Biography of William L. Aylor

WILLIAM L. AYLOR. Among those who have fought the battle of life bravely and are now enjoying the comforts and pleasures that wealth brings, is William L. Aylor of Grover Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, who can point back over a well-spent life. He was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1833. The son of George W. Aylor, who it is supposed was born in Georgia. He was a farmer by occupation and made his home in Rutherford County until his death, which occurred about 1842. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and also helped to remove the … Read more

Biography of Dr. George W. Floyd

DR. GEORGE W. FLOYD. The noble profession of medicine affords to the student in that science a never-ending source of investigation and experiment. It is perhaps one of the most trying on brain and body of any in the field of science, for it absorbs the attention of him who practices it conscientiously, both day and night, and brings into play the most versatile powers of his being. Among the prominent physicians and surgeons of Western Grove, Arkansas, stands the name of Dr. George W. Floyd, whose kindly nature instinctively turned to that broad field of human suffering for his … Read more

Biography of John W. Irvine

JOHN W. IRVINE. The business of the merchant is not only one that may be the road to success, but, what is better, in this country, certainly, it is one of the most honorable of avocations and those engaged in it are, as a class, composed of the very ablest and brightest of the land. It is the way to social distinction, to wealth and to fame, if one wishes the latter. In the list of worthy and honorable business men of Cleburne County, Arkansas, the subject of this sketch appears as one of the brightest and most successful, and … Read more

Biography of V. C. Bratton

V. C. BRATTON. This gentleman is the owner of a well-conducted mercantile establishment at Marshall, and is an enterprising and wide-awake man of affairs. He was born at Wiley’s Cove, Searcy County, July 19, 1860, being the eldest of a family of eight children born to James and Dicy A. (Hatchett) Bratton, who arc still residents of Wiley’s Cove, where they are well respected and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The youthful days of V. C. Bratton were passed in learning the details of farming and in attending the common schools of the vicinity, where he secured … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles P. Brooks

HON. CHARLES P. BROOKS. This well-known official is very favorably regarded all over Cleburne County, and fills the office of circuit clerk in an able and very acceptable manner. He was born in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., July 12, 1848, to Jesse B. and Nancy F. (Porter) Brooks, the former of whom was born in South Carolina and the latter in Tennessee. They were married in Claiborne County, of the last named State, and after residing there for a time moved to North Carolina. In 1868 the family located in Blount County, East Tennessee, and resided in that section … Read more

Biography of Capt. James Berrien Harper

CAPT. JAMES BERRIEN HARPER. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the substantial citizens and successful agriculturists of Barren Creek Township, Baxter County, Arkansas, but was born in Franklin County, Ga., November 17, 1833, a son of Andrew Knox and Anna (Little) Harper, natives of Virginia and Georgia, respectively. When a young man the father went to Georgia and was married in Franklin County, and in 1839 moved to Pontotoc County, Miss., where he made his home until his death in 1851, at the age of fifty-six years, his wife having died in Pontotoc County when forty-one years … Read more

Biography of Zach T. Wasson

ZACH T. WASSON, Point Peter, Arkansas Of that sturdy and independent class, the farmers and stockmen of Arkansas, none are possessed of more genuine merit and a stronger character than he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He has risen to a more than ordinary degree of success in his calling, and wherever known is conceded to be an energetic and progressive tiller of the soil, imbued with all those qualities of go aheadativeness which have characterized his ancestors. He was born at the old homestead, a son of Eli Jackson and Angeline (Vorhies) Wasson, natives of … Read more

Biography of Dr. Hiempsal S. Dodd

DR. HIEMPSAL S. DODD. Totheperson who closely applies himself to any occupation which he has chosen as his calling in life, there can only come one result, that of success and a high place in the esteem of those among whom his lot has been cast. Dr. Dodd is no exception to this rule, and he has also at all times manifested much interest in the building up of the sections in which he has made his home, and has given liberally of his means to this end. He is a native of Wooster, Ohio, born in 1828, a son … Read more

Biography of W. J. Hornbarger

W. J. HORNBARGER, M. D. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character, both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. These characteristics are combined in Dr. W. J. Hornbarger of Heber, Arkansas, and it is with pleasure that a short sketch of his life is here given. He was born near Quitman, Cleburne County, Arkansas, January 25, 1860, his parents being Washington and Jane (Hood) Hornbarger who … Read more

Biography of Judge James P. Wood

Integrity, intelligence and system are qualities which will advance the interests of any man or any profession, and will tend to the prosperity to which all aspire. The life of Judge James P. Wood in the professional arena has been characterized by intelligence, integrity, sound judgment and persevering industry. He is one of Cleburne County’s most popular and capable attorneys, who has acquired prominence because he is worthy of it. He was born on a farm in Barbour County, Ala., in 1843, a son of James and Nancy (Byrd) Wood, who were born, reared and married in the Old North … Read more

