Biographical Sketch of John H. Donnelly

Donnelly, John H., Vergennes, was born in Clinton county, N. Y., in 1855. He was educated in Ontario College, and commenced his business life as a merchant tailor in Vergennes,Vt., in 1878, where he enjoys the popular trade of the town. He has his place of business on Main street and gives employment to from fifteen to twenty hands. He was elected alderman in 1885, and has been one of the city police. John H. Donnelly was a son of Thomas and Mary (McDonnold) Donnelly, who were natives of Limerick, Ireland, where they were married. They settled in Keeseville, N. Y., in 1852, and came to Vergennes, Vt., in 1870. They have -a family of six children — three sons and three daughters.



Addison County VT,

Smith, H. P. History of Addison County Vermont: With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & co., 1886.

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