Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – E Surnames

EGGLESTON, William Henry, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Edith May Eggleston, 839 Roosevelt Ave., Pawtucket. ELWOOD, Joseph Alfred, Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Regina Elwood, 17 Watson St., Central Falls. EMILIANOWICZ, Edward, Aviation Radioman 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Emilianowicz, 301 Roosevelt Ave., Pawtucket. ESTY, Harold Winsor, Seaman 2c, USNR. Father, Mr. Cyril Smith Esty, 15 Myrtle St., Pawtucket.

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – F Surnames

FAIRMAN, Frederick Charles, Jr., Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Fairman, Sr., 30 Fernwood Ave., Pawtucket. FALLON, Francis R., Pfc., USMCR. Wife, Mrs. Francis R. Fallon, 141 Freeborn Ave., East Providence. FANTASIA, Frank Alfred, Freman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Fantasia, 194 Prairie Ave., Providence. FARNSWORTH, Frank Eugene, Jr., Gunner’s Mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eugene Farnsworth, Sr., 139 Marlborough St., East Greenwich. FAY, Charles Joseph, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Agnes Mary Fay, 24 Calvert St., Newport. FAZZI, Victor Armiss, Fireman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Christine Fazzi, 10 Shirley Blvd., Cranston, Providence. … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Prisoners of War

CARNEY, Francis Joseph, Ensign, Civil Engineer Corps, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Carney, 35 Annandale Rd., Newport. COWAN, Alva Roberts, Chief Pharmacist’s mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Margaret Agnes Cowan, 48 Evarts St., Newport. GROVE, Alfred Edgar, Lieutenant Commander, USN. Wife, Mrs. Abbie Burke Grove, 128 Mill St., Newport. GUTIERREZ, Anthony Aralio, Chief Electrician’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Francis Veronica Gutierrez, 405 Pine St., Providence. PALIOTTI, Victor, Cpl., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Julia Paliotti, 23 Mathewson St., Cranston, Providence. SLIPSAGER, Glen Frederick, Chief Pharmacist’s Mate, USN. Son, Frederick Andrew Slipsager, c/o Mrs. Andrew Malone, Box 42, Portsmouth.

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – N Surnames

NASSI, Antonio Domenic, Pvt., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Nassi, 487 Washington St., Providence. NAZE, Donald Joseph, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mr. Etta Mae Naze, 113 Hugo St., Providence. NELSON, Phillip Hamilton, Seaman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. George Calvin Nelson, Terrace Ave., Mapleville. NEVILLE, Joseph Patrick, Watertender 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Regina Agnes Neville, 4 Battery St., Newport. NEWELL, Gale Philip, Pharmacist’s mate 2c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Irene Lillian Newell, 1 Willow St., Newport. NOBES, Gales Marshall, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Alice Marie Nobes, Paramount Apartments, Providence.

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – O Surnames

O’BRIEN, Vincent Paul, Seaman 1c, USNR. Father, Mr. Daniel William O’Brien, 56 2d Ave., Woonsocket. O’LEARY, Richard James, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 2c, USN. Father, Mr. John O’Leary, 117 Jewett St., Providence. OLIVER, Anthony Alves, Coxswain, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Oliver, 568 Wood St., Bristol. OLIVER, Fulton John, Aviation Chief Machinigt’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Lorraine Ames Oliver, 16 Bridge St., East Greenwich. OLIVIERI, Paul, Apprentice Seaman, USNR. Father, Mr. Gaetano Olivieri, 14 Albro St., Providence. ORASI, Harold William, Ship’s Cook 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. May Orasi, 55 Booth Ave., East Providence. O’ROURKE, Vincent John, Seaman 1c, USNR. Parents, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – D Surnames

D’AGOSTINO, Paul David, Signalman 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Maria Gianfrancesco, 172 Chad Brown St., Providence. DALTON, John Francis, Boatswain, USN. Wife, Mrs. Susan Mary Dalton, 1 Dodge Ct., Newport. DAVIDSON, Clarence Lacy, Aviation Metalsmith 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Lillian Davidson, 132 Knight St., Providence. DAVIS, Donald Lee, Ship’s Cook 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Peter Davis, 303 Marlborough St., East Greenwich. DAVIS, Millard, Chief Metalsmith, USN. Wife, Mrs. Alice N. Davis, 27 Amy St., Providence. DAY, Arthur Curtis, 2d Lieutenant, USMC. Mother, Mrs. Georgina L. Day, 9 Friendship St., Jamestown. DE COSTE, William Francis, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – M Surnames

