Biography of Robert M. Hancock

ROBERT M. HANCOCK. It is a pleasure and a privilege to record the character and enterprise of men of business who have made their own way in life, and no more efficient man could have been found for the office of circuit and county clerk than Robert M. Hancock. He is keenly alive to his responsibilities, fulfills them in the most prompt and thorough manner, and even his political enemies have come to understand that he is the “right man in the right place.” He owes his nativity to Coffee County, Tennessee, where he was born February 11, 1847, a … Read more

Biography of Dr. J. E. Andrews

DR. J. E. ANDREWS. Of late years it has been discovered that the profession of dentistry has been practiced from the earliest ages, but the knowledge of this science has become so perfected that it is now an art. One of the ablest exponents of this branch of human endeavor is Dr. J. E. Andrews, who is the only prominent practicing dentist of Harrison, in which city he has a well-appointed office and a large and lucrative clientele. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, November 16, 1862. His father, W.H. Andrews, having been a North Carolinian, born in 1827 or … Read more

Biography of Dutton J. Reynolds

DUTTON J. REYNOLDS. Dutton J. Reynolds, county clerk, is one of the most efficient, faithful and painstaking officers Stone County has ever had, and in discharging the functions of his office, he has shown the utmost courtesy to all with whom he h as come in contact, and has won innumerable friends. He is a product of the Blue Grass State, born in Jackson County September 9, 1861, and the son of Thomas H. and Margaret (Jones) Reynolds. The father was born in Owsley County, Kentucky, about 1830, of English descent, and of a prominent old Kentucky family. His father, … Read more

Biography of Dr. John S. Stephenson

DR. JOHN S. STEPHENSON. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character, both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics, and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. When a physician combines these characteristics it is with pleasure that we record his life-work, and such a man do we find in Dr. John S. Stephenson. He owes his nativity to Polk County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1839. His parents were Dr. Andrew R. and … Read more

Biography of Anthony Casey

ANTHONY CASEY. Anthony Casey is one of those men who faithfully served his country during the troublesome times of war and is now a prominent, law-abiding, public-spirited and patriotic citizen. He is a product of Tennessee, born in Morgan County, in 1826, and remained in that State until about eight years of age, when he came with his parents, Jesse and Martha (Coe) Casey, to Franklin County, Missouri About two years later the parents came to Johnson County, Arkansas, where they resided about five years and then moved to Newton County, making their home at the head of the Hudson … Read more

Biography of A. C. Hull

This gentleman is the able editor of the Boone Banner, one of the best country journals of which the State of Arkansas can boast. It is published in Harrison, one of the busiest and best towns of north Arkansas, and has an extended circulation throughout one of the largest and richest zinc and lead regions in the United States, and has a rapidly growing field to cover. It finds its way into the homes of the best class of people, who can always glean something useful and interesting from its columns, and it is essentially a paper of, by, and … Read more

Biography of J. S. Cowdrey

Among the representative business men of Yellville, Arkansas, none hold a more prominent place than J. S. Cowdrey, whose high reputation and material prosperity came as the reward of unusual natural abilities, industriously applied. The establishment which he now owns has a good share of patronage and support, and his trade is increasing in a very flattering manner. He was born in this county July 15, 1846, a son of Dr. J. M. and Agnes (McCubbin) Cowdrey, who were among the early pioneers of this section of the country. Dr. James M. Cowdrey, the father, was born in South Carolina … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of William A. Halliburton

WILLIAM A. HALLIBURTON. Few, if any, among those engaged in the occupation of farming in Stone County, Arkansas, maintain a higher reputation for intelligence, thrift and industry than William A. Halliburton. He was born in Jackson, Tennessee, July 11, 1842, to Benjamin and Kansas P. (Holliman) Halliburton, who were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father was a small child when taken by his parents to Tennessee, but he grew up and married in Jackson County. He came with his family to Arkansas in 1852, and located in the neighborhood of Bickhorn, his farm at that time being … Read more

Biography of Dr. John M. Casey

DR. JOHN M. CASEY. This gentleman is one of the best known physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, for he has been unusually successful in the practice of his profession, and that he deserves the good fortune that has attended his efforts is indisputable. He is not only honest and reliable, but he has ever been sympathetic, yet cheerful, in the sick room, and possesses the happy faculty of winning the confidence and liking of his patients, which has much to do with their restoration to health. The Doctor first saw the light of day in Hardeman County, West Tennessee, September … Read more

Biography of Jacob Yocum

JACOB YOCUM. Stone County has been fortunate in being developed by men who are not only ambitious but broad-minded and farseeing. Many portions of it are as attractive as though laid out by a landscape gardener and reminds one of the beautiful Champs d’Elysee of which Paris is so proud. In all the county there is no more diversity of scenery than in Washington township, and that portion of it in which our subject lives. Jacob Yocum is a native of this county, or what is now Stone County, born in 1837. Son of Levi and Mary (Patterson) Yocum, who … Read more

