two Mile Crossing: Little
Medicine Bow River 602
Thode Bros., Hans or Emil 613, 636, 641
Thomas Bros 546
Thomas, Mrs. Claude (Mamie Bamforth) 308
Thomasson, Zack 498
Thompson, C. P 123, 126
Thompson, John “Indian Johnny” 334, 336
Thornburg Massacre 289, 290
Thornburg, U. P. or Railroad Hotel 162, 290
Thornhill, C. Clark “Joe Bush” 400, 405, 422 637
Thornton, Edgar H.: Ranch 424, 425, 426, 429 436, 546
Thoroughbred Horses 141, 268
Three Bar Ranch: Burns-Page 286, 310, 312
Three Mile Creek 416, 418, 420
Threshing Machine 198, 318
Tie Business 132, 150, 223, 254, 304, 317, 607
Tie City 343
Tie Plant 151
Tie Siding 69, 70, 116, 123, 156, 191, 202, 317-330
Timber Culture & Stone Act 102
T L Ranch: Connor, Horne 635-637
Tobin, John 462
Toll Bridges 408, 596, 598
Tolland Co 514
Toltec Livestock Co. 220, 228, 229, 286, 371, 400, 425, 426, 436, 438, 441, 442, 458, 475
Tomezak, Ed 396
Tongue River, Mont: Ranges 4
Torrey’s Rough Riders 350, 363
Tower Canyon 481
Towle, Wm. E. & Saphronia: Ranch 258, 282
Townships: Their part in land descriptions 93-105
Trabing, August 188, 348, 352, 354, 584, 602, 684
Trabing Bros. 52, 89, 210, 352, 562, 598, 600, 602
Trabing City: Johnson Co., Wyo. 89, 352, 562, 590, 602, 603
Tracts: Small; Act 102
Trailing Cattle 216, 406, 584-586, 588, 589
Trailing Horses 580, 582, 608, 609
Trailing Sheep 163, 179, 193, 312, 632
Train Robbery & Murder 589
Travis, E. J. 356
Treatment of Injuries 603, 611
Tregoning, Theodore 440, 477
Trenholm, Virginia Cole 510
Trewartha, Tom H. 49, 209, 323
Trollope, Billy 156, 170
Turner: Gardener at Willan Ranch 270
Turnips, Grown on Laramie Plains 198
Turpen Creek 644
Turtle Rock: Natural Tombstone for Alice Willing Blomer 596
Tuttle, Mrs. Joe (Ida Kelley) 435
Tuscarora, Nev 632
Twelve (12) Ranch: Rock Creek 424
Twenty-Mile Road Ranch 113
Twenty-Nine (29) Ranch 438
Twenty-Two-Mile Road Ranch 113
Twin Groves 569, 588
Two Bar Ranch: Swan Co. 462, 467, 504, 512, 514, 515, 576, 667
Two Bar or McGill Bridge 88
Two Bar Hands: Swan Co 658, 660-668
Two Bar Shearing Pens, north of Lookout 116, 513, 515
Two Rivers Ranch: Fillmore, Cameron, Haley 213, 214, 233, 252, 392 521
T Y Ranch: Swan Co. 504, 512
Tyvold 406


Uintah Mountains & Basin 584
Underwood, Clark & Co. Prairie Cattle Co 487
Union Cattle Co 504
Union Pacific Railroad 12, 75, 85, 113, 116, 149 213, 215, 216, 218, 257, 262, 312, 317 318, 320, 343, 364, 376, 408, 425, 488 490, 492, 504, 505, 512, 521, 542, 548 561, 589, 591, 607, 634, 638, 640, 682, 684
University of Wyoming 151, 296, 298, 314, 522 528, 622, 625
Ups & Downs of Ranching 644
U. S. Land Office at Cheyenne 484
U. S. Sheep Station 522
Ute Reservation in Utah 323, 580