MACDOUGALD, Edward, Ensign, USNR. Father, Mr. Joseph MacDougald, 980 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford, Providence. MAGILL, William James, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Lillian M. Allard, 108 Carpenter St., Pawtucket. MAILLOUX, Leonard, Captain, USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mailloux, 1 Beacon Ave., Woonsocket. MARDEN, Richard, Aviation Ordnanceman 3c, USN. Wife, mrs. Amelia Barboza marden, 119 Long Wharf, Newport. MARSLAND, Alvah Irwin, Machinist’s mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Carolyn Marsland, 92 England St., Valley Falls, Lonsdale. MARTIN, Leo Joseph, Fireman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Leo B. Martin, 22 Rocket St., Westerly. MARTIN, Michael Francis, Chief Watertender, USN. Sister, Mrs. Catherine Laushway, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – C Surnames

CABANA, George Armand, Storkeeper 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cabana, 167 2d Ave., Woonsocket. CAHIR, William Raymond, Fireman 1c, USNR. Brother, Mr. Thomas Cahir, 465 Morris Ave., Providence. CAMERON, John D., Jr., Ensign, USCGR. Wife, Mrs. Jane Groves Cameron, 2048 Broad St., Edgewood, Providence. CAMPAGNONE, Domenic, sEAMAN 1C, usnr. pARENTS, mR. AND mRS. aNTHONY cAMPAGNONE, 12 bINGHAM sT., pROVIDENCE. campagnone, dOMENIC, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Santina Scalsi, 53 Atwell Ave., Providence. CANHAM, Charles Pratt, Jr., Lieutenant, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Murn Halsey Canham, 75 Woodruff Ave., Wakefield. CAPPUCCIO, Patrick Benjamin, Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Cappuccio, … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – B Surnames

BACCHUS, Thomas Augustus, Lt. USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Thomas Bacchus, Vashon. BACKMAN, Everett Raymond, Lt. (jg), USNR. Wife, Mrs. June Louise Backman, 719 S. Pine St., Port Angeles. BACON, Jay Darwin, Jr., Lt. USNR. Wife, Mrs. Barbara Hinshaw Bacon, 2302 Baker Ave., Everett. BADEN, Eston Jerome, Lt., (Jg), USNR. Wife, Mrs. Eileen Margaret Baden, 4502 Cascadis Ave., Seattle. BAGAN, John Peter, Pharmacist’s mate 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Frances Norland Bagan, 2017 Oakes Ave., Everett. BAILEY, James Edward, Radioman 3c, USNR. Father, Mr. Charles Edward Bailey, Palmer. BAILEY, John Dale, Pharmacist’s Mate 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – L Surnames

LABO, Stanley Burton, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Labo, Rt. 5, Spokane. LA BOLE, Donald Clyde, Motor Machinist’s Mate 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. LaBolle, Rt. 1, Box 292, Kent. LA CAFF, William John, Seaman 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Margaret Ellen LaCaff, 827 Tenth St., Bremerton. LADNIER, Clarence Walter, Seaman 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Mamie Clark, 10045 26th SW, Seattle. LA FLEUR, Cecil Virgil, Seaman 1c, USNR. Father, Mr. Jerry LaFleur, Rt. 2, Anacortes. LA FONTAINE, Robert Edward, Apprentice Seaman, USNR. Brother, Mr. Donald James LaFontaine, 520 E. 91st St., Seattle. … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – H Surnames

HABENICHT, Hal Duane, Ens., USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Habenicht, 4116 36th, SW, Seattle. HAGEL, Alfred Leroy, Chief Machinist’s Mate, USN. Sister, Mrs. Della Mae Lawrence, 5027 Bowen Place, Seattle. HAGEN, Edward Clifford, Radioman 3c, USCGR. Mother, Mrs. Cecile Dolan, 2225 First Ave., North, Seattle. HAIGHT, Bruce Stoddard, Aviation Radioman 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Haight, Rt. 1, Wenatchee. HAIR, Eugene Ellsworth W., Lt., JG., Medical Corps, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Elise C. Hair, Okanogan. HAKENSON, Robert Clifford, Aviation Radioman 2c, USNR. Father, Mr. Robert Hakenson, 509 North 117th St., Seattle. HALL, Bridgeman George, Radioman 2c, USN. … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – I Surnames

IDDINS, Harold Kenneth, Yeoman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Carrie Bell Iddins, Rt. 7, Box 151, Olympia. INGERSOLL, Robert Joseph, Jr., Aviation Radioman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Beatrice Jean Ingersoll, Box 226, Forks. IRONS, Henry Augustus, Fireman 2c, USNR. Brother, Mr. Harry Irons, Rt. 3, Port Angeles. IRVIN, Walter William, Jr., Seaman 1c, USN. Wife, mrs. Mildred Illine Irvin, Rt. 3, Box 3800, Renton. ISAACSON, Wilhelm T., Pfc., USMC. Father, Mr. Oscar W. Isaacson, 13017 3rd Ave., NE, Seattle.