Biography of J. Frank Seaman

J. FRANK SEAMAN. Among the reputable men of Galena who have made their home in Stone County since 1865, is J. Frank Seaman, whose birth occurred at Carrollton, Carroll County, Arkansas, October 1, 1847. His father, Hon. John F. Seaman, was born in Saratoga County, New York, in 1812, and was of Scotch origin. He remained in his native county until grown, and then became a driver on the Erie Canal. Following this, he became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1834 emigrated to Michigan, where he resided two years. In 1836 he was appointed a missionary … Read more

Biography of Judge Joseph Scott Wilson

JUDGE JOSEPH SCOTT WILSON. The judges of the various courts of Arkansas have always been noted for their character and ability, and one of the most popular of the worthy men elevated to the bench in the history of Cleburne County jurisprudence is Judge Joseph Scott Wilson, judge of the County and Probate Court. He has been a resident of Cleburne County twelve years, but was born in Haywood County, West Tennessee (now Crockett County), in 1853, the son of David and Louisa (Elliott) Wilson, natives of the Palmetto State and East Tennessee, respectively. They were married in Rutherford County, … Read more

Biography of Dr. E. B. Brown

DR. E. B. BROWN. The gentleman, the salient points of whose history we shall endeavor to give below, is one of the most prominent physicians of Christian County, and his experience in civil life has been supplemented by the crucial one of witnessing death and the most terrible wounds with their attendant surgical operations. Dr. E. B. Brown commends himself most pleasantly to those with whom he comes in contact. He is a man of great force of character and one whose very presence would soothe a nervous and weakened patient. He is well read and informed, not only as … Read more

Biography of Elihu C. Beckham

ELIHU C. BECKHAM. The requirements necessary for the successful filling of the office of assessor are accuracy, faithfulness and energy, and all these requirements are possessed by Mr. Beckham, who is universally pronounced to be one of the most capable assessors Stone County has ever had. He was born in Hardin County, near the Wayne County, Tennessee, line, July 13, 1840, a son of Joshua M. and Catherine (Hinkle) Beckman, the former of whom was born in Orange County, N. C., May 14, 1816, and died in Stone County, Arkansas, February 3, 1888. The mother was born in Alabama, December … Read more

Biography of Dr. John W. S. Leslie

DR. JOHN W. S. LESLIE. This worthy gentleman, in ministering to the physical wants of his fellow mortals, has not neglected to minister to their spiritual wants also, and in addition is also a successful tiller of the soil. He was born at Wiley’s Cove, Arkansas, November 4, 1841. His father being Capt. Samuel Leslie, a sketch of whom appears in this work. In his youthful days the Doctor was an attendant of the old time log school houses, where he obtained a fair common-school education, and at the age of eighteen years he began the study of law only … Read more

Biography of John R. McCormick

JOHN R. MCCORMICK. During the thirty-five years that this gentleman has been a resident of Boone County, Arkansas, he has thoroughly identified himself with every interest of the same, and has been very public-spirited and progressive. He comes of good old Revolutionary ancestry, as his grandfather, Joseph R. McCormick, fought for independence and carried the scars received in the conflict to his grave. He was wounded seven times, and the last time crippled for life. Nothing is known of his wife and but little of his children. One of his sons, Benjamin F., went to California and died there in … Read more

Biography of John Murphy

JOHN MURPHY. This prominent farmer and stockraiser of Harrison township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Miller County, Missouri, January 7, 1838, and probably inherits much of his push and energy from his Irish ancestors, his great-grandfathcr Murphy having been a native of the Emerald Isle. The latter came to America after the Revolutionary War and settled in the Palmetto State, where his last days were spent. His wife was a native of Wales. His son, John Murphy, grandfather of subject, was born in South Carolina, but at an early date settled near Murfresboro, Tennessee, where he died when his … Read more

Biography of Lynn Adams

LYNN ADAMS. Among the progressive and successful agriculturists of Marion County, Arkansas, the name of Lynn Adams is well worthy of mention. He was born in Hopkins County, Kentucky, October 31, 1831, to George and Mariah (Lynn) Adams, the former of whom was also a Kentuckian and a son of James Adams, who came to Marion County at an early day and lived on White River near the mouth of Big North Fork of White River, making his home there until his death, which occurred about 1855. He followed farming and reared a large family of children, of whom George … Read more

Biography of Dr. A. B. Davis

The humanizing influences of Christianity are shown in thousands of directions, but in none to a more marked degree than that of medicine, and although there are pretenders in every profession who for a time may overshadow those more worthy, yet they eventually reach their level and the deserving are then shown in their true light. One of the young but already prominent physicians of Marion County, Arkansas, is Dr. A. B. Davis, of Powell. He was born in Adairsville, Ga., April 18, 1857, a son of P. R. Davis (see sketch of J. F. Davis). He was about twelve … Read more