Biography of William H. Paine

WILLIAM H. PAINE. Mr. Paine is accounted a prosperous farmer and stockman of Lincoln Township, Christian County, Missouri, and like the native Tennesseean he is progressive in his views and of an energetic temperament. He was born in Warren County in the year 1820, the fourth of eleven children born to Larkin and Rebecca (Huddleston) Paine, natives it is thought of Georgia and South Carolina. When both were young they moved with their parents to Tennessee and were married in Claiborne County of that State. Later they removed to Warren County, where they continued to make their home until 1829, … Read more

Biography of James P. M. Norman

JAMES P. M. NORMAN. One of the most popular and widely known of Douglas County’s county officers is James P. M. Norman,who has been identified with the growth and the interests of the county for many years. Mr. Norman was born in Carroll County, Ga., April 27, 1847, and is a son of Abner S. and Charlotte (Orr) Norman, natives respectively of Alabama and South Carolina. George Norman, grandfather of our subject, came from Scotland to this country, and brought with him the sturdy habits so characteristic of those of that nationality. Settling in Alabama, he there reared his family, … Read more

Biography of John H. Middleton

JOHN H. MIDDLETON. John H. Middleton, general merchant, farmer and postmaster at Omaha, Boone County, Arkansas, is a worthy citizen in all the relations of life, and has always been interested in the advancement in the different affairs of his section. He is a successful business man; his generosity keeps pace with his prosperity, and he contributes liberally of his means to the advancement of worthy enterprises, in which respect his generosity has been recognized and appreciated. Mr. Middleton is a product of Bolivar, Missouri, born January 9, 1854, and is a son of William J. and Lovina J. (Beckley) … Read more

Biography of Judge John Q. Adams

JUDGE JOHN Q. ADAMS. This gentleman is the worthy son of a worthy father Lynn Adams, an old pioneer of this section whose sketch appears in this work. Judge Adams was born on December 22, 1858, on the old Adams homestead in this county, and here arrived at man’s estate, having acquired a good education in the district schools and the school of Marshall, as well as that of Rally Hill, Boone County. In 1879 he started out to fight life’s battles for himself and at first was engaged in teaching the “young idea,” and connection with tilling the soil, … Read more

Biography of James Martin

JAMES MARTIN. Industry, uprightness and intelligence are characteristics which will advance the interests of any man, and will tend to the prosperity to which all aspire. Such are some of the traits of the gentleman whose name heads this article, one of the prominent farmers and stock-raisers of the county. James Martin was born in 1835, in Tennessee, of which State his parents, William and Leatha (Hart) Martin, were natives. Both were born in the year 1812, the former in Warren and the latter in Bedford County. The parents were married in their native State, and about 1843 moved with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Z. M. Horton

Z. M. HORTON was born in territory now embraced in Stone County, Arkansas, September 27, 1858. Moved with his parents to North Carolina in 1861, and returned to Arkansas in 1869, and has ever since resided in Baxter County, Arkansas Was educated at Mountain Home Male and Female Academy, of Mountain Home, Arkansas Quit school at the age of eighteen, and began to teach in the public schools of the country, and read law at night and on Saturdays. Continued this course most of his time until he was twenty-one years of age, when he was licensed to practice law … Read more

Biography of David Magness

DAVID MAGNESS. It matters little what vocation a man selects as his life occupation so long as it is an honorable one. If he is an honest, upright man, courteous in his intercourse with his fellowmen, and possessed of the average amount of energy and perseverance, he is bound to make a success of what-ever he undertakes. One of the most noted and successful firms in Newton County is that of Cantrell, Magness & Co., general merchants, cotton buyers, etc., of Western Grove. David Magness is a native of this State, born in Marion County in 1845. He is a … Read more

Biography of George W. Jobe, M. D.

GEORGE W. JOBE, M. D. Man when well boasts that he has no need of the doctor, and is pleased to indulge in gibes and sneers concerning the skill of the members of the profession, and those who rail loudest are the first to send for the physician at the sound of danger. At least this is true in many cases, and the long-suffering physician, anxious to benefit mankind, responds to all calls no matter what the weather may be, and often endangers his own health in caring for that of others. Dr. George W. Jobe is an active medical … Read more

Biography of John W. Hess

JOHN W. HESS. Stone County, Arkansas, can well be proud of the amount of brains and energy possessed by her representative citizens, for, taken as a whole, there are none brighter, more intelligent, or with more ability or push in any direction, and among the number is John W. Hess. He was born near Batesville, in Independence County, April 2, 1840, a son of James and Elizabeth (Wells) Hess, natives of Arkansas and Franklin County, Tennessee, respectively. James Hess was born within two and a half miles of Batesville in 1814, and died in Stone County, Arkansas, in 1874. His … Read more

Biography of Allan Arthur Gilbert, M.D.

Dr. Allan Arthur Gilbert, an internist of St. Louis, who in his practice has gained high professional standing, was born in Burrton, Kansas, May 26, 1890, a son of the Rev. H. M. Gilbert, who was born in South Carolina, but was descended from one of the old families of Connecticut of English lineage. The progenitor of the family in the new world was Mathew Gilbert, who came across the Atlantic on the historic Mayflower and was the first deputy governor of Connecticut under King George. Among the ancestors of Dr. Gilbert was also Colonel Ethan Allen, who commanded the … Read more