Biography of George Holler

Last Updated on August 14, 2012 by

George Holler, making his home on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township, has been a resident of this County for almost a third of a century. He was born in Germany on the 28th of December, 1858, a son of John Holler. His educational privileges were somewhat limited. He attended the common schools until he reached the age of eleven, when he began providing for his own support by working as a farm hand, in which connection he was employed until he reached the age of nineteen. Then in accordance with the military laws of his country he joined the army and served for three years. On the expiration of that period he took up the occupation of farming, which he followed for two years, and in 1884 he left the fatherland for the new world.

On reaching American shores Mr. Holler at once made his way to Racine County and for twelve years was employed in the Case foundry, his capability and fidelity being indicated in his long connection with that one business. At the end of that period he began farming and in 1899 he purchased forty acres, to which he has added at intervals as opportunity has come to him until he is now the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of good land on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township. He carefully cultivates his farm according to modern methods and the fields produce good crops, while everything about the place indicates his careful direction and his progressive spirit.

Thirty-three years ago Mr. Holler was married to Miss Mary Grine and they have become the parents of nine children who are yet living: George, Mary, John, Joe, Peter, Alice, Margaret, Katie and Jennie. In religious faith the family is Catholics and Mr. Holler belongs also to the Catholic Knights. In politics he maintains an independent course, supporting the best man. He has never sought desired office, preferring always to give undivided attention to his business affairs, and it is upon his careful management, close application and unfaltering industry that he has built his success.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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