These men are listed as defenders of the frontier in 1774, they did NOT participate in the Battle of Point Pleasant.
Michael Woods to Col. William Preston
SIR—I reed your Letter Dated the [MS. torn] of this instant and I have conformd my self to it, and I find that there is in that Bounds from Rich Creek Mountain to where the County Line strikes the river thirty men which is
Joseph Inglish
Richard Herd
Joshua Inglish
John Nicklas
William Cliften
George Scott
James Williams
Francis Rowan
Andrew Woods
George Sobe
Henry Walker
Robert Wiley Senr
Adam Clendinen
Peter Dingos
Adam Woods
Robert Wiley Jun
Henry Atkins
Thos. Haket
Richard Woods
Thomas Wiley
Charlas Atkins
Samuel Astle
Michl. Woods
Ishmall Babit
Samuel Gamble
William Lesey
Squire Gatleph
Jeremiah Gary
John Umphres
William Cavanough Senr
Henry Oharron
Also there is a few men that lives in a String on the other side of the River that ever will be unconvenient to any other place to Muster at for they would not have above 7 or 8 Miles to a Muster here; and if they must go Elsewhere they Most of them Must Go 15 or 20 Miles to Muster and the names of these is:
Philimon Cavanough
Thomas Farlor
Charles Cavanough
Charles hays
James Odear
Francis Farlor
William Cavanough Senr
John Farlor
Samuel pack
Mitchle Clay
George pack
and some others that I do not know their names.
Also I must acquaint you that the most of these men is bad off for arms and ammunition and I believe Cannot get them.