Biography of Frank I. Lingsweiler

Last Updated on August 14, 2012 by

Frank I. Lingsweiler was for many years connected with the grocery business at Corliss, Wisconsin, but is now living retired in Racine. His birth occurred in Racine County in February, 1854, and his parents were John and Christine Lingsweiler. Until about fifteen years old he attended school in Mount Pleasant Township and then became a student in the high school at Rochester, from which he was graduated at the age of nineteen. He devoted six years to teaching, but when twenty-five years old embarked in the grocery business with W. E. Lee at Western Union Junction, now known as Corliss. He remained a factor in the business life of that town until the 1st of January, 1910, and all who had dealings with him acknowledged his sound judgment, his quick insight into a business situation and his integrity. On New Year’s Day, 1910, he retired and removed to Racine, where he enjoys well deserved leisure, living at 1552 Asylum Avenue.

In 1879 Mr. Lingsweiler was united in marriage to Miss Ella Nobles, a daughter of George and Maria (Allen) Nobles. Mr. and Mrs. Lingsweiler became the parents of three sons, namely : Raymond, who married Miss Ada Galloway, of Racine, and is living in Corliss ; Frank I., Jr., who married Miss Nellie Gillett, of Racine, and has a son, Frank I. III; and Harold M., who married Miss Gladys Bakener, of Racine, by whom he has a daughter, Beverly Jane.

Mr. Lingsweiler is prominent in the local councils of the Republican Party and has served in a number of offices, including that of Township supervisor, village supervisor, member of the town board, town clerk and member of the school board. He is a communicant of the Episcopal Church, in which he served as deacon for years. Fraternally he is well known, belonging to Belle City lodge, No. 92, A. F. & A. M., at Racine and to the Modern Woodmen lodge at Corliss, in which he served as clerk and consul. All that he has accomplished was due to his own ability and initiative, and in attaining success he never did violence to his high standards of right and wrong.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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