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – J Surnames

JACKSON, Robert Allen, Machinist’s Mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kimball Jackson, Rt. 1, Garfield. JACOBSON, Carman James, Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Jacobson, Rt. 3, Box 364, Kelso. JAMES, Hershel Daniel, Fireman 1c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Charlene James, Schward Sta., Yakima. JAMES, John D., Pfc., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Orpha James, Omak. JARDINE, John W., Pvt., USMCR. Wife, Mrs. John W. Jardine, Box 51, Bucoda. JARED, Benjamin Elmer, Carpenter’s Mate 3c, USN. Father, Mr. Elmer Hattin Jared, Rt. 1, Moxee City. JEFFERS, Lee E., Gunnery Sgt., USMC. Father, Mr. Louis E. Jeffers, Rt. 1, Box … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – A Surnames

AARHAUS, Davis Louis, Shipfitter 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Louis Ambrose Aarhaus, Rt. 1, Box 211, Elma. ABBOTT, George Harold, Machinist’s Mate 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Nina Middlekauf Abbott, 2205 2nd Ave., Seattle. ABBOTT, Victor Harold, Chief machinist’s mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Heriott Jane Abbott, 4720 Beacon Ave., Seattle. ABEL, Joseph N., 2nd Lt., USMCR. Father, Mr. Harry A. Abel, 620 Fairview Avenue North, Seattle. ADAMSON, Alfred, Chief fire controlman, USN. Wife, Mrs. Enod A. Adamson, 1111 Olympic Ave., Bremerton. ADLER, Donald, S1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Jessie E. Kealy, 2924 Nassau St., Everett. ADOLPH, Adrian Lawrence, Fireman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – K Surnames

KAAP, Robert E., Ensign, Supply Corps, USNR. Wie, Mrs. Barbara Jean Kaap, Box 358, Sunnyside. KAHL, Anthony, Pfc., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Korby Kahl, 1306 Garfield Ave., Yakima. KAISER, George Emil William, Watertender 1c, USN. Sons, George Thomas and William Frederick Kaiser, 531 N. Forest St., Bellingham. KAISER, Laurence Harold, Seaman 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kaiser, Endicott. KANE, Walter Maurice, Lt., Comdr., USNR. Wife, Mrs. Jeanne Marie Kane, 3450 Cascadia Ave., Seattle. KANE, William Evans, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Lena Hopper, Box 696, Edmonds. KAPEL, Albert Gasper, Signalman 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Mary Vrbantz, Veradale. KASCH, Clarence … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – P Surnames

PACHAUD, Robert Edwin, Watertender 1c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Pachaud, Keyport. PACKER, Dewey bud, Aviation Radioman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Doris Jean Packer, 2810 East Roy, Seattle. PADDOCK, Edward Leroy, Aviation Radioman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Margaret Doris Paddock, 1123 Van Ess St., Port Townsend. PAGE, Gilbert, Radarman 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Audrey Ilene Page, 4842 35th Sw, Seattle. PALMER, Robert Glenn, Seaman 1c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Palmer, 1216 E. Paine Ave., Olympia. PANETTO, Frederick Samuel, Lt., (jg), USN. Wife, Mrs. Virginia Maria Panetto, 3263 38th Ave., SW, Seattle. PARADIS, George Lawrence, Pharmacist’s Mate 3c, … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – E Surnames

EADS, Marshall William, Boatswain’s Mate 1c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Glen Eads, Star Route, Leavenworth. EADS, Robert Emes, Torpedoman’s Mate 3c, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roy Eads, Rt. 3, Box 211, Shelton. EARL, Joseph Orland, Seaman 1c, USNR. Father, Mr. Jake E. Earl, Rt. 2, Bothell. EARLING, Earl Gogstod, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. G. Earling, Box 52, Zenith. ECHTERNKAMP, Henry Clarence, Seaman 1c, USN. Father, Mr. William F. Echternkamp, Sequim. EDENS, Robert Stanley, Cpl., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Edens, 6522 30th Ave., NE, Seattle. EICHMANN, John Holbrook, Lt., USN. Wife, Mrs. Florence … Read more

Washington WW2 NMCG Casualty List – F Surnames

FAILER, Vernon, Radioman 2c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Marion Joan Failer, Rt. 2, Port Angeles. FALQUIST, Erven Frank, Radioman 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Dona Kane Falquist, Rt. 2, Ridgefield. FARMER, Vernon George, Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Birdie L. Swezea, 622 1st Ave., West Seattle. FARRIS, Harild Darwin, Seaman 1c, USN. Father, Mr. Oren Boyd Farris, 231 NE 7th St., Camas. FAYETTE, Louis Paul, Fireman 1c, USN. Father, Mr. Fred Frances Fayette, Blaine. FERREIRA, Lee Francis, Seaman 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Rose Hudson, Rt. 3, Box 221, Seattle. FERRIS, Allen Omar, Boatswain’s Mate 1c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Catherine Arlene Ferris, Rt. 76, … Read more