Biographical Sketch of Orias Boardman

Last Updated on May 22, 2011 by

Orias Boardman, father of the four sons, Elisha, Orias, William, and Alfred, died in Connecticut, in 1780, having previously bought a right of land in this town of one of the original proprietors, intending to make a settlement with his family. Orias, the second son, at the age of nineteen years, arrived in town in 1773, and worked during the summer for Aaron Hunt, one of the first settlers. Orias and William arrived by way of Lake Champlain and Cambridge, with an ox team, in March, 11794, and commenced a settlement on the farm upon which they lived during the remainder of their lives, and upon which Almond Boardman now resides. In the spring of 1795, their mother, together with the eldest [son, Elisha, and the youngest son, Alfred, arrived, and lived in the town the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Lydia Boardman, the mother, died April 7, 1823, in the seventy-fifth year of her age, having for a long period been a worthy member of the Congregational church. Her sons were all noted for honesty in their business transactions with their fellow-men. Elisha was the first representative of the town, being a member of the legislature in 1804, ’05, ‘o6, ’07, and ‘o8. He was also the first militia captain, and was an able justice of the peace for many years. He died February 6, 1826, aged fifty-three years. Orias died September 10, 1843, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. William died March 118, 1851, aged seventyfive years. Alfred died February 8, 1830, aged forty-eight years. Almond, who now occupies the old homestead, was born May 16, 1807, married Jemima Goodsell, and has had a family of five children, two of whom are now living, Cornelia and Ellen. The former is the wife of judge Small, of Hyde Park, and the latter is the wife of A. L. Noyes, cashier of the Lamoille County Bank. Almond has held many positions of trust, among which that of representative two terms.


Lamoille County VT,

Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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