Vacation for Cowmen: Trip to Omaha…. 624
Vagner, Meyer & Olson 584, 589, 622, 646
Vail, Charles & Aubrey 478
Valentine, Nebr 4
Values of Lands, Improvements and Sheep 141
Van Burken, Gus 375
Van Buskirk, James Ranch 202, 203
Van Buskirk, Jesse 150, 168, 203, 213, 233, 234 238, 278, 310
Van Buskirk, Peter W. 202
Vanderwork, Jim 135
Van Divei 462
Van Houten, Lee 418, 419
Van Ortrick, Jean 474
Veaver 460, 461
Vernal, Utah 586
Victoria 561
Vincent: Deputy Sheriff 589
Vine, Jim Ranch 212, 213, 343
Virginia City, Mont. 69, 256
Virgina Dale 113, 330, 332, 405, 542
Von Homeyer, Baron and his Rambouillet Sheep 522, 524, 543, 550
Von Powell Ranch 212
Vonstine, Frank L. & Chas. C. 466
VVV Outfit: Western Ranches Ltd 487


Waddells: Freighters 598
Wadill, P. H. 7, 16
Wages for Cowboys 500, 660, 661
Wages for Hay Hands 639
Wagnel, Charles 132
Wagonhound Creek 419, 569, 570, 635
Wagner, Chas. 455
Walden, Colo. 116, 123
Walden, Tom 126, 129
Waechter, August & Oscar Ranch 366
Walker, George 64
Walker, Frank 463
Walla, A. K 160, 202
Wallace, Jane 326
Wall Rock Canyon 87, 88
Wall Rock Creek 88, 359
Wall Rock Pasture 359
Wallis, Bert 694
Wallis, Bros. (Big Laramie near Bosler) 219 359, 361
Wallis Campground, Pole Mt. Reserve 264
Wallis, Dick 338
Wallis & Miller Ranch, Bosler 219, 312, 359 361
Wallis, Noah or “Jim” 45, 210, 260, 262, 264 2-13
Wallis, Oliver “011ie” 209, 213, 236 254
Ward Bros. 429
Wards Gulch 233
Waring, Max 466
Warren Livestock Co. 338, 344, 521
Warren, Senator F. E. & Miner 546
Wars Between Cattle and Sheep Owners 67-71
Wasatch Range, Utah 580
Washington, D. C. 57
Water Rights 681
Water, Vital to man and beast 681-697
Water Wagons in Laramie 262, 284
Waters, Billy 254
Watkins, Jack: Notorious Outlaw 392, 584
Watt Place: Formerly Hall Bros. 308
Wayside Ranch, Trabing 348, 354, 356
Webb, Albert 52
Webb, John Ranch 280, 282, 284, 391
Webber, C. W. “Cash” 51, 210, 317, 330
Weaver, Mrs. A. J. 326
Weaver Ranch 69
Wedding, double (Atkinson Brothers and McFarlane Sisters) 446
Weibel Place, Sybille 37
Weightman, James 312
Weir Ranch; Medicine Bow 257, 430
Weisbardt 468
Welch Place 10
Wellowby & Billings 228
Wesley Club, Formerly Boswell Residence 132
West Bros. 613
West, Dave 641
Western Union Telegraph 149, 150
Western Ranches, Ltd. VVV Outfit 487
Wheat, Andy 8
Wheatland 116, 534
Wheatland cut-off 34, 87
Wheatland Flats & Colony 380, 686
Wheeler, Wm. 209
Whitcomb, E. W. 492, 504, 512, 515
Whitaker Bros. & Boughton 546
Whitaker, John & Dugald 219, 224, 226, 261
White, Frank 424
White, J. F. “Sam” and John 420
White River, Colo. 453
Whitehouse, A. W. 206
Whitehouse Springs: Red Buttes 203
Whitehouse & Stokes 203, 204, 206, 690
Whitman, A. F. 363
Whiting, E., State Engr. 682
Whiting, Mary Agnes 489
Whittingham, Bill 270
Whistler, Clifford 470
Wickam, Don 380
Wickam, Frank A. & John 384, 385
Widdowfield, Bob 589
Widdowfield, Joseph 645
Widman 299
Wild Game furnishes meat for boys 616
Wild West Show 294, 674, 676
Wilde, Billy 475, 668
Wilkins Place 233, 236, 254, 682
Willan or Windsor Barn (later Pyramid Garage) 151, 268
Willan Farm: Blackburn Flats 682
Willan, Jack or John & Fred Douglas 270, 684
Willan Outfit: Douglas Willan, Sartoris & Co. 214, 216, 218, 224, 262, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 276, 284, 391, 396, 405, 546, 681, 682, 688, 690
Williams, Chester “Chet” 318, 322
Williams, Dick 318, 322
Williams, Jim 209, 213
Williams, Jimmy 326
Willow Creek Ranch: McGibbon 162, 163, 202
Willow Creek, So. Albany Co. 151, 202, 440, 540, 542
Willow Gulch 117
Willow Station 202, 405
Wilson, Alan F. 514
Wilson, E. J. 308, 690
Wilson, Hon. James, Secy. Agr. USDA 688
Wilson, J. Byron 64, 548, 690
Wilson, J. F. “Jim” 690
Wilson, Dr. J. M 64, 548
Wilson & Ricketts 344
Wilson, Stanley 454, 459
Windborn, Bobby 477
Winchester Repeating Rifle 75, 175
Winder, Norman Ranch: Colo. 216
Windham 135
Windhurst Ranch 191
Windmill Ranch 298
Winkler, J. A. 139, 141, 142, 188, 410
Winslow, Dr. Sheep Owner 542
Winter Storms, (also see Blizzards) 153
Wolbul, Mads 188, 233, 236, 694
Wolbul, Marsh 46
Wolcott, Frank 63, 252
Wolff, V. M. 312, 392, 400
Woman Justice: First one 453
Women deserve much credit. 640, 647
Wood Creek 359
Wood Mountain 568
Wood, R. W. 359
Wooden Shoe Ranch 191, 193
Woods Creek Canyon Rd. 210
Woods Landing 81, 116, 123, 135, 146, 412
Woods, Sam 126
Woodward, Chas. E. 326
Woodruff, J. D. 548
Wool Clip: Shearing wts. (see Fleece Wts) 153, 168, 180
Wool Income less than cash advance 637
Wool prizes 524, 526
Wool Value 153, 186
Worlds Fair in 1893 at Chicago 350, 522, 524, 543, 550
Worlds Fair in 1904 at St. Louis 522
Wortham, Charley 613, 641
Wright, Gordon: & John 252, 268, 681; 299
Wrismger, John 338
Wurl Ranch, Sand Creek 188
Wurl, August 188 252
Wurl, Bill 84
Wurl, Louie 328
Wurl, Ludwig 156
Wyckoff Flock of Mich. 522
Wyman Place 453, 454
Wyo. University 314
Wyoming Cattle Ranche Co. (71 Quarter Y Circle) 487
Wyoming Central Land & Impr. Co. 202, 317, 636, 682, 684
Wyoming Corriedale Co 526, 552
Wyoming Development Co. 380, 381, 384, 686
Wyoming Hereford Assn. or Ranch 276, 472 492, 510, 690
Wyoming High Plains 703 Z
Wyoming Historical Quarterly 57
Wyoming Horse Impr. Assn 64
Wyoming Institute, predecessor to
Wyoming State Song 703
Wyoming Station-New 57, 216
Wyoming Station, or Two Rivers Ranch 213, 215, 216, 233, 252, 269, 286, 312, 314, 392, 521, 681, 690
Wyoming Stock Graziers Assn. 57, 61-65, 150
Wyoming Stockgrowers Assn. 57, 146, 252, 418
Wyoming Stockgrowers Brand Books, 1880, 1882, 1887, 1916 4, 14, 212, 252
Wyoming Wool Growers Assn. 57, 64


Yankee Creek 438
Yankee Stoll 667
Yarbrough Place 310
Yaunt, Harry 482
Yelton, 0. P 52, 126, 132


Zeigler or Seigler Place 306


Burns, Robert Homer, Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches, Laramie, Wyoming : Top-of-the-World Press, 1955.

History, Ranching